Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Christine's Car… July 25

The sky continued to get darker as I traveled through the city. Darkness did not matter to me, though. Plymouth was such a small place. Only corn fields lay to the left and right of my car, it seemed. But, even knowing the city so well, I still did not know it well enough to find particular roads at night.

But, I think I know where this road is. That thought kept creeping to the center of my mind.

So, with drive and ambition, I continued along my way.

I do wonder what my relatives are thinking… Although, I probably knew. They would see the letter, shrug, and continue with their perfect lives. But, then again, they may worry so much as to call cops. I shook my head in the negative. It didn't matter, anyway. I was now an adult. They held no power.

Johnson Street was the first my eyes came across. I took a right on it thinking I was doing the correct thing.

For some odd reason, I actually felt safe in the car. It was the weirdest thing. I had absolutely no reason to feel such security. My parents died in a car crash! But, still, I felt safe. I could not place why. I felt as if my kidnapper would never try to get me in a car.

Finally, just as I had hoped, a street called Caliber Drive came into view. "No way," I whispered. I didn't actually think I'd be right in knowing the street.

This was proving to be too easy.

And, just as I suspected, 75 Caliber Drive was at the end of the road… at the dead end. Although it was almost dark, I could tell it was a huge house. It was an old Victorian with three stories. At night, though, it looked like it could be haunted.

I decided to park on the side of the road a few houses down from it. When the car stopped, my fear came back ten-fold. It was as if the engine gave me life but, without it, I was as weak as ever.

Oh god, what am I doing? I can't do this! What was I thinking? What am I to do? Just knock on the front door? I don't think so!

I made sure the doors were locked before lowering my head to the steering wheel dejectedly. I needed to think. It was either: One, go back to Aunt Giry's, or two, do what I intended and get to the bottom of this entire ordeal.

Of course, now, after everything that'd happened, I just wanted to do what was easiest, which definitely didn't include going anywhere near my could-be kidnapper. But, before two weeks ago, I'd been a somewhat brave girl. I used logic whenever possible (which was all the time due to Meg's carelessness), and I had guts.

I suppose the 'old me' came out and encouraged me to do what I was doing. I was both grateful and terrified.

The worst that could happen would be death, and I thought I already knew what that felt like as I was being raped. The best would be to find out that Erik was not the kidnapper. Wait! What am I thinking? Why must I want him to be innocent? What did he do to gain my liking? Well, duh, he took me to the hospital when I was a complete wreck, but he might have done that to only… Well, to only what?

I was stuck. There was no reason for Erik to have brought me to the hospital. There was no reason for him to have helped me in such a way. But, there was a reason Nadir Kahn had visited me. Why had I suddenly become such an 'interest' to this Erik? For only a voice? For only my voice? That certainly was no good reason to send someone at 4 in the morning to my hospital room.

I moaned. My curiosity was stronger than ever, and the only way to sate it would be to get out of the car.

But, what was I to do when I got out of the car? I sat and tried to come up with a plan. Windows.. Of course! Before thinking further, I got out of the car and shut the door.

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