Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Flashback to… July 17

I awoke to the sound of a crackling fire but kept my eyes firmly shut. Confusion and some contentment settled over me. Maybe it had all been a dream… Maybe I hadn't been kidnapped, abused, and raped. Maybe I was laying in my comfortable bed at Aunt Giry's…

Though it was nice to imagine such fantasies, that's all they were- imaginings and fantasies.

In reality, there was so much pain in my left wrist, I couldn't help but wince. I had an excruciating headache, and, the proof that I had very much been violated, my thighs and insides ached horribly.

All that being known, I knew I wasn't at Aunt Giry's. The crackling of a fire was very real, and the feeling that someone was nearby wasn't false.

Finally, I decided to open my eyes. Better not to let my curiosity linger… The first thing my green eyes viewed was a vaulted ceiling. One could only call it 'elegant'. I blinked several times to focus, which made my head ache even more, and turned my focus to the right. There was a fireplace. A nice fireplace, too… Where am I?

"Ah, you are awake," a voice spoke, interrupting me from my thoughts.

Sitting up abruptly, I turned and saw where it came from- an armchair to the right of the couch held an imperial looking man in all black. The clothing looked to be very formal, and a white mask covered the majority of his face except lower jawline and mouth. Black hair covered the top of his head and shagged down to a little below the eyebrows. Light blue eyes stared at me intensely from behind the mask. The kidnapper…

I immediately stood, no matter how much it hurt, and backed away from him with my right hand covering my mouth. "No! Please, leave me alone!"

The man stood and slowly approached me while I continued to back away. "You were the one to intrude on my property." His tone was surprisingly calm but held a certain menacing intensity to it, which caused me to listen intently. It was overwhelming.

"Don't hurt me again!" I ran to the nearest door and turned the knob. Locked. "Oh, God, no!" I pounded on it with all the strength my right hand had. "Help me!" I cried desperately.

He crossed his arms and stood still staring at my display. "I will not hurt you."

His voice caused me to stop, and all was silent. How can one voice be so fascinating? "Wh- who are you?" I asked helplessly. But, did I really want to know the name of my rapist?

My question wouldn't be answered, anyway. Instead, he redirected it towards me.

"I must ask you the same question. Who are you?"

How dare he?! Surprised by my own bravery, I yelled, "I asked you first!"

He unfolded his arms and placed them by his sides. "My dear," he said with sarcasm, "You are in my domain, so you shall answer my questions."

It was a demand, and… it scared me… "I am not your dear!" He narrowed his eyes dangerously, which caused me to gulp. "My name's Christine," I muttered.

"Well, Christine…" My eyes widened at the way he spoke my name. "Why are you here?"

His avoidance of having anything to do with me was pissing me off. "Damn you! What do you mean, why am I here? I should be asking you the same question! Why am I here?"

"You are here because you fainted in my backyard."

"Yeah, because of you!"

"Your accusatory manner is very unappealing," he said through clenched teeth. "Now, I must ask again, why are you here? What on earth happened to you?" He gave me a once over with his eyes… those light blue eyes…

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