Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Erik's house… August 11

Third Person POV

Erik had never been so nervous. He didn't know what he was doing. He just knew he wanted everything to be perfect. So, what could the most meticulous man in the world do? Clean. Yes, he cleaned everywhere as fast as he could. The den was what he was most concerned about, for he assumed that's where they would be spending their time. The whole house was trashed, thanks to these rough past two weeks. But now he knew his rage had been all for nothing. 

It was right as he was arranging some piano music when the doorbell rang.

Erik's breath caught. He looked around once more before making his way to the door. Before opening it, he brushed the front of his clothing, cleared his throat, and smoothed his hair.

Then, he opened the door.

Christine was shaking with nerves as she drove to Erik's house. I can't believe everything that's happened in the last hour... Am I ready for this?

Of course I am, she decided. I need him.

She approached the house and smiled. It was certainly a nice home. Two stories and Victorian-styled. He definitely had good taste.

She tentatively got out of her car and slowly walked to the door. I hope I look ok.. I hope Meg didn't overdo it..

Then, finally, she rang the doorbell and waited anxiously.

Erik gazed lovingly, but also nervously, at the young woman he had thought he would never see again. She looked incredible in a red top with a scooped neck and black capris. Her curls were down and cascading below her shoulders. The jewelry she wore accentuated her porcelain features. She was beautiful.

Erik was so on edge now that he didn't know what to do or say.

Christine was the first to speak. Blushing, she said, "Hi," softly.

There were so many things Erik had experienced in his life. So many horrible things. And so, this sort of moment was something completely foreign to him. He did know one thing, though. I need to stop gawking at her. "Hello," he greeted just as softly.

They just stood there for a moment looking at one another. Erik blinked and decided to stop acting so foolish. This is Christine, not some stranger! Be civil! "Please, come in."

Christine was glad he was finally saying something. She felt so awkward. "Thanks." She walked in and could sense his eyes on her. I guess Meg really knew what she was doing when she picked out this outfit. He wouldn't be staring if he didn't like what he saw… I guess..

"Would you like something to drink?"

Christine nodded with a smile.


"Please." She walked towards the kitchen, but Erik stopped her.

"Here, why don't you sit in the den and I will bring it to you?"

Christine didn't want him to feel like her slave or something, but she did as requested nonetheless.

Erik practically ran to the kitchen and fumbled around trying to remember how to actually make tea. The easiest task in the world seemed like a difficult game of chess at the moment. He wanted to return to her as quickly as possible.

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