Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hospital Room… July 25

I awoke at 10:00 am to a nurse bringing breakfast. I would definitely be glad to get away from hospital food. 'Get away'.. I will be leaving today! My heart pounded in anticipation.

"Are you excited about finally getting out of here?" The nurse smiled at me looking like she already knew the answer.

I replied with a rather happy, "Yes," and she left me to my food.

After breakfast, I got up and put on real clothing, glad to finally get out of hospital attire. A pink shirt and jeans framed my overly skinny body. I stared in the mirror at my frail reflection and sighed.

Problems and anxious thoughts began to form in my mind. My God, I'm going to be outside in the open soon. What if he finds me? What if that Nadir guy and Erik are watching my every move? I wrung my hands nervously. Well, at least I'll have Aunt Giry and Meg.

Aunt Giry and Meg! I still had yet to see either of them. I wasn't unhappy about that, though, and I felt bad for thinking that. I just didn't know if I could face them yet.

I realized that it was going to be so difficult to associate with others. Damn him! The three of us would probably never be comfortable around each other again. They would always tip-toe around me…

The only good thing I could think of in this whole situation was the fact that I would be going to college soon. Then, I would be able to get away and start a new life. That would be heavenly.

A doctor came in a few minutes later and examined me for the final time. "Well, Christine, I guess we won't be seeing you around here anymore."

"Let's hope not," I replied. This was the last place I ever wanted to return to again.

"Yes, let's hope not." His eyes took on a sympathetic look before concentrating on my wrist. "Well, this is healing nicely. The cast will be taken off in a few months. It's a bad sprain." I nodded.

"Um, is my aunt in the lobby?" I needed to know if I had a ride.

"Let me see." He left and returned minutes later. "Yes, both your aunt and cousin are there waiting for you."

"Ok." I was nervous about seeing them.

"Well, Christine, it has been a pleasure having you as a patient, although the circumstances were most unfortunate."

What an awkward way to say bye, I thought while shifting slightly. "Yeah, but I think I'll be ok." Huge lie. "Thank you for taking care of me." We shook hands, and he left the room.

A nurse then came into the room with a wheelchair. "Am I riding in that?"

"It's hospital leaving procedure," she simply replied.

Motioning for me to sit down in the wheelchair, I glanced around the small plain room one last time. Sighing and almost wishing to stay locked up in here forever, I hesitantly got in the wheeled contraption and allowed her to roll me to the lobby.

I instantly got out of the wheelchair the moment we reached the lobby, not wanting to look weak. I thanked the nurse and searched the room for my family.

Aunt Giry saw me and came running. "Christine!" She hugged my tense body enthusiastically. Meg stood looking almost as scared as I felt.

I bit my lip and mumbled, "Hi, guys." My eyes darted throughout the waiting area. I was scared to death of seeing any man wearing a mask.

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