Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Hospital room… July 23

I was running, yet again, through the woods. I was ALWAYS running! And, it was ALWAYS from him.

I couldn't help it. I had to look behind me. The curiosity and apprehension were just too much to handle.

When I did so, there he was. Chasing me… and getting closer. My eyes went from the mask on his face to the dagger in his left hand.

He would murder me this time.

I kept running. I had to keep running. I couldn't stop. If I did, I would die. But, one cannot run forever. My pace was slowing, his was speeding up.

And then, he was upon me. Knife at my throat, I knew it was all over…

My eyes flew open, and I sat bolt upright in the hospital bed, cold sweat on my forehead. I let out a gasp of shock upon seeing Mr. Norris, the policeman, in a chair beside the bed. "Oh," I yelped in surprise. "I didn't know you were here."

"I'm sorry I startled you," he instantly apologized. "I just arrived. Were you having a nightmare?"

I could only nod in the affirmative. I didn't want to explain it.

It seemed he didn't need an explanation. He probably knew the gist of what it was about. "Um.. well, will you continue where you left off yesterday? Do you feel up to it?"

"Yes, I need to continue." I waited until he pressed 'record' on the recorder before continuing the story.

Flashback to… July 16

Freedom had never felt so good, yet so frightening. I was walking as fast as I could through the woods expecting him to show up at any time. Please don't let him find me again… Please.. I was still in so much pain. I really didn't think I could endure anymore of it.

Minutes felt like hours as I walked further and further. When will the woods end? It looked as though it wouldn't be anytime soon.

I was so sick of being afraid, so sick of not knowing what would happen next. I didn't even know for sure how long I had been away from normal society. I wonder what Meg is thinking.. and Aunt Giry… I could only hope someone was searching for me at that very moment. The thought of being rescued caused tears to gather in my eyes.. I wanted to feel safe so badly!

Every move I made caused my insides to throb horribly. I knew, if I were to be rescued, I would have to visit a hospital. I probably look awful! And I know I have at least one sprained or broken bone! I wonder what people will say if I get out of here… They'll think I'm weirder than they did before..

The seemingly never ending walk brought many thoughts to my mind. I'm so hungry! I wonder how long it's been since my last meal? I know what he did to me has probably made me hungrier. His violence has drained my energy… I'm so thirsty, too. Damn him!

It seemed like days were passing, although it was, most likely, hours. How much longer? I thought in agony. It had gotten to the point where I had to hold my immobile left arm with my right hand. Allowing it to stay at my side hurt because it would sway helplessly from side to side. My face hurt, and I had the most terrible pain between my legs! I just wanted to sit down and cry, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. I would just get weaker.

The sun was setting. Oh no! This is not good! Where was I to go? I definitely couldn't see to walk in the dark. Was I to sleep on the ground? I had never had to do that before. My God, what if he finds me while I'm sleeping?... Wait, what am I thinking? There's no way I'll be able to sleep!

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