Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hospital room… July 22

The following day, July 22, Good lord, was it already almost August?, the policeman returned to my room as he said he would. I found I couldn't continue the day before. It was just too exhausting. Speaking of the memory felt so much like actually being there that I had to explain it in sections.

"Ms. Daae?" The man spoke as if I had lost my hearing during the traumatic event, as well as many other things..

"Yes sir?" I asked to let him know I wasn't deaf.

"If it's not too strenuous for you, I would like it if you would continue where we left off... Do you remember-?"

"Yes, I remember. Of course I will continue. I'll do whatever it takes to catch him."

Flashback to… July 15

I continued to run, although I knew it was probably hopeless. He was gaining on me. I knew this because I could hear the crackling of leaves getting closer.

Crazy wishes were forming in my brain. I wish I could fly! I wish I could fly far away from here! No, I wish I were invisible! Please God, make me disappear! The more I thought on my wishes, the slower my pace became due to lack of concentration. He was very close now…

Suddenly, my hair was yanked viciously from behind. I screamed louder than ever as I lost balance and fell to the ground. My clothes were pulled from the grasp of my right hand, and I looked up into the masked face of my kidnapper and, most likely, soon-to-be murderer.

I was left momentarily paralyzed from shock as I watched him place a finger to his lips indicating a command of silence. It was the first human act I had witnessed and, somehow, it terrified me worse than anything as of yet.

Then, I watched through clouded eyes as he took hold of the shirt I had worn previously and brought it towards my face. In a matter of moments, I was no longer able to see. He had blindfolded me!

I screamed and thrashed my limbs about violently in a desperate attempt at self defense. "Stop! Please stop!"

Before I could continue with my pitiful cries, my arms and legs were stilled and crushed by the weight of his body, and I felt his lips upon my own.

I tried to jerk my head away, but, as fate would have it, his lips were firm and demanding. Although I was most certainly aware of what he planned to do, it didn't make the situation any less disgusting. The demented pervert was trying to arouse himself before raping me.

As a sick growl of unwillingness escaped my throat, he brought his mouth from mine only to replace it with my own right hand that he was holding.

My overwhelming terror was causing a strange dizziness to take over, and I was barely able to hear the sound of his belt and pants being removed.

I shrieked the best I could into the hand covering my mouth and made my last frantic attempt to flee. Of course, it was to no advantage whatsoever, so I proceeded to take the deepest breaths I could manage. My virgin body wasn't ready for this, but there was no way out. I closed my blindfolded eyes tightly, and my whole body tensed in fear.

Then, without any warning, the worst pain I had ever known overtook my body. My entire lower body was throbbing in pain! My eyes widened to the size of golf balls as, it seemed, he tore an ungodly hole into me. It felt like I would surely die. There was absolutely no way this kind of pain was curable. I would bleed to death! I just knew it!

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