Chapter 11

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hapter 11

Nadir Kahn's car… July 26

The passing surroundings were too dark to be described with clarity. All I knew was that we were headed towards Kentucky. I'd never been to that part of the country and would have loved to enjoy the new place, except.. there was one problem… We were going there to find the man who raped me. It pretty much ruined the whole trip.

It was past midnight now. 2:15 am to be exact. The only sound was that of soft classical music coming from the CD player.

I couldn't sleep. The meaning of the trip was one reason, sure, plus the fact that sleep never came easy anymore.. but there was one more reason- Erik was sitting right beside me to the left. It felt weird not talking to him, but I didn't know what to say. He was such a mysterious man. If only my damn kidnapper hadn't looked exactly like him! One thing remained, though.. Even though he did look like William Grant, he wasn't. He was my hero. He saved me from the nightmare.

"You should sleep." The sentence disturbed my thoughts. It was Erik who spoke, and I couldn't help but enjoy the magnificent sound of his voice. How was it that one man could possess such a voice?

"Sorry, but I am driving," Nadir replied.

"I was not speaking to you, Daroga," he snapped rudely. Addressing me again, he softly said, "You should sleep, Ms. Daae."

I had no idea how he could tell I was awake. I certainly couldn't see him in the darkness. "You have good vision."


"Well, I can't sleep," I admitted, looking down sadly.

"And, why is that?" He seemed truly interested in what I had to say.

"I'm not sure." Of course, I was sure, but I couldn't tell him. It'd make me look weak, and that was the last thing I wanted.

"Well, do try." His voice was sincere.

That voice.. There was just something about it that made me want to listen forever. It was so smooth and comforting. Actually, it was making me realize just how tired I was. Exhausted, really. "You're right," I said sleepily and yawned.

I leaned my head against the head rest and closed my eyes.

I awoke to light hitting my eyes. The car wasn't moving. All was silent. For a moment, that scared me to death, but I then remembered why I was in the car. Suddenly, I froze.

My head wasn't against the head rest anymore... It was against Erik's shoulder. I blushed fiercely and quickly sat up. Really, I didn't want to look at him for fear of him looking angry or something, but I glanced his way on instinct. He was awake and looking straight ahead. My blush deepened.

Nadir was sleeping in the front seat. I was glad for him to rest. He deserved it. Then, my attention focused back on the masked man. That stupid mask always made me cringe. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Do not apologize, Ms. Daae-"

"Please, call me Christine," I interrupted. The way he referred to me was too formal, yes, but I also wished to hear his voice saying my name. I felt like a child.

"Well, it is fine, Christine. You needed rest. My shoulder served as your pillow. Nothing is wrong with that." He looked into my eyes with a strange intensity, and I blushed. He then looked ahead again.

"Thanks." There was silence, and I became aware of the fact that I really wished to speak to him about something. So, I decided to. "Erik, um, I don't think I ever got a chance to tell you.. I want to thank you for taking me to the hospital that day. I- you saved me. You really did." I turned my eyes towards him shyly and saw that he was staring at me with a mixture of warmth and sympathy.

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