Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Nadir Kahn's house… July 25

I instantly stood from my seat. "Y-you what?"

"We know who kidnapped you," Erik repeated, his voice calm.

How can he be so calm?… Of course! "It really was you, wasn't it? My god, it was! Y-you liar!" I began to shake uncontrollably as I pointed an accusing finger at him and backed away in fear.

He stood, as well, but did not move towards me. "It was not me. I thought we had already come to this conclusion."

"Yeah, well, the conclusion's changed. I don't believe you!" I continued to back away until I was up against the wall.

Nadir let out an agitated sort of groan and spoke. "Ms. Daae, control yourself. Erik did not kidnap you. Please, sit down. We will explain."

I really had no other choice, so I forcefully became calm and sat back down. "So, as you were saying, then. Who did it?" I still fully believed they were lying to me and that something terrible was going to happen.

Erik sat back down. "Before I say the name, allow me to tell the story. It will help you believe I am stating the truth."

"Ok then, go for it." I crossed my arms nervously and waited.

"Well, the night Daroga visited your hospital room-"

I interrupted. "It was morning if I remember correctly. And, you mean Nadir?" I looked at the man I knew as Nadir, and he nodded.

"As I was saying," Erik said impatiently. "I discovered that he actually spoke to you. You were not thrilled to see him, to say the least. You seeing him was not part of the plan.. but the visit was not a complete waste. While you were trying to force him out of your room, he discovered something."

My ears listened eagerly.

"You see, Daroga used to be a cop, hence the title I give him- the Daroga. He knows everything pertaining to the business."

I glanced at Nadir, and he shrugged in a humble manner. I then looked back at Erik. At first, his appearance had scared the hell out of me, but I was actually beginning to get used to it.

"He noticed there were no signs indicating a cop was still trying to get the story from you. We both know what an interrogation process is like, yet again due to Daroga's skills. That being said, he knew that it had come to a close."

"How exactly did you know that?" I asked suspiciously. "I mean, like, did the cop put a freaking camera that was really noticeable in my room or something while he was still trying to get the story from me?"

"No, not at all," Nadir replied. "Actually, the police leave their tape recorders in the room when they investigate a crime."

I blushed, feeling silly for what I'd previously said. "Oh, that's all? Ok."

"As I was saying..." Erik cut into our little side conversation. "When he came to fill me in on the news-"

I angrily interrupted. "What right did the two of you even have to figure out who kidnapped me? Why in the world would you interfere? Nadir told me that you had some interest in my singing, but why? Why go to all this trouble for a voice?"

Erik stared at me, and I blushed under his intensity. "We will get to your voice at a different time. I interfered because you were afraid. You were afraid of my appearance. You see, Ms. Daae, the mask I wear is handcrafted. I created it many years ago. Your fear indicated that the kidnapper must have had a mask that was a replica of my own. Not many people use a mask like mine in the midst of a crime. So, I knew that I needed to solve the puzzle. I knew that I must have known the person at one time."

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