Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nadir's car; Aunt Giry's house; Erik's house… July 27-28

Christine's POV

The sun rose slowly we drove through the familiar streets of Plymouth. There were few cars on the road and no people on the streets. Stores were closed. Most normal people were probably still in bed asleep, away from the worries of the world. But, not me. Would I ever be away from the worries? No, probably not. But the sun would always rise anyway...

Perhaps this was the path my life was meant to take. The poor, unfortunate, parentless Christine who had everything swiped from her, even virginity. The girl who would only see pity in others' eyes. Yes, that was me. That would always be me.

I sighed and turned my head to a voice which was speaking to me. The voice of the only person who could understand my situation.

"Where do you wish to go, Christine?" Erik asked.

Where did I 'wish' to go? Well, I couldn't go by my wishes. I knew where I 'needed' to go, though. I needed to leave my friends. I'm sure they are sick of me, the only girl in the group. We'd had our adventure and we'd conquered. Now, it was time for it to end. So, with a sadness my voice would probably always have, I answered. "Home."

There was a pause before he said, "Very well. Where is 'home'?"

I directed him until the car pulled into the drive way of my aunt's house. I gulped. My only family would probably hate me. I turned towards Erik and forced a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. "Well.."

"Well.." he repeated.

There was something I knew I needed to give him. It hit me in that moment. I felt so close to him... And, when I thought hard about it, I knew there were probably deeper feelings than I was letting on. Without thinking further on the thoughts that couldn't matter, though, I reached into my purse and brought out something tiny. "Here," I said, handing it to him. I physically took hold of his wrist with my good hand before placing the pin in his hand. It was one of the many tokens left behind by my parents. This particular one was a red rose pin. Painted red for the petals and green for the stem covered the silver. I usually always kept it with me. "It was my mother's."

He stared at it long and hard before looking at me with an unreadable expression and speaking. "Christine, I cannot take this."

"No, please Erik. I want you to have it. It's yours."

Erik's POV

I stared at the small pin. It was the only gift I'd ever received. And, I knew it meant so much to her. There was no way I could take it without a guilty conscious. I looked at her and found I was surprisingly close to tears. "Christine, I cannot take this."

She did not want it back. I am sure she saw it as a parting gift.


I did not wish to part! I want her as my gift. I looked at the pin again and closed my eyes in order to bottle the pain inside my heart.

The woman I loved was leaving. The only person I had ever loved was leaving. "Daroga would wish to say goodbye." Anything to keep her here for more time.

"When he wakes up, please tell him that I thank him from the bottom of my heart. Erik, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, too."

Then, she did something I would never forget. Her hand reached out and touched the mask on my face. "You know, you don't have to wear it around me."

All I could do was stare at the beautiful angel I would never see again. A sad smile came to her face and she began to open the car door. "Well,-"

"Wait!" I exclaimed, louder than I meant to. Wait for what? Wait for forever? Yes, that's it. I could not think of what to say. My mouth was dry, my heart was hammering, and I felt tears trying to escape. It seemed my entire life rested in her lovely hands. And, that life would disappear as soon as she walked away.

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