Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Christine's house, Nadir's house… August 11

Third Person POV

Nadir heard the phone ring from his place on the couch in his home. He wasn't staying with Erik anymore. Erik didn't want anyone near him, so Nadir finally chose to leave him be. There was nothing else he could do.

Or so he thought…

Shoulder still aching, he managed to get to the phone on the third ring. "Hello?"

There was a long silence before Christine spoke. "Hi, Nadir."

Nadir blinked and then asked, "Christine?"

"Yeah.. it's me."

He ran his fingers through his dark hair. "How are you? Are you alright? You do not sound well."

Christine gulped. 'Are you alright?' No, far from it. "I'm fine," she lied. "I was just wondering, where are you right now?"

One of his eyebrows rose. "Well, I'm here at my house. You called my home number…"

She blushed. "Oh yeah, oops.." Pull yourself together! "So, um.."

"Yes?" She sounded so unsure of herself.

"Yeah, sorry.. This is really hard.."

"What is really hard?"

"I need to know if Erik's there," she finally blurted out.

Nadir's face relaxed some now that he knew what was going on. Of course.. She misses him. "No, I haven't seen him in over a week. Why?"

Christine was about to lie and say, 'It doesn't matter', or something of that nature, but Meg's motivation kept replaying in her mind. "No, it does matter." She didn't mean to say that aloud. "I mean, where is he?"

"At his home, I suppose. What's going on, Christine?"

She knew she shouldn't leave him in the dark. "Nadir, this is important. To me, anyway. Not seeing him is killing me. I'm sure you're wondering why that is.."

Nadir already knew but asked, "Yes, why?"

She couldn't believe she was actually about to tell him.. Ok, I can do this..

Suddenly though, Nadir said something that made Christine's eyes widen. "Erik, hello old friend!"

She gasped.

"Erik is here," he said into the phone. Then, returning his attention to him, Nadir said, "Erik, come in. Sit down. I will be with you momentarily.

Christine heard the love of her life speak in the background. "Who are you talking to, Daroga?"

Then, before Nadir could say a word, Christine whispered, "Do not say my name!"

Nadir rolled his eyes. He'd definitely had enough of their games. No more. They cannot deny their feelings any longer. "I am speaking to Christine."

"Nadir!" Christine shrieked.

She couldn't hear Erik in the background. Who knows what he's thinking. I shouldn't have called. Trying to be as calm as possible, Christine began, "Nadir-…"

He interrupted while looking at his masked friend. "Erik, would you like to speak to her?"

Christine yelled Nadir's name again with annoyance.

Erik was in a state of shock. He couldn't believe Christine was on the other line. He never thought he'd hear from her again.

But, maybe Nadir was not being serious. It would not be the first time. He whispered, "Daroga, do not toy with me."

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