Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Hospital room… July 24

What happens when I get out of this hospital? I thought to myself while twiddling a curl of brown hair. I wondered if I could handle a 'normal' life again.

Different counselors had visited in the six days I'd been confined to this room, but I hadn't been truly honest with any of them. Their concerns frightened me, after all. I certainly didn't want to attend therapy sessions for the remainder of my life, due to the trauma.

I wanted to go to college! I wanted to sing! … I wanted to find out who the masked man truly was… Of course, not the man who raped me- but, the man who brought me here.. Even if he did prove to be my rapist, at least I would know..

So, of course, I couldn't tell them the truth. 'I'm scared to death! I'm barely able to blink anymore! My dreams are always nightmares! I just want to curl into a ball and cry!' No, I couldn't tell them any of that. Instead, I told them of my courage and resistance of allowing the trauma to take over. I insisted on being able to handle what had happened to me. I lied. That was all I wanted to do.

And, after this final meeting with Mr. Norris, I would be able to really get on with life. No more reliving the nightmare!

Meg and Aunt Giry hadn't visited me at all during the six days of confinement. I didn't want them to, so they weren't allowed. The privileges of being 18… It is my choice who visits. I really hadn't gotten over the embarrassment that something of this magnitude could happen, so I didn't want to show my face to anyone other than authorities.

A knock on the hospital door interrupted me from thoughts. "Come in."

Mr. Norris and another male entered the room. "Good morning, Ms. Daae." He looked at the other male and continued, "This is David Lavery. He will be of purpose during this final meeting."

I nodded and studied the new visitor. He looked to be younger than Mr. Norris.. maybe close to my own age.. Blonde hair, brown eyes, nice build, casual attire- at one time, he would have been nice to look at. Now, though, I didn't trust men, which proved as yet another thing a therapist would probably be interested in hearing.

"Well, as I told you yesterday, we'll finish up today. From all that you've told me, Ms. Daae, the force has been able to gather some substantial information. The final step is for the information to be drawn out. We would like to be able to have an image of who we're looking for. So, that's where David takes over. He is a professional artist with a minor in sketching for us."

David stepped forward and held out his right hand. I shook it with my own while he spoke. "Hello, Christine."

"Hi," I replied trying to keep distrust from my tone.

He took a seat and gathered a sketch board and pencil from a bag. "Now, could you describe this man for me?"

"Which man?" I asked.

David's eyes were incredulous, and Mr. Norris instantly spoke up. "Your kidnapper, of course, Ms. Daae."

"Oh, so you mean, the first man?"

"Ms. Daae, we aren't sure if what you call, the 'first' and 'second' man aren't, in fact, the same person, are we?" Mr. Norris pointed out.

"Well, no, I guess not," I replied. "He was about 6' 3, maybe. He had light blue eyes. Umm.. he had shaggy black hair that went to a little below his eyebrows.. although, I couldn't see his eyebrows, or pretty much any of his face, for that matter, because he was wearing a black mask. The mask covered everything except his lower jawline and mouth. But, I did remove it one time.. He had a completely normal face.. like, an everyday sort of person; definitely not someone I would picture as a kidnapper. I can't remember all of the details now, but I do remember he was white- kind of pale, actually. There really wasn't anything out of the usual about his appearance, really. No flaws at all." I paused before continuing with, "He wore all black clothing- black boots, black pants, black shirt, and a black leather jacket. He also wore black leather gloves." I noticed David wasn't drawing, just writing. "Um, yeah, that's all, I guess."

""What type of build did he have? Was he fat, average, skinny?"

"He was pretty skinny, yeah. He was really built, though.. I could tell.." I couldn't help but cringe, and David nodded sympathetically.

"Now, you saw his face. Was it more of a round or oval shape?"

"Well, I guess it was more oval."

"Ok. His nose- was it large, pointy, pug-like, small?"

"It wasn't large or small or pointy or pug-like, really. More pointy, I guess. But really, it was just, well, normal."

"Any facial hair?"


"And, one more question. His lips- were they thin, thick?"

"They were a little on the thin side."

"Alright, thank you, Christine," David finally said before beginning to draw all that had been described to him.

In the midst of drawing the shape of his face, he softly said, "Tell me how I'm doing. Anything that needs changing, just say it," without taking his eyes off the page.

All was silent while he drew. I couldn't help but stare at his right hand- the hand he used to draw. It moved over the page so smoothly.. Then, he got to the nose. "Oh!"

David quickly stopped and looked into my eyes. "Yes?"

I blushed a little but continued, "Sorry, it's just, it wasn't that pointy."

"Ok, thanks for telling me." He quickly erased the tip of the nose on the page and drew another. "That better?"

"Yeah, that's it."

When he came to the lips, I was forced to stop him again. "Um, I think they were a little thicker than that, maybe."

"Alright." He corrected his mistake, made sure I approved, and continued on.

Not too much time passed before he was finished. "Wow, that didn't take long. And, it looks like him," I calmly stated. I was sick at looking at the drawing, but I couldn't seem to take my eyes off it.

David seemed to notice, because he tore the sheet out of the notebook and stuck it under a clean sheet so that it wasn't in her line of sight any longer. "Now, I need to draw his face with the mask. It was black?" I nodded. "And, it covered his whole face, except the lower jawline and mouth?" I nodded again. He quickly traced the outline of the face on the page underneath and began drawing the mask.

There really wasn't much to it, so it didn't take him long at all. "Done," he finally exclaimed.

Mr. Norris stood from his chair and walked over towards my hospital bed. "Thank you, David. If you will, wait for me in the hall."

David gathered his things and turned towards me. "I- I'm sorry for all that you've been through, Christine. Nobody should have to go through that. It was a real pleasure meeting you. Take care. Bye."

"Bye," I softly replied. I watched him, trying to erase the uncalled for distrust of my stare, until he left the room. I then looked at Mr. Norris.

"Well, Christine, I guess we're all through."

"Yes, I guess so." Thank goodness I at least almost fully trusted this man. I supposed it was because he was a police officer.

"I, too, am sorry you've had to go through this terrible ordeal. If- I mean, when we find him, he will pay for what he did to you." There was a look of fake confidence on his face.

My eyes filled with tears, but I didn't allow them out. "Thank you, Mr. Norris.. for everything." At the peak of my emotions, I sat up and hugged him. It felt good to hug somebody.

He seemed a little uncomfortable, at first, but within seconds he slightly returned the hug. "Well, take care, Ms. Daae. I know you'll be happier when you're out of this hospital."

"Yeah, I know I will be. Bye." I watched as he left, and I couldn't help but compare him to my father.. but only slightly. He was the only person I had yet to tell the story to, and I wished him all the luck in the world. Please find him.. Please..

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