Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Erik's house, Aunt Giry's house… July 28

Erik's POV

"Daroga, don't you dare!" In an instant, I was directly in front of Nadir, who was now holding a phone book defensively in front of him.

"Now, now, Erik. This is the way it has to be. You cannot expect me to sit around while you suffer. Why are you not thanking me, old friend?"

Dangerously, I replied, "I am not thanking you for many reasons. In fact, I should be Punjabing you for this! How dare you interfere!"

"Erik, there is no way to sway me. You and I both know you deserve some happiness. Now, please, step aside."

I could not understand his actions. Why would this man be trying to help me? I, who was always so cruel, had never bestowed happiness upon him, so why would he insist on bestowing it upon me? "Daroga, I am in no mood to hurt you when you are already injured.." Our eyes bore into one another's.

Nadir sighed. "Erik, trust me. It will be fine. I am not calling her and blatantly asking if she is madly in love with you. I am only calling to ask if she wants to visit. She will suspect nothing.. Unless you want her to know, of course. That would be all too easy-"

"No!" I sighed and continued, "I suppose I will allow this." Seeing her again would be a dream come true.. I then slowly stepped aside and allowed Nadir access to the phone.

Christine's POV

I lay in bed having just slept a good zero hours. I felt so drained- physically, mentally, emotionally. Everything was wrong. It was hard to define my pain.

I tried to imagine what this day could have been like had the past two weeks never occurred. I pictured myself singing and shopping with Meg. No interferences. Just plain enjoyment.

But, of course, it was only a nice dream. Why I couldn't accept the fact that life sucked and would probably always suck was beyond me.

Why? That was my question while sitting up in bed. What do I do? The last thing I wanted to do was leave the seclusion of my bedroom.

So, I lay back and looked up at my ceiling. It was void of color besides white, just like my heart was void of feeling besides an overwhelming sadness.

After several minutes of only staring, I finally came to a conclusion. I need help…

Right then, the sound of the telephone ringing invaded my thoughts. It stopped after two rings, so I assumed my aunt or cousin answered it.

I didn't care.

Not one bit.

Not until there was a knock at my door. "Chris, sweetie?" It was Meg's voice.

I cleared my throat and asked in the most cheerful voice I could muster, "Yes?"

"Um, there's someone on the phone for you…"

That definitely surprised me. I was tempted to tell her to leave me alone, but something held me back. "Ok, I've got it in here." I picked up the phone on my bedside table and just stared at it.

"Ok," Meg said.

Then, slowly, I pressed the 'talk' button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" came my timid voice.

"Good afternoon, Christine." It was Nadir.

I sat up in bed, my mood changing slightly to something happier than misery. I looked at my clock and found it to be 3:00 pm. "Hi, Nadir." This time, the happy tone wasn't forced, but I was confused. "How do you know this number?"

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