Chapter Four- Mabel's New Obsession

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Dipper hears Mabel's cry for help, and glances outside, nonchalantly.
All he sees is a short glimpse of a shadow running into the forest.
"Huh," he grunts, laying back down, not a care in the world. "Whatever,"
He closes his eyes and drifts back off to sleep.
Mabel wakes up, slung over Dark Mage's shoulder.
She looks down to see Dark Mage's back. She doesn't dare to move, and pretends to still be asleep.
We're not to their quarters yet, Mabel thinks, IF that's where she's taking me, since she's now an outcast there.
Mabel sweats, knowing she must be patient (which isn't a strong attribute of hers), though she can hear her heart beating a mile a minute, and feels like she's shaking harder than an earthquake.
Ya gotta time this right, Mabel! Mabel thinks to herself. You got this, Mabel!
Once she feels Dark Mage loosen her grip a bit, getting used to Mabel's limp body, Mabel knows it's now or never.
One...two... Mabel thinks, silently charging dark energy in her fist, which is also slung over Dark Mage's back.
She conjures up the biggest dark blast she can muster, splitting her from Dark Mage's grasp.
Dark Mage spins around, instantly yelling and sprinting towards her.
Dark Mage is only a few steps away from her when she yells, "Gizmhklig!"
There's a dark blast, and Mabel appears back in her bedroom, sweating, and gasping.
Dipper sleepily opens one eye.
"Have a fun walk?" Dipper asks.
Mabel snaps her gaze up to him, and stands up.
"Dipper...I was...just...captured by...Dark Mage..!" Mabel gasps.
"Oh, so that's why you yelled for help!" Dipper laughs, closing his eye again.
Mabel pauses, letting that sentence sink in.
"You...heard me yell...?" Mabel asks.
"Yeah," Dipper states. "And?"
"Well...why didn't you...I don't!?" Mabel asks, her anger level starting to rise.
"I was tired, what can I say?" Dipper says, smiling. "Plus, I didn't see ya, so I couldn't be sure and what not,"
Mabel takes a deep breath, in and out, trying to calm down.
"Thanks, Dipper," Mabel sighs sarcastically.
She closes her eyes because she feels tears starting to form. "This has been a crummy, yet much needed reminder that I need to get on with the research...and that I'm on my own for now," she says.
Mabel grabs the journal and storms out.
"Huh, I wonder if she is mad?" Dipper asks aloud to himself. He laughs.
"What am I saying? Who cares!" he finishes. "We all die eventually!"
He mumbles, falling asleep again.
It's been five days since Mabel escaped Dark Mage's grasp.
Mabel let Gray know about Dark Mage, so Gray and White Mage have kept an eye out for her, forcing her to stay hidden in the shadows of the forest, plotting her next attempt at kidnapping Mabel.
Mabel has been up every night, researching the journal, digging, searching for something to bring Dipper back.
Most nights she's gotten no sleep at all.
And her days aren't much different; she's coldly devoted herself to research.
"Uh...Mabel...?" Wendy asks, peeking into their room. "Here's...your lunch,"
"Thanks," Mabel yawns, taking it and setting it aside, scribbling in the journal.
"Jeez, sometimes I think you and Dipper switched bodies again...heh," Wendy cautiously says, concerned.
"Yeeeaaah...I know I haven't been around much, but...I just have to do this!" Mabel mumbles, rubbing her temples in frustration.
"Stan's gettin' worried...same with Candy, Grenda, and Soos," Wendy says. "And me,"
"I've...already talked to you guys about this," Mabel sighs, rubbing her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm...yawn...almost there,"
Wendy frowns, and sighs.
"How, Dipper?" Wendy sighs, a glint of worry in her eyes.
"Pretty bored!" Dipper smiles. "I've tried talkin' to Shooting Sta--"
"Mabel!" Mabel interrupts.
"Right, right! To Mabel here, but apparently she finds my depressing questions a bore!"
"Don't know why," Wendy sighs again, shaking her head.
"Hey, Red, do you wanna hear a question?" Dipper smiles. "What do you think the meaning of--"
"Nah, I'm good, dude!" Wendy says, backing out, hands up in surrender-style.
Dipper shrugs, and lays back down.
"Hey, if you won't eat that, I will!" Dipper smiles, pointing to Mabel's lunch.
Mabel sighs.
"Go ahead," she mumbles.
Stan looks up when he hears Wendy returning from Mabel's room, ears perked. But when he sees Wendy's gloomy expression, Stan sighs.
"Still not doin' well, huh?" Stan sighs.
"Nope," Wendy replies.
"Has she...told ya why she's suddenly more obsessed with the journal than Dipper is!?" Stan grunts.
Wendy pauses.
"Nah," Wendy sighs. "Not...yet,"
She still doesn't want Stan knowing. Wendy sighs.
"Oh...okay," Stan sighs. "I'm worried about her...and Dipper. All he does is lay up in his bed all day. Is he just there to support Mabel in this phase of hers or somethin'?"
"Yeah...somethin' like that," Wendy sighs, placing her hand on Stan's shoulder. "And...we all are worried. And, I've told her that, she just..."
Stan and Wendy look at the ground, at a stand still.
"Well, I can get back to work then," Stan mumbles awkwardly. "If she wants to spend her summer like this, ignoring Ducktective marathons with ol' Stan, then...I guess that's her choice,"
Wendy nods, awkwardly straightening up and walking back to her desk.
"But, y'know...thanks for checkin' up on her!" Stan grunts, looking back.
"No prob, Grunk!" Wendy smiles, winking.
It's 3 A.M., and Mabel is still vigorously studying the journal.
"You better be happy when I get you back, Dipper!" she mumbles. "This is soooo against my very being!"
"Huh?" Dipper asks from his bed.
"I wasn't talking to you," Mabel sighs.
"Okay!" Dipper grins, closing his eyes again.
"Just...a couple...more pages and..." Mabel starts, when she collapses, her cheek pressing against the pages of the journal, snoring.
Meanwhile, Dipper starts to moan again.
He twitches, eyes squeezed shut, rolling back and forth in bed, until he falls off and onto the floor.
Dipper looks up, eyes wide and pupils small, gasping.
He takes a moment to shake his head and collect himself, and then quickly stands up.
He rummages around, looking for his journal, throwing things to the side to find it, knowing he doesn't have much time.
"Where is it, where is it...!?" Dipper mumbles. He notices a dim glow on the floor from a candle.
He turns on a light, and widens his eyes in surprise.
He sees Mabel, fast asleep, the journal open.
He sighs and grins.
"I knew I could count on you," he whispers.
He carefully walks over, and notices the purple rings under her eyes.
He frowns, and checks the time; 3:35 in the morning.
He begins to sweat and his vision gets a bit blurry, and he knows he'll change back soon.
So, narrowing his eyes in concentration, he finds a pen and a sticky note.
He scribbles something on it quickly, and sticks it onto the page Mabel was studying.
He sighs, smiling sadly, and picks up Mabel. He lays her in her bed, tucking her in.
He bookmarks the page the sticky note is on, and closes the journal, placing it on her side of the desk.
He lays on his own bed, feeling his consciousness slipping away.
Tears start to well up in his eyes when everything goes black, and an image of Bill appears in his mind again, making his brain switch gears and with that, switch personalities.
He yells, and then he's gone.

(Note: In the end, Mabel's not obsessed with the journal, she's just obsessed with getting the real Dipper back

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(Note: In the end, Mabel's not obsessed with the journal, she's just obsessed with getting the real Dipper back.
So. On to more pressing matters, like the feels.
Just wanted to let you know, even I, the author, who knows everything that is going to happen, got emotional during the writing of this chapter. 😭‼️😭
The feels, man!! Anyway, hope you loved this sad yet cute chapter. Post your reaction in the comments! Love you guys, Keep Calm, Waddles On, and Have a Good Night!❤️🐷😴)

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