Chapter Seventeen- The Underestimated Opponent

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"What do you mean?" Pacifica asks.
Gray stands up and hops over to the door. Using her free arm, she swings it open.
"What the...?" Pacifica states, surprised. Then she sees Dipper must've slipped off his shoe right as he was leaving; his shoe stopped the door from shutting and locking.
"So, he actually did have a plan!" Pacifica sighs, trying to stand up. "But how are we going to get these chains off?"
"Remember? Now I can cast spells," Gray grins, holding up her right arm. "Yozwv lu wzip!"
Gray yells, and a blade of darkness appears in her hand. She cuts loose the chains, and then after getting the feeling back in her legs and other arm, does the same to Pacifica.
Pacifica lets out a sigh of relief.
"Now...let's save us a Dipper and Mabel!" Gray grins determinedly.
     All at once, there's a flash of darkness, and Mabel lets out a chilling scream.
Dipper can see the dark energy being drained from Mabel, passing through the tubes, and entering Cataclysm.
Cataclysm just laughs, her eyes growing more excited by the minute.
Dipper continues to wriggle in his chains, tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of Mabel in such pain.
Suddenly, Dipper yells, closing his eyes; though no one is worried about him, everyone focused on the capsules.
Dipper can feel the light energy building up in his fists, spreading inside him throughout his body.
His chains begin to vibrate as his birthmark begins to glow.
Gray and Pacifica then emerge from a doorway, sprinting towards him.
Gray immediately launches a light spear at Dipper's chains, cutting him loose just in time.
Dipper shouts, floating upward, and with that, releases a light blast that fills the entire room.
He simultaneously casts forcefields around Mabel, Gray, and Pacifica.
Once the capsules are destroyed, Dipper stops, letting the forcefields disappear.
Dipper closes his eyes yet again, falling to the ground limply, his birthmark dimming.
The light dissipates, the smoke clears, and Gray gasps in surprise, Pacifica in a similar state.
Tilla and her gang moan, disabled, but not fatally injured. Mabel collapses to the ground, spared from the explosion, but weak from the draining.
Gray takes off toward Mabel, and Pacifica toward Dipper.
"Dipper? Dipper, you okay?" Pacifica asks worriedly, trying to wake him up.
Dipper grunts, and slowly opens his eyes to gaze up at her, shaking his head.
"Huh...good old original Dipper did manage to do it after all," Dipper says aloud to himself.
"Um...what?" Pacifica asks.
"Oh hi, I'm just giving the true Dip's brain a rest, Miss Northwest," he grins, sitting up; but he cringes in pain and falls back down.
"Um...okay...? Here, I'll help you up," Pacifica says, helping him up.
"Hey, why weren't you there to catch me?" Dipper asks jokingly.
"Well...I can't always baby you or else you'll never make it in the real world," Pacifica jokes, playing along.
Just then, Gray walks over, carrying Mabel.
"She's alive, but she's not waking up," Gray frowns.
Dipper closes his eyes, and shakes his head.
"I'm ready to...come back...Mabel...needs me," Dipper mumbles to himself. His eyes flip back open, and he rushes over to Mabel's side. Pacifica expresses a look of confusion to Gray, and Gray just sighs, looking down in reply.
"Mabel? Mabel, are you okay?" Dipper prods, checking her pulse.
He sighs in relief when he knows she's alive.
"Alright...let's get her back to the shack," Dipper sighs. "Thanks for all your help, Gray,"
Dipper then takes Mabel from her arms, shifting her to his back.
" problem," Gray stutters. " did you do that?"
"Hm?" Dipper questions, glancing back at her.
"How did you do that when you're only at level 3 with your light magic...?" Gray asks more specifically, eyes wide.
"Trust me," Dipper says. "When Mabel's in danger, it doesn't matter what level I am,"
" just did that? No training or anything? Just because you needed to save your sister?" Gray questions.
"Yup," Dipper grins weakly. "It's a twin thing,"
"Here," Gray winks, handing Dipper a twenty dollar bill. "For your troubles,"
"Um...okay? Thanks, I guess," Dipper says, taking it.
And with that, Pacifica and Dipper walk out, Mabel on Dipper's back.
Gray stands there still, gazing in bewilderment at the destroyed capsules. She then checks on the gang to discover all are passed out but none are dead, and with her magic, she places a cage around the building, locking them inside.
Then she transports back home.
     "So...your life is way more interesting than mine," Pacifica huffs, staring up at the moon. "I should just follow you around all the time till something crazy happens,"
"Well, it wouldn't take long," Dipper sighs, still strong enough to cast light in front of them. "Something crazy happens around every five minutes nowadays,"
There's another awkward silence, though Dipper isn't focused on it, and is more focused on keeping Mabel securely on his sore back which he fell on after the blast. Eventually they get to the shack, and before Dipper goes inside, he politely thanks her for helping out.
"Hey, uh, thanks for helping out," Dipper says, and then smiles.
"Hey, n-no problem," she smiles, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Oh, you need a flashlight or something?" Dipper asks.
"Nah, I think I can manage with the street lights," Pacifica says.
Dipper nods his head, walks in, and closes the door behind him.
Pacifica sighs, her mixed emotions troubling her thoughts as she walks back home.
     Dipper trudges up the stairs and limps into their room. He lays Mabel on her bed, and then collapses onto his.
Just before he drifts to sleep, he realizes he should probably get Mabel a glass of water and a cold rag.
He grunts as he falls back off of his bed, meanders down the stairs, and walks into the dark kitchen.
He reaches up for glass of water, when suddenly, he feels a chill up his spine like someone's watching him.
He spins around to see a chair there that wasn't before, facing away from him. Then the person behind the chair speaks.
"Don't think you got away that easily!"

(Note: Hey guys, thanks for reading! Vote of you liked it, and comment your thoughts! 😄 Tell me how you liked the chapter, and if you're excited to see more

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(Note: Hey guys, thanks for reading! Vote of you liked it, and comment your thoughts! 😄 Tell me how you liked the chapter, and if you're excited to see more. And you're welcome for those adorable pics. 😍 I noticed there is a lot of really cute Mabel fan art like the one you see above, but a lot of the cute ones of Dipper have to be either Bipper, older Dipper, or Reverse Pines Dipper!!
I want a pic of regular old Dipper in his coat shivering from the snow! 😳😁 If you have any fan artists you'd like to share with me, comment! Welp, can't really think of anything else to say so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!😄👋🏻💕🐷‼️

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