Chapter Thirtyeight- Rock Paper Scissors

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The lights suddenly flash on at 4 in the morning, blinding Dipper awake.
He groans, rubbing his eyes, trying to adjust to the light.
"Did I end up falling asleep after that, or...?" Dipper mumbles.
Daniel walks in to check on Dipper.
"Here you go," he says, handing Dipper some pills. "These will help with the sleep deprivation. We could hear your struggling clear across the building last night!"
"I'm not taking these," Dipper grunts, looking away. "Let me contact my family. I just need to speak with Mabel,"
"No can do," Daniel sighs. "We informed your parents about this and they were heartbroken, but they understood once we read them your record and your current...behavior,"
"What...?" Dipper breathes, surprised.
"They have instructed me to get to the root of the problem so you can get back to normal as soon as possible. So please; take the pills for them," Daniel instructs.
"No can do," Dipper mimics. "I'm not supposed to trust strangers,"
"I didn't think I'd have to show you this, but okay," Daniel sighs.
He hands Dipper a letter.
It's from his parents, written in his mother's handwriting.
Dear Mason,
We cannot believe you went through all of that stuff without letting us know! But sweetie, what these government officials are doing here is for your own good. You'll only be there for a couple weeks; they will help you back to health, so don't be afraid. They met with us personally and explained everything. We wanted to come visit you ourselves, but they said the best way for you to heal is by having minimal contact with outsiders, for now, especially loved ones; I guess he said they have to assess how you behave around strangers or in isolation without support from family. But they've been calling us about every hour to let us know how you're doing. Be safe, and please, cooperate!
-Mom and Dad
Dipper looks up from the paper after reading, looking annoyed and upset.
"How could my parents trust their son's mental health with total strangers!?" Dipper finally spats, frustrated.
"We aren't total strangers," Daniel says. "In fact, your father and I were close friends in college,"
"O...Oh," Dipper stutters, not knowing what else to say.
"I suggest if you wanna get out here sooner than two weeks, you take those pills," Daniel states, and then walks out.
Dipper sighs and takes the pills.
     Amelia sits in her half of the room and sighs.
It's around noon now.
I don't want to grow attached to him, she thinks. It'll just make it even harder when he dies or tears himself apart.
Coincidentally, Dipper knocks on the wall and then peeks into her half of the room through the side of the curtains.
"Hey there," Dipper says, waving. "Can I come in, or...?"
"Sure," Amelia sighs. "Getting bored...?"
"Yeah, extremely," Dipper grins, rubbing the back of his neck. "You'd think they'd give me something to do in here,"
"Apparently that would get in the way of you healing," Amelia rolls her eyes, then smiles. She feels that stab of pain in her neck and frowns, clenching her teeth.
"Haha, right," Dipper laughs, sitting down. "So...wanna play Rock Paper Scissors or something?"
Amelia laughs for the first time in years, and nods her head.
They've been playing Rock Paper Scissors for forty-five minutes while talking about their past; though Amelia can't reveal too much and has to pretend that she lives in this place with her dad.
"So your twin has powers too, then?" Amelia asks, crushing his scissors with her rock.
"Yeah, but they're dark. Mine are light," Dipper explains, focusing on his next move.
"Does she have a birthmark like that too?" Amelia asks.
Dipper freezes, going silent.
"H-How did you...?" Dipper stutters.
He reaches up to his head and realizes he doesn't have his hat on.
"Right," he sighs. "No...she doesn't have the same birthmark,"
"Oh," she states.
It's awkwardly silent for a little bit.
"So...your dad, is he--?" Dipper starts to say, looking back up; when suddenly the walls start bleeding.
Thick, dark, red liquid traces its way down the bleach white walls. The salty, metallic scent reaches Dipper, and sends a chill up his spine.
Dipper jumps backwards, screaming.
"Amelia, look!" he yells, pointing.
Amelia calmly looks behind her, then looks back at him.
"What? What's wrong?" she asks.
"You don't see!? The walls...they're...!" Dipper frantically explains, but then he blinks and the blood disappears, the walls back to normal.
"What the...?" Dipper breathes, heart racing.
"'s alright," Amelia says, placing her hand on his shoulder. "It''s probably just your body trying to get used to things,"
"Right," Dipper chokes out, shaking his head. "Hey, uh...I'm going to try and...get some rest or something,"
Dipper stands up and walks through the space between the curtains and the wall, and climbs into his bed.
Amelia sighs.
She feels someone place a hand on her shoulder, making her jump.
She looks up to see him.
The terrible man who treats all the people he tortures like lab rats.
"Good job, Amelia! Now we know he must be something special," he whispers into her ear. "He's a twin, yet the only one with a special constellation birthmark that glows and grants him with amazing power? Very special! We're going to have to...speed up his process a bit,"
Amelia widens her eyes and tears begin to form.
"So you are growing attached!" Daniel grins at her sorrowful expression. "Don't worry; your next treatment will begin soon. That will take your mind off of all this,"
Amelia shudders when he says the word treatment.
"Tonight we will be observing your reaction to pain again," Daniel laughs, pulling out some scissors.
Amelia screams.
Dipper snaps his eyes open and runs through the curtains to check on Amelia; but she's not there.
Dipper scratches his head, eyes wide.
"Is my mind just playing tricks on me again...?" Dipper mumbles to himself.
It's Dipper's fourth day in the supposed mental institution.
He's been getting better sleep, thanks to those pills, but his slumbers are always filled with terrible nightmares.
One was Bill torturing him with knives and needles, and the next was Bill torturing Mabel with knives and needles while he had to watch.
The most recent one was himself torturing Mabel, involuntarily.
He's also been seeing things more.
He's been hearing whispers of his real name and seeing glowing eyes just like before; but he's also been seeing new things, like bleeding walls and Tilla.
He's also been checking on Amelia, but she's been gone most of the time having meetings with her father.
Now Dipper sits in his bed, tired rings under his eyes, sighing.
Daniel suddenly walks into his room, which makes him jump.
"Hello, Dipper," Daniel greets him. "How have you been feeling?"
"Not too good," Dipper sighs, sitting up. "I don't think the pills have been helping at all,"
"Oh, Dipper, the pills only help you sleep," Daniel says. "They don't take away the visions or nightmares,"
"...Oh. Well, now what? Do you have nightmare/trauma-reducing medicine or something you're gonna give me?" Dipper grumbles.
"Not exactly," Daniel says. "You see, in order to properly get this healing process going, we're going to need to run some...tests on you,"
Dipper narrows his eyes.
"What do you mean by tests...?" Dipper stutters hesitantly.
"Oh, you know, to see which medicine will work best on you," Daniel says. "And in order to figure that out, we'll need to...experiment a bit,"
"Experiment!?" Dipper yells, backing up.
"Please, Dipper," Daniel grins, holding up a syringe. "The less you struggle the faster we'll get results,"
Dipper yells as two assistants come in and restrain him, Daniel injecting the medicine into Dipper's arm.

 "The less you struggle the faster we'll get results,"Dipper yells as two assistants come in and restrain him, Daniel injecting the medicine into Dipper's arm

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(Note: well, we've finally made it to the last chapter of Catalcysm.
Thank you guys so much for supporting me and encouraging me to write chapter after chapter.
You really mean so much to me, and I hope you know there would be no Cataclysm or The Stiff Sibling without you.
You guys have endured through all my lengthy pauses when life got too busy and never failed let me know how you enjoyed my story.
So, for the last time in this book...
Baiiiiiii!!! 😄💞🐷👋🏻

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