Chapter Twentynine- Just a Small Concussion

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Dipper trudges down the dark steps; he reaches an elevator.
"What the...?" is all Dipper can say, his distrust toward Stan growing for every step he takes.
The silhouette steps into the light; it's a person in a cloak, a scarf hiding his face. Dipper hides his energy fist behind his back, ready for anything.
The cloaked person types in the code, and then presses the button with the arrow pointing down. The doors slide open.
Dipper gulps, narrowing his eyes in suspicion, and steps inside.
The elevator takes him down to what must be the third floor.
The doors open back up, and he steps out; then he gasps.
Dipper walks into the lab, too shocked to speak.
He sees Stan asleep, resting his head on his desk.
He sees his Journal 3 beside him, along with two more journals just like it. He sees a giant portal, which is glitching off and on.
"Wait...what!?" Dipper manages to choke out, his face turning pale. " this is why Stan has been more absent lately...? What...what is this...?"
"Yes...your Grunkle has been working on this portal for years now," the voice whispers from behind him, making him jump.
"That's...that's why my journal goes missing every now and then," Dipper stutters, face-palming. "And probably why he was so passionate about confiscating it! I knew something was up when he knew so much about the Mages and stuff, back when Bill drained me of my blood and gave it to Mabel!"
It's all coming together in Dipper's brain, a thousand theories and questions popping into his head at once.
Suddenly, the portal flashes completely on, and Dipper yells, immediately getting sucked toward it.
Dipper screams as he grabs onto Stan's desk for support, when he notices Stan is unconscious with a bump on his head; someone must've knocked him out before Dipper got there.
Dipper is clutching to the desk for dear life, not sure what to believe anymore.
"Your Grunkle is super close to figuring it out completely," the mysterious person laughs, pulling off her scarf and tossing it to the wind. "Don't worry, the portal won't be on when he wakes up,"
To Dipper's utter dismay, the voice belongs to Tilla Mook Northwest; Cataclysm.
He notices she has light blue contacts in her eyes, which explains the other night.
"It'll be on just long enough for you to get thrown into it!" Tilla finishes, laughing, her faux-blue eyes glistening with insanity.
She crawls her way over to Dipper and slices his hands with a knife; and like slow-motion, he lets go.
"No...!" he chokes, his words getting caught in his throat.
He's thrown into the current, just like her scarf was a few seconds ago.
Just before the portal closes, he makes it inside.
There's a flash, and then colors overwhelm his vision until everything goes black.
"Um, Dipper...? You okay?" Dipper hears someone say.
Dipper groans and ever so slightly opens his eyes.
He identifies the voice as Wendy's.
Dipper twitches his hand and feels grass; he's outside.
He opens his eyes completely and tries to sit up, but falls back down.
"Hey, seriously, you alright?" he hears another voice say. He rubs his eyes and looks up; it's Robbie.
"What...? Where...where am I?" Dipper mumbles, Wendy helping him up.
Dipper glances around; he's near the Mystery Shack, and was previously laying on the ground beneath a few trees.
"Um, dude, you don't remember?" Wendy says, grinning. "There was another one of your Journal's weird creatures up there,"
"You climbed up to get it, and it totally clawed your hands off!" Robbie laughs. "That's when you fell,"
Dipper looks down to see a large slash running across both of his hands.
Suddenly, a flashback happens, and Dipper remembers someone slicing his hand; but then the vision fades.
"Hey, nothin' a couple band aids won't fix," Wendy laughs. "But that bump on your head...that might be a bigger problem!"
"No...what's going on? I wasn't outside, I was..." Dipper starts.
Where was I? Dipper thinks. I...I can't remember. I just remember Mabel and I were playing with her sock puppets...then Stan walked in...but after that...nothing.
"Oooookay, dude, you seriously might have a concussion," Wendy says, helping him walk a bit.
Dipper tries to rub his head, but winces when he touches his bump.
"Agh!" he yells. "Where's...where's Mabel? I...need to talk to her,"
"Okay. Maybe the guy went too far this time," Robbie says nervously, glancing at Wendy.
"Yeah, maybe he did. C'mon, Dipstick, let's get you to a hospital," Wendy sighs, looking concerned.
Dipper sits in a chair, the nurse examining him.
"Yes, the results came back, and you, sir, definitely have a small concussion," the nurse says, looking at her clipboard. "But don't worry; like I said, it's small. You can go home. You just need some rest and minimal activity for a few days,"
Dipper clenches his eyes shut, rubbing the back of his head.
"I'll keep an eye on the wimp," Robbie grins, teasingly.
"Come back if he's still having problems in four days, alright?" the lady says.
Wendy and Robbie nod, and both help Dipper up, walking him back to the Shack.
Dipper gets escorted into the Shack, where Stan awaits them.
"What the heck happened!?" Stan yells. "I thought I told you not to go getting hurt during your weird little mystery hunts!"
"Hey, I'll take responsibility," Wendy grins. "I dared him to climb the tree to get it,"
"I got the call from the hospital. So, concussion, eh?" Stan grunts. "Let me know when you remember things alright so I can make you clean the Shack as punishment!"
Stan laughs and walks back out.
Dipper is still in sort of a daze, confused.
Wendy and Robbie set him down on the couch.
"Hey, I gotta go. Got pool duty today," Wendy sighs, checking the time. "I'll check up on you, okay?"
"Yeah, and I've got watching the pool duty duty," Robbie jokes, grinning at Wendy who rolls her eyes and pushes him.
"O...Okay...?" Dipper stutters.
Then they both stand up and leave.
Something...something doesn't feel right, Dipper thinks.
Dipper stands up and feels a little wobbly, but not too bad.
He walks into the bathroom to look at his bump, and glances in the mirror; and then he screams.
He's not gazing at his own reflection; he's gazing at the reflection of a teenage version of himself.
"What the...!?" Dipper gasps, turning pale. "Oh no, no, no, no, this can't be happening!"
"What's the ruckus about!?" Stan yells from the other side of the door.
Dipper can't even reply; his words just get caught in his throat.
"Agh, teenagers! Stupid fifteen-year-old's bathrooms," Stan states negatively before leaving.
"O...Okay, this is o-obviously just a d-dream," Dipper stutters. "L-Last I checked I was not fifteen,"
Dipper closes his eyes and pinches his arm.
He opens them again to see the same reflection.
Then he passes out.
He wakes up on the couch again.
"Hey, I had to break into our bathroom door for you! Be happy," Stan says, but Dipper can tell he looks a bit concerned.
"Look, Grunkle Stan! I'm not sure what's going on, but...I swear yesterday I was twelve!" Dipper breathes frantically, eyes wide.
Stan's mouth hangs open for a couple seconds before replying.
"Jeez, your...concussion is worse than I thought!" Stan grunts, rubbing his chin. "Nope, squirt. You were twelve three years ago,"
"No...wait...I remember something! have a secret...portal...?" Dipper stutters, rubbing the side of his head without the bump.
"Um, no duh. That's no secret," Stan says. "Besides, it's not like we need it anymore,"
"What...?" Dipper mutters, when his head starts hurting. He closes his eyes and lays his head back, groaning.
"There ya go, bud, there ya go," Stan says comfortingly, patting his back and sighing as Dipper's head injury lulls him unconscious again.
     Dipper wakes up to the sound of arguing.
"I'm tellin' ya, he gets it from you!" he hears Stan say. "All the mystery crap. And he gets hurt because of it,"
"Please! You went through worse physical trauma when you were his age just by behaving like a regular teenager," he hears someone reply. "Don't worry, I've been through concussions before, and so have you; he'll be fine after some rest,"
"And those teenager friends of his; they just egg him on," Stan says, sighing. "Fifteen-year-olds these days! They can't just be happy with...y'know...whatever we kids did back then,"
"Building boats and getting humiliated by our peers? Chasing after dreams we never accomplished?" the person replies again.
"Yeah, that!" Stan grunts.
"Here, I'll go check on him. I'm sure he's already feeling a bit better than he was this morning," the person states.
Dipper flips open his eyes when he hears footsteps coming his direction.
"Dipper? Ah, Dipper, you're awake," the person says, walking into the living room beside Stan.
Dipper's jaw drops open as he finds himself staring at two Stans.

(Note: Well, that's a lot for you guys [and Dipper] to chew on for a while! And yay, Ford is finally welcomed into the story!! Let me know how you liked it, and what your thoughts and comments are! Where would you like to see this going? What do y...

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(Note: Well, that's a lot for you guys [and Dipper] to chew on for a while!
And yay, Ford is finally welcomed into the story!! Let me know how you liked it, and what your thoughts and comments are! Where would you like to see this going? What do you think could happen next? Thanks for your support and ideas, it really means a lot to me!! Baiiii!!🐷💞😄

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