Chapter Thirtyfour- One Shot

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Dipper made it into the lab unnoticed.
It's around 4 o'clock in the morning, and he's been trying to figure out how to start the dang thing for at least an hour.
Which feels like a lot at 4 in the morning.
"This is my one shot. If I don't take it I...I won't be able to bring myself to leave!" Dipper yells, frustrated. He sighs.
He examines the instructions.
"Let's try doing it this way..." Dipper mumbles to himself, this being his 21st attempt.
He presses the final few buttons and enters the final few codes, then holds his breath as he pulls the switch.
The portal flashes on.
Dipper gasps, smiling.
"I...I actually did it! Sweet!" Dipper laughs, pumping his fists in the air. "Now! Let's see,"
He types in the coordinates he thinks would direct him to his home dimension.
"I'm 95 percent sure that's the correct coordinates," Dipper mutters nervously, gulping. "Okay, okay. Here I go,"
I should at least say bye to Mabel. And Wendy. And Robbie. And Lee. And Stan. And...Ford. Dipper thinks, then shakes his head. I can't. I can't do that...or else I won't leave.
Dipper takes a deep breath, runs, and jumps inside.
There's a flash, and Dipper disappears inside the depths of the portal. A few seconds later, the portal glitches and turns off.
Dipper screams as he plummets back out of the portal, tumbling to the ground. Before he can get sucked back in, he grabs onto a convenient crevice in the floor.
The portal finally glitches off, and Dipper stands up, gasping for breath.
He looks up; in front of him stands Tilla, in the same position she was after she sliced his hand.
"What!? I just threw you in! Now you're back out--?" Tilla starts, but before she can finish, Dipper quickly casts a light-whip spell, and wraps it around Tilla, making it impossible for her to move without burning her skin.
Dipper, without hesitation, reaches into her pockets and locates the device to Mabel's bomb.
He instantly presses the button that disables the bomb in Mabel's brain, and then crushes the device beneath his foot.
"No! No, no, no!" Tilla cries, sweating.
"Hey, Tilla, you know what that means?" Dipper smiles, feeling a huge weight lift off his shoulders. "You no longer have any power over me!"
"As long as I'm alive, I will always have the advantage!" Tilla laughs crazily.
Dipper shakes his head and sighs.
"You're going to the police. And they're taking you some place far away where you can't access bombs or Dark Mages," Dipper spats, blasting her with light.
She falls backward and hits her head, blacking out.
"Oh, wow. That...that was a bit more powerful than I expected," Dipper laughs nervously.
Dipper makes sure she's not dead or dying, and then carefully carries her into the elevator.
Dipper drags her all the way to the police station where they call the F.B.I. to come lock her up more securely.
Dipper tiredly trudges back home and goes into the bathroom.
He looks in the mirror and sighs happily; he's twelve years old again.
He walks back into Mabel's room.
He sees his own bed and smiles, cherishing that they share a room.
He climbs into his own bed and for the first time in months, he has a peaceful sleep with no nightmares, only dreams about him and his group of friends, all hanging out at the Dusk 2 Dawn store.
He hasn't yet remembered that he's leaving for California tomorrow.
Back in the alternate universe, Ford goes down into his lab to see Dipper on the ground, unconscious.
"What the...?" Ford breathes.
He rolls Dipper over to see he's just beginning to wake up.
"Stanley! I think Dipper's concussion is worse than that doctor let on!" Ford yells to Stan, who is just emerging from the elevator.
"Ya think!?" Stan grunts, running over.
"Dipper? Dipper, is your concussion acting up again?" Stan asks worriedly, waving his hand in front of Dipper's face.
Dipper groans and slowly opens his eyes, sitting up.
"What the...? What...happened?" Dipper mutters, rubbing his head. "I was catching this mysterious creature when I fell off the tree limb and...ended lab!?"
"What!?" Stan and Ford both say in unison.
"He's forgotten even more!?" Stan yells angrily.
"Let's...let's give him some space and help him upstairs to the couch," Ford calmly says, helping Dipper stand up. Stan nods, sighing worriedly.
     Dipper sits on the couch, Ford and Stan eagerly waiting for him to speak.
" what happened, exactly?" Dipper eventually asks, utterly confused.
"Not important. Just tell us what you remember," Stan grunts impatiently.
"What do you mean, what I remember?" Dipper asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Do you...remember me?" Ford asks. "Or anything about the past 3 years?"
"Or your fight with Mabel?" Stan adds.
"Uh...yeah, I do. Your point?" Dipper states, still confused.
Ford's eyes widen and Stan smiles.
"Well, he doesn't seem to remember the last few days, but at least he remembers everything else!" Ford sighs, relieved.
"Hey, we might wanna call Mabel down. She may wanna ask him some stuff too," Stan thinks aloud, then calls for Mabel. "Mabel, get down here! It's your brother!"
"What!? Why are you calling Mabel down?" Dipper states, sitting up. "And what makes you think she'll even come?"
Stan and Ford once again exchange weary glances.
Mabel runs down the stairs and over to Dipper before they can explain.
"Hey, bro bro...uh oh. Did his head start being stupid again!?" Mabel sighs, noticing Dipper rubbing the back of his head, placing her hands on her hips.
"Um...hi...? Don't you hate my guts or something?" Dipper stutters, nervous, not knowing what else to say.
Mabel's eyes widen in shock and it clicks together all at once; Dipper finally remembers their past, alright...but he's forgotten their reunion.
"Um...Dipper? We made up. You apologized, and we made up," Mabel explains patiently, rubbing her arm. "Your concussion is acting up, so you must've forgot,"
"No, that couldn't have happened," Dipper says, looking a bit freaked out. "Wait...I got a...concussion!?"
"Hey, calm down! You'll be fine. But yes, you did reunite with your sister, so deal with it!" Stan grunts. "And hyperventilating doesn't help anything,"
Mabel cautiously smiles at him, and waves hi.
Dipper hesitates, but looks away.
Mabel frowns, eyes filling with tears.

(Note: well, this is pretty self-explanatorily feelsy

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(Note: well, this is pretty self-explanatorily feelsy. Sadly, you won't be seeing anymore of this AU since Dipper is back home, safe and sound.
Or is he...?😳
Comment your thoughts and ideas, and only vote if you truly liked it!! 😃 Who knows, maybe I'll do a spin off story about where this AU left off. Love each and every one of ya, ya fellow freaks of nature! 😁❤️ Thanks for your persevering support!! 😄💞🐷 Waddles gives ya all a big hug!!

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