Chapter Thirtyseven- Long Term Plan

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"Step away from me! Where am I!?" Dipper gasps, stepping back.
"Hey, calm down, sir. I am simply here to interview you about your current condition," the lady says. "Please, have a seat,"
Dipper ignores her command and says, "Yeah, no thanks. Now can you please explain to me what is going on!?"
The lady sighs.
"You were being taken to your home in California when you suddenly attacked the driver. You kept saying he was shooting darts at you or something," the lady explains. "So Alice called us and informed us about how you crossed the line and how potentially...unstable your mental condition may be,"
"What...?" Dipper states in disbelief, and then quickly explains his story. "No. No, you heard wrong. He...the driver started shoving a cloth in Alice's face, so she passed out. Then the driver shot a dart at me which, of course, knocked me out. Now...answer my question!"
" admit you thought he was shooting darts at you?" the lady asks, writing down notes.
"Stop avoiding the question!" Dipper yells, frustrated, and frankly, starting to freak out.
The lady sighs again.
"Mr. are at a mental institution," the lady says.
Dipper looks down and notices the white gown he's in, and then looks back up at her, utterly confused.
"Alright, I don't know what trick you're pulling on me, but I can legitimately prove that I'm not insane!" Dipper spats.
"Oh, don't be too hard on yourself. Lots of people are just...mentally unwell," the lady says.
"Just let me call my Grunkle and Mabel and I'm sure they can clear things up," Dipper snaps, rubbing his temples.
The lady jots down a few notes and leaves the room suddenly.
"No, wait...!" Dipper yells, but the door slams shut and locks. Dipper sighs.
He tries to use his light powers again; they're still not working.
Finally, Dipper peeks out the side of the curtains; he sees a hospital bed, a chair, and a couple books, but no one is inside at the moment.
Dipper mumbles to himself, sitting back down on his bed.
     Dipper walked around his room in circles for about an hour, and for the last half hour, he's been sitting on his bed.
Finally, a different doctor comes in.
He's a man with a tuxedo, blonde hair, and green eyes, and he carries a notepad.
"Hello...Mason," he says, sitting on the edge of his bed, calling him by his real name.
Dipper's eyes widen in shock.
"Don't call me that! It's Dipper, thanks," Dipper grumbles, scooting away from him angrily.
"Right...we finally found all your files, so...there's no need to hide secrets anymore," the man states bluntly. "Before we begin, my name is Daniel. But you can call me...Daniel,"
"Um...okay...? Hi, Daniel," Dipper grunts, sarcastically.
"Alright, then. So, you were killed by a triangle demon known as Bill, correct?" Daniel starts.
Dipper widens his eyes.
"How do you...know about that...?" is all Dipper can say.
"And then a White Mage healed you, granting you light magic. There was the duel between dark and light, then you died again. Is this accurate?" Daniel continues. "Then a Gray Mage healed most of the damage, but your head injury held on, resulting in memory loss,"
Dipper is speechless. He doesn't know if denying this would help his case at all.
"Then you had a memory overload, resulting in your brain splitting into three personalities; regular, naive, and bitter," Daniel reads off the paper. "Then you shot yourself in front of the citizens and were seen talking to yourself. You came back from the dead by using more magic, I assume. But you've been snapping at people and zoning out every once in a while,"
Dipper's mouth hangs open, and he clears his throat, replying.
"Well, I guess I didn't realize my life was an open book," is all Dipper can grumble.
"Oh, it is, at least to us. So, you don't deny mental instability?" Daniel questions.
"What!? I'm not--! Ugh, just listen...I had to shoot myself because this crazy lady Tilla told me to! Or else she would have blown up my sister!" Dipper explains frantically.
"Oh, yes, I'm sure. But after all those head injuries, personality disorders, plus mentally and physically damaging experiences, well...any normal, strong, sane man would go mad," Daniel sighs. "I'm sorry, Dipper, but you'll be here for a while,"
Daniel gets up and walks out.
"Wait--!" Dipper starts, but once again, the man shuts the door on him.
Dipper yells in frustration.
He then hears footsteps from the other side of the curtains.
He curiously peeks out and sees a girl with long, black hair and pale, yellow eyes reading a tattered book.
"Um...hello...?" Dipper greets her.
She jumps a bit, and sets her book down.
"H...Hello," she replies in barely a whisper.
"So...are you a wrongfully accused mental patient too, or something?" Dipper mutters, sarcastically, stepping closer.
"Uh...I guess you could say that," she gulps. All of a sudden she yelps in pain.
" alright?" Dipper asks her.
"Y-Yes...I just...I've been through a lot of trauma," she sighs, looking away. "I guess...I mean, apparently over the years I've realized...I am more mentally unstable then I thought,"
"Oh?" Dipper questions, raising an eyebrow. "You seem perfectly normal to me,"
Amelia smiles and says, "Thanks," but then feels another stab of pain in her neck, signaling she has said something wrong.
"It didn't start off bad. But every night my nightmares got worse and...and then I started acting out during the day. It's just...better this way," she says stiffly. "And the...t-treatments they did to me were strange at first, but...they've really h-helped,"
"Uh, great, I guess. Is there any way I can contact someone?" Dipper asks, scanning the area.
"N-No, or I would've done it by now," she mutters.
She feels another stab of pain in her neck.
"Oh...thanks anyway," Dipper sighs, about to leave.
"Wait!" she says. Dipper stops and glances back at her.
"Can you stay?" she genuinely asks. Maybe it's the fact that he came from Gravity Falls, or the fact that her roommates don't normally wait when she asks them to, but she feels a connection with him.
"Uh...why not? Sure," Dipper nods.
Amelia smiles, but then frowns.
I hope this test dummy doesn't die.
     Dipper lies awake in his bed.
The room is blindingly white and light during the day, but as soon as the clock strikes 8 o'clock at night, the lights shut off, the room turning pitch black.
Dipper obviously can't sleep in his new bed, rolling around uncomfortably.
Suddenly, Dipper hears the sound of something getting knocked over, and it makes Dipper jump.
Dipper sighs, and lays back down.
He blinks, and when he opens his eyes again, he sees Bill.
Dipper screams, jumping backward and slamming his head up against the wall.
"Yeesh, it's nice to see ya too, Pine Tree!" Bill laughs. "How ya doin'?"
"W-What are you doing here!? What do you want!?" Dipper yells.
"Oh, nothin'! I'm just so happy that my plan worked!" Bill laughs.
Dipper narrows his eyes.
"What plan...?" Dipper asks.
"When I fried your brain that one time, did you really think some victorious battle against the Dark Mage and your other two mindsets was the end of it? Oh no, my friend! My plan is more long term," Bill explains, swinging his cane around. "Ya see, that was just phase one. Phase two is comin' up real quickly here, and I can hardly contain my excitement!"
"What...? No, I'm over all that. I won," Dipper argues, beginning to turn pale.
"Keep tellin' yourself that!" Bill laughs. "First is denial, then hurting others, and then the rest of your sanity rips apart into oblivion,"
"And I should listen to you...why?" Dipper snaps.
"'Cause, Pine Tree...I'm more real this time than before," Bill says, floating an inch away from Dipper.
Bill slaps Dipper across the face with his cane.
"Agh...!" Dipper gasps, rubbing his cheek. "What the...!?"
" I?" Bill laughs maniacally.
Dipper blinks and Bill is gone.
Dipper is breathing heavily, his heart beating rapidly.
He lays down and pulls the covers over his head, eyes unable to close shut.
Meanwhile, Amelia hears all the racket and sighs.
She stands up and walks over, peeking out into his room.
Dipper is asleep, but he's kicking and yelling.
So...they used the hallucination vaccination on him, huh...? Amelia sighs, sadly.
A lady with a notepad writes something down on her paper, noticing Dipper's behavior.
"No special reaction to this one," she reports aloud, walking out.

(Note: okay, I was going to have this be the last chapter for Cataclysm, but I have to make one more!! So you can be expecting a Chapter Thirtyeight! 😁 How did you like this chapter?How do you rate this on intensity from 1-10? Any thoughts, quest...

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(Note: okay, I was going to have this be the last chapter for Cataclysm, but I have to make one more!!
So you can be expecting a Chapter Thirtyeight! 😁
How did you like this chapter?
How do you rate this on intensity from 1-10?
Any thoughts, questions, or comments? Thank you all for your support!!!
I'll see you in the next--and last--chapter of Cataclysm. 😭💞😃🐷

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