Chapter Twentyfive- The Morning of the Silent Stancakes

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Dipper follows Alyssa's instructions, and sure enough, he peeks out of a doorway, and hears Tilla talking to herself.
Tilla is pacing back and forth, looking down at her glass vile.
Dipper's breath gets caught in his throat, and he realizes that must be the source of her power.
And he's got one shot.
Dipper sneaks into the room when she is facing away from him, and quickly hides behind a dresser.
How am I gonna pull this off...!? Dipper thinks. I need an invisibility potion or something!
Tilla turns back around to face his direction, Dipper hidden safely behind the dresser, and then turns to pace back the other way, facing away from him once more.
I'm gonna have to time this perfectly, and be quick, Dipper thinks, gulping nervously.
He charges up his light energy, which gives him a boost, enabling him to break into a run.
He dashes right behind her, and just before she turns around, he snatches the vile right off of her, snapping the chain which was around her neck.
"What the--!?" is all Tilla can say before Dipper breaks the glass vile on the ground, shattering it to pieces.
"How....what...!? You!? I...I watched you shoot yourself in the head!" Tilla screams, stumbling back, stress rings forming under her eyes.
"No matter what happens...evil will always be stopped," Dipper yells, standing up straight. "And no matter how many times you kill me, I will always be here to protect my sister...and the rest of my family!"
The shadows swarm out of the broken vile at high speed, flying back to where they came from, and transforming back to their original beings once there.
Then, Dipper blasts her with a powerful beam of light, knocking her to the ground.
He takes that moment to try and find that remote of her's so he can disable it, just in case.
But right before he takes it from her, he feels a stab of pain in his chest, which sends him to the ground.
Dipper yells, his body going into another spasm.
Tilla raises her eyebrows and laughs, standing up and kneeling over him.
"Hey, Till. The U.S. military could be here any second," Jim calls over to her. "We should probably beat it since you've gone and lost all your power and stuff,"
Tilla glances back in annoyance, but then smugly turns back to look at Dipper.
"You know what? You won this one. But remember our's still on! No one can know about our conversation we had," Tilla hisses. "And always know I'm out there somewhere, always watching, waiting for you to slip up. And when you do...I've got this,"
Tilla holds up the remote as Dipper cries in agony, clutching his chest.
Tilla stands up and limps over to Jim and Alyssa.
"Guys...this...this failed. That vile Bill gave me...the brat destroyed it," Tilla spats. "Let's go,"
And with that, the group escapes.
Alyssa glances back at Dipper in hesitation, but then disappears into the forest close behind Tilla and Jim, leaving him to lie there alone.
Soon, Pacifica and Mr. and Mrs. Northwest come rushing over, still getting used to their human bodies again.
"Dipper...?" Pacifica gasps, still recovering from her transformation. "Oh my're alive! But...definitely injured,"
Dipper shakily sits up, his eyes still closed, clenching his teeth.
He sighs and eventually blinks open his eyes, and in daze, glances up at Pacifica.
"I'm...fine n-now," Dipper mumbles, shaking his head.
He tries to stand but falls, so Pacifica helps him back up.
"Do you...need help home?" Pacifica states, bewildered.
"No...I'll...m-manage," Dipper nods, calming down. "I'll see you later, if...if I don't die again between now and then,"
With that, Dipper transports back to the Mystery Shack.
"Look what that boy did!" Mrs. Northwest shrieks in surprise. "He wrinkled our 100,000$ carpet we got on that business trip to California!"
Pacifica rolls her wide eyes, wondering why Dipper killed himself, and how he came back.
Dipper appears in the living room of the Mystery Shack, rubbing his head.
"Maybe those are the side-effects White Mage was talking about," Dipper mumbles. "Lucky me,"
He sees Mabel and Stan must still be asleep, so he plops himself down on the couch.
His brain is telling him to immediately wake them up and happily collapse into their embracing arms, but his body says no.
He reaches for the nearest blanket, which happens to be the white sheet, and pulls it over his head.
He immediately falls asleep.
It's 10 o'clock in the morning, and Mabel finally slinks out of bed.
She makes her way downstairs, where she sees Stan is whisking up some batter.
"Morning...kiddo," Stan sighs. "I...decided to make you some pancakes,"
Mabel smiles, sighing.
"Thanks, Stan," she says. "Stancakes always cheer me up,"
"So...I guess all the people who got turned into shadows were somehow turned back," Stan converses, pouring some of the batter onto the pan. "And that the person responsible for all this havoc has vanished,"
"Huh," Mabel grunts, taking a seat. "Have...have you heard from Wendy or Soos lately?"
"I snuck out a couple times just to check on 'em," Stan sighs. "They're...dealing with it alright,"
Mabel stays silent, looking down.
"Have you hung out with Waddles lately?" Stan asks, piling a couple of pancakes onto her plate, trying to change the topic.
"Yeah, I've made sure to cuddle with him," Mabel states, poking at her pancake with her fork. "So...have...have you contacted mom and dad yet...?"
"N...Not yet," Stan sighs.
Stan awkwardly sits down across from her, and they eat together in silence.
Dipper, eyes still closed, begins to wake to the smell of pancakes.
He grunts, rolling over.
And then he remembers everything that has happened these past few days.
I...I can't risk Mabel blowing up, Dipper thinks. am I going to explain this to everyone without bringing up my whole predicament with Tilla!?
Dipper very carefully peers over his covers; no one is in the living room yet.
Maybe...maybe I shouldn't come to them first, Dipper thinks. I need to talk this through with someone who will understand.
Dipper cautiously climbs out of the covers and off of the couch, and sneaks upstairs.
He then grabs Mabel's grappling hook so he can lower himself down from their window, and dashes to the person he thinks he can try to work this out with best.
Dipper walks up to the Corduroy's house and is about to knock, when he remembers his quarrel with Mr. Corduroy. He gulps, and decides to make his way around the back of the house.
He reaches Wendy's window where the blinds are pulled shut, and takes a deep breath.
Hesitantly, he knocks.
Nothing happens.
Dipper knocks again.
Dipper hears muffled mumbles of annoyance coming from her room.
Dipper knocks again.
Finally, Wendy stomps over to the window and throws open the blinds, peering out.
"Listen, punk, I'm not in the mood for any of your--!" Wendy starts, but then she sees a blue pine tree symbol on a blue and white cap.
She then locks eyes with Dipper, and gasps in surprise, stumbling back.
Once she's composed herself, she throws open the window, grabs him by the shirt and tosses him to her floor.
"No. No, no, no," Wendy states, eyes wide. "This can't be real. This has to be a dream. Or some kind of trick,"
"Nope, bonafide Dipper here," Dipper grunts, standing back up and stretching. "Ouch,"
Just in case, Wendy asks, "Then...then do our...secret thing we do,"
Dipper laughs, pretends to zip his mouth shut, and throws away the "key".
Wendy laughs, and hugs him, twirling him around in the air.
"No way, no way, no way! You're...alive!" Wendy yells excitedly, tears welling up in her eyes.
But then she sets him back down and punches him in the arm.
"That's for dying again!" Wendy huffs angrily.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," Dipper laughs, biting his lip and rubbing the arm she punched. "It's kinda a habit of mine, apparently...!"
"This is crazy, I gotta tell Soos and Mabel and Stan and Lee and--" Wendy starts, but Dipper cuts her off.
"No, no...not...not yet," Dipper sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Wait, so why the heck did you shoot yourself!?" Wendy asks, crossing her arms.
"Ah...well...I didn't do it willingly," Dipper tries to explain, making hand motions.
"Suicide is always a choice, dude!" Wendy states, raising an eyebrow. "And if I recall, no one was up there making you pull the trigger!"
"Listen...I...I can't say why. It's...just...complicated," Dipper stutters vaguely, shifting awkwardly. "Just...know that I didn't do it because I was...depressed or anything,"
Wendy raises her eyebrow in confusion, and knows there must be a reason why he can't say.
"Alright. I believe you, dude," she sighs. "This must be why you didn't go to Stan and Mabel first. Stan might be a little less...understanding of an answer that vague,"
"Exactly," Dipper sighs, rubbing his head. "I...don't know how to explain it to them,"
"Same way you explained it to me," Wendy says, shrugging. "That's...apparently the best you can do. It might be hard for them, but after a while they'll let it go and move on,"
"I...I guess you're right. That's the best I can do," Dipper mumbles, but then smiles. "Thanks, Wendy,"
Dipper is about to depart, when Wendy suddenly hugs him again, holding him close.
Dipper eyes widen, and he blushes, hugging her back.
Wendy sighs, then let's him go, smiling.
"I really missed you, Dipper," she says. "Come back soon and hang out with me, alright?"
Dipper smiles big and nods, waving as he makes his way out of her window and back towards the shack.

(Note: See, I told ya I'd post one today!! 😁😄 Hope you enjoyed it, see ya very soon--and don't forget to comment your thoughts!! 💞🐷❤️ Love ya'll!! -Mabelwaffles127)

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(Note: See, I told ya I'd post one today!! 😁😄 Hope you enjoyed it, see ya very soon--and don't forget to comment your thoughts!! 💞🐷❤️ Love ya'll!!

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