Chapter Eleven- Paranoia

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Stan sighs, slouching himself down into his couch chair in front of the TV.
Dipper and Mabel glance at each other anxiously, and sit on the floor in front of him, waiting for him to speak.
"Alright...listen, kiddos. Obviously I haven't been doin' a great job watchin' ya," Stan starts, looking at the ground guiltily. "You guys have almost died, what, two or three times now!?"
Dipper looks at the ground, and Mabel rubs her arm.
When she does, she flinches at a slight stab of pain from the burns, proving Stan's point.
"Point is, I've gotta make some changes. No more randomly wandering around in the woods and in town without me," Stan announces, against his will. "And definitely no more journal stuff,"
"What!?" Dipper gasps, tucking it into his vest.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? From now on, you gotta stay around or in the Mystery Shack. No woods, no town, no monsters, no nothin'! Unless I'm with ya," he presses on sternly. "Besides...your dad called last night, wanted to check up on ya. I didn't even know what to tell him,"
Mabel sighs, and looks at Dipper, who is still staring at him in disbelief, clutching his journal close.
"If ya get hurt that badly again, then...then you're gonna have to go back to California," Stan grunts, though Mabel sees sadness in his eyes.
"But...but Stan...!" Dipper stutters.
But I...I just got my memory back! Dipper thinks.
But everything is back to normal now! Mabel thinks.
"Come on, it won't be that bad, huh? We'll play games and...and watch Ducktective, and stuff! You like that, right?" Stan smiles, trying to lighten the mood. "But...I will need to confiscate that journal, kid,"
"You aren't serious," Dipper says, with pleading eyes.
"As serious as I am about anything to do with money," Stan sighs, holding out his hand.
Dipper waits a few more seconds, and finally, with a sigh, places the journal in Stan's hand.
Dipper glares at the ground, holding back his anger, and Mabel pats his back.
"C'mon, just...just treat it like it's the first day of summer again, before you found that dumb journal!" Stan says, standing up. "I'm just tryin' to protect you guys. You'll thank me eventually,"
With that, he walks out.
"The first day of the summer was the most boring one," Dipper mumbles.
"Hey, no it wasn't! I got to roll down hills of grass, and flirt with boys!" Mabel says, optimistically.
"The only boys you can flirt with are the ones that wander into the Mystery Shack now," Dipper says, looking up.
"Gasp! No boy hunting in town!?" Mabel cries.
"Nope," Dipper sighs. "I've gotta get that journal back,"
"He just took it away. And, maybe he's on to something," Mabel starts, making hand motions. "Maybe you could use a normal day at the shack after all that!"
"You're too calm about this," Dipper grunts, standing up. "But you're right about one thing; I can't steal it back today, no. He'll be ready for that,"
Mabel grins, standing up.
Out of nowhere, she gives him a hug again.
Dipper widens his eyes in surprise, but then smiles, and hugs her back.
"I missed you too," Dipper sighs, happily.
"I missed you more!" she laughs, letting him go, and poking him.
"Did not!" Dipper laughs along, chasing her as she runs out of the room.
Dipper naturally magnetizes to Wendy's desk, as he usually does when he has nothing to do.
It's been around 2 hours since Dipper and Mabel's chase, which lasted a total of 10 minutes, when Mabel remembered she hadn't been hanging out with Waddles much lately; so naturally, she went to play with him for a little bit.
"'re back to normal? For good?" Wendy asks, leaning back.
"Yep," Dipper smiles. "You're stuck with normal, awkward Dipper for the rest of the summer!"
"Hey, it's better than Sweaty Dipper 2.0 and the Smart Alek!" Wendy laughs, playfully punching him.
"So that's what you called my two other mindsets, huh...?" Dipper laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah, I am so glad that's over!"
"Dude, now we can get back to our movie nights!" Wendy says, sitting up in realization.
"Oh, yeah! Definitely!" Dipper smiles, straightening up excitedly as well.
"Bro, let's do this! Tonight!" Wendy says, pounding her fist on her desk in determination.
"Really? That'd be awesome!" Dipper laughs.
Suddenly, he frowns, remembering Stan's new rules.
"Awe, man...Stan just said we weren't allowed to leave the shack without him," Dipper sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, bummer!" Wendy sighs, deflating. "Dude, ima go talk to him. He'll come around,"
"Really?" Dipper asks, gaining a little hope again.
"For real," Wendy laughs, standing up. "Watch the desk for me, will ya?"
With that, she marches off toward Stan's room to have a chat.
Dipper sighs happily, taking a seat in her chair.
Mabel rolls on the ground, lifting Waddles in the air, and laughing.
"Oh, Waddles! How I've missed you!" Mabel laughs. Waddles oinks in return.
"Let's go visit Dipper, oink oink!" Mabel says, pretending to be Waddles and making motions with his little feet.
"You wanna see him 'cause you've missed him!? Me too! Okay, let's go!" Mabel says in reply, and runs down the stairs, Waddles at her side.
Mabel runs to the desk just in time to see Wendy say something to Dipper.
"Dude, dude! Stan said yes!" Wendy laughs, holding up her hand for a high-five.
"What? For real? No way!" Dipper laughs, high-fiving her.
Mabel walks up.
"Said yes to what? Did Stan give permission for you two to go on a da--" Mabel starts, Dipper leaning forward and covering her mouth with his hand.
"Haha, anyway...Stan said yes to a movie night with Wendy tonight!" Dipper laughs nervously, casting Mabel a look that says I thought we talked about this, she isn't in to me!
Mabel winks at him, casting him a look that says, Yeah, right!
"Is that okay with you, Mabel? Since you both just reunited and all," Wendy asks.
The twins snap out of their weird telekinetic conversation, and back to Wendy.
"Oh, yeah, no problemo!" Mabel smiles, waving her hand like its no big deal. "We've got the rest of our lives to hang out! Besides, he probably missed you almost as much as he missed me!"
Mabel winks.
"So, what time?" Dipper laughs, rubbing the back of his head.
"Let's make it 7. That cool with you?" Wendy smiles.
"Totally!" Dipper smiles.
"That's only, like, two-and-a-half hours away, Dippingsauce! We must make use of this time by doing something fabulous in celebration of your return!" Mabel gasps intensely, putting her arm around Dipper and walking away with him. Wendy sits back in her desk chair and rolls her eyes, grinning.
"And what fabulous thing would you suggest?" Dipper grins.
"Hmm, maybe...a combination of syrup wars, cardboard mini golf, and raising the roof with DJ Waddles the Wiz!" Mabel explains excitedly. "Every time we get a hole and one, we do syrup wars, as Waddles makes some sick beats!"
Dipper rolls his eyes, and laughs.
"That...actually sounds quite amusing!" Dipper laughs. "Let's do this!"
They run off laughing. Dipper searches through the closet for their cardboard pieces they used last time, and Mabel, after setting up Waddles at his DJ station, runs back down to get the syrup.
Time flies, Dipper and Mabel having fun like the good old days, when all too soon for Mabel and Waddles, it's 6:45.
"Ah, I better get going," Dipper sighs, stretching.
"Awe, already!? We only made it to the 51st round!" Mabel complains. "My injuries are a bit sore now from all that swinging, but...that adds to the intensity!"
"Don't worry, I'll be back in a couple hours," Dipper smiles. "It is so nice to finally be back to normal...mostly,"
Dipper winces when he stretches his chest area a bit.
"Hey, you forgot about Stan's new rules and not having the journal, didn't you!" Mabel laughs, poking him.
"Whoa...actually, I did!" Dipper laughs, widening his eyes in realization. "Okay, okay, I admit it, you were right!"
Dipper laughs, fending off her accusing pokes.
"Alright, now go get her, tiger!" Mabel laughs, patting his back.
Dipper rolls his eyes, grins, and walks out.
Mabel sighs, and looks out the window.
"It's not even dark yet!" Mabel grumbles. "That's it, I'm takin' a walk outside!"
Waddles oinks at her.
"But Stan said not by yourself!" Mabel says, translating Waddles's oink again. "Hey, I won't be alone, you'll be with me! And besides, I'm not walking deep into the forest or anything. Just around the Shack, like he said!"
Mabel smiles, grabs Waddles, and bounces down the stairs.
Mabel is sitting on their little porch, staring excitedly at a ball of darkness she is forming in her hand.
"These powers never get old!" she laughs, and Waddles oinks in agreement.
Mabel notices something moving in the bushes out of the corner of her eye a little ways away, but when she looks, nothing is there.
"Mysterious creature in the bushes, eh?" Mabel says aloud, squinting her eyes and rubbing her chin. "Sounds like a job for Mabe--oof!"
Mabel is cut short when she runs into Stan. Stan frowns at her with his hands on his hips, and raises an eyebrow.
"Hey, Stan!" Mabel smiles, and starts to skip around him towards the bushes again. Stan stops her with his arm.
"Hey, this is crazy, but...I feel like if you would stop moving your body parts in the way of my walking path, then we would stop bumping into each other!" Mabel says.
"Mabel, I thought you understood when I said I didn't want you kids gettin' hurt again," Stan says.
"But...but I was just checking to see if there was an adorable lost squirrel, or--" Mabel starts, frowning.
"Or a psychotic murderer that has been stalking you guys," Stan finishes. "See what I mean?"
"B-But...that stuff mainly just happens to Dipper!" Mabel explains.
"I ain't takin' no chances!" Stan grunts. "Here, if ya wanna check to see if there's a baby hedgehog--"
"Lost squirrel," Mabel corrects.
"Whatever," Stan says. "Just get your Grunkle Stan and I'll check for ya,"
Stan walks over to the bushes and pokes at the branches with his cane.
"See? Nothin'," Stan says, turning back around and walking over. "And it's gettin' dark out anyway. You should probably go back inside,"
" take the...venture out of adventure!" Mabel complains, stomping back inside of the Mystery Shack. Waddles follows her, close behind.
"Boy, this is gonna be harder than I thought," Stan sighs, shaking his head and walking back inside after her.
Mabel stirs in her bed, unable to get to sleep. She thought she heard footsteps, and she wonders if all of Stan's paranoia is getting to her.
She rolls over and opens one eye to check the time; it's 11:30.
"Why isn't Dipper back yet?" Mabel complains.
Mabel sighs and rolls over, and finds herself staring right into another pair of eyes.
"'re Mabel!" the being laughs.

you're Mabel!" the being laughs

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(Note: Hey guys!
Sorry, I just had to let out that scream!
Moving has been total CHAOS.
Packing boxes is my LIFE now.
I've tried so hard to write this chapter...I've literally pretty much worked on it ONE SENTENCE AT A TIME. It's been so busy with moving and school and moving and basketball and moving and MOVING...please forgive me!! T^T (extremely sad face)
I love you guys so much. You've been so patient and supportive, so I hope this chapter was worth the wait!!❤️💕💞And it ends on a cliffhanger!😈😁I'll try my hardest yet again to write as much as possible!! Love you guys!! Leave your thoughts in the comments, vote if you liked it!! Oh, and Dipper hasn't been in these chapters as much as of late because of his whole head injury, so the next chapter will have more of that awkward little guy in it! 😂😄Baiiii!! -Mabelwaffles127)

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