Chapter Nine- The Memory Gun

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The twins are both recovering in the hospital at the same time, both unaware they are in the same building.
Dipper hasn't woken up yet, and the doctor's are still working on him.
Stan still doesn't know he's there.
In fact, Stan is off looking for Dipper in the forest near the Mystery Shack right now.
"Dipper? Dipwad!" Stan yells, squinting his eyes. He sighs.
"I feel like somethin' weird happened to those kids again...and they won't tell me what," Stan says. "Maybe...maybe I should...let 'em know about what I've been building and..."
Stan stops to think, and shakes his head no.
"No, I can't. Then I'll have to go way back and explain, and they'll find out I've been lying to 'em," Stan mumbles. "I've...I've come too far to spill the beans and risk 'em getting in my way. Besides, I've still got a while to go,"
When Wendy finds out Mabel is in the hospital as well, she rushes up to tell her the news about Dipper, and also ask about what happened to her.
"Mabel!" Wendy says, rushing in after getting the nurse's permission.
"Huh...?" Mabel mumbles, slowly turning her head to look. "Wendy?"
"Mabel, what the heck happened to you guys!?" Wendy asks, worriedly looking at her wounds, straight to the point.
"I got attacked and...wait, did you use guy in a plural form...!?" Mabel asks, widening her eyes. "Did...did you find Dipper...!?"
"Yeah, we did," Wendy sighs. "Well, technically Soos did,"
Conveniently, Soos walks in, directly after she says that.
"Hey dudes," Soos sighs, in a sad tone.
"Hey Soos," Mabel says, and quickly asks, "What...did Dipper look like...? Was he hurt?"
"Yeah, dude, real hurt," Soos sighs again. "He had a hole running through his shoulder right out of part of his chest, dude,"
"What!?" Mabel gasps, sitting up, but cringing at the pain again. "I gotta go see him!"
"Hey, slow down! They...aren't even letting visitors in yet," Wendy sighs. "I've tried,"
"But I can't just let him die! I...I don't know, maybe I could heal him with a spell or something!" Mabel scrambles for ideas.
"Hey, Dipper's not gonna die!" Wendy comforts, helping her lay her head back down.
"Yeah, dude! Dipper's the toughest bro I know!" Soos smiles, winking.
Mabel looks at the ground, eyes watery.
There's a pause, when finally, it hits Mabel.
"Uh...has anyone told Stan yet?" she mumbles. "He's out looking for him,"
"Right, does Stan have a cellphone?" Wendy asks, holding up her phone.
"No, just a home-phone," Soos replies, shaking his head. "Trust me, I tried to buy him a cellphone once. He rejected it heartily,"
"Looks like I'm gonna have to find him," Wendy sighs. "Soos, call me if anything happens!"
With that, Wendy runs out.
Wendy sees Stan, as he sits on a tree stump, looking at something, and rubbing his head.
"Hey, Stan! We found Dipper," Wendy pants, stopping beside him, having just ran the whole way.
"Really? Thank goodness," Stan sighs. "But...Wendy, look at this,"
Stan holds up a memory gun, which he found laying on the ground.
"Uh, what is that again...?" Wendy asks.
"Uh, y'know, of course I wouldn't know," Stan stutters. "Except for the fact that I read about it on an article somewhere,"
"So?" Wendy presses on.
"Alright. This here's a memory gun. It erases certain parts of your memory," Stan explains. "And I think the twins either did somethin' with it, or were about to,"
Wendy widens her eyes.
"What...makes you say that?" Wendy asks.
"Because. Number one, it's on a trail that comes directly from the Mystery Shack, and I found one of Mabel's shoes lying nearby," Stan explains, holding that up as well. "Number two, do you know of any other kids that would go and mess around with a memory gun!?"
Wendy looks at the ground.
"I don't think they're...that reckless!"
Wendy tries to cover for them, but remembers how Mabel almost used it on herself to erase her summer romances at one time.
"I wouldn't put it past 'em!" Stan grumbles negatively, standing up. "Now let's get to the hospital so I can interview both of 'em!"
"Here's the thing," Wendy sighs sadly, rubbing her other arm. "Dipper...isn't ready to see visitors yet,"
Stan snaps his gaze at her, worried.
"Dipper is hurt too. He's being worked on as we speak," Wendy stutters, answering his confused expression.
Stan mumbles, rubbing his head.
"They...they just can't keep gettin' hurt like this! Not on my watch!" Stan yells, suddenly taking off toward the hospital, Wendy trailing behind. "Somethin' has gotta change!"
Stan walks into Mabel's hospital room looking glum, Wendy behind him.
Soos still stands beside Mabel's bed, talking with her.
Apparently Soos cheered her up; Soos and Mabel are smiling happily.
But when they both turn and see Stan and Wendy's expressions, they frown as well.
"Mr. Pines! What's wrong?" Soos asks.
Stan just holds up the memory gun in reply, and looks at Mabel for an answer.
Mabel's eyes widen and she starts to sweat nervously.
"Uh, what's that nerdy looking squirt gun...?" Mabel stutters, but Stan can tell she's lying.
"You know what this is, don't you?" Stan probes, holding up her fallen shoe with his other hand.
"W-Well, yeah, but just from...y'know, Dipper talking about it with his nerd book or whatever!" Mabel blurts out.
"Mabel, please! Did one of you use this on someone or not!?" Stan asks, accidentally raising his voice.
Mabel bites her lip, and she can't hold her emotions back anymore.
"No, I didn't! I didn't use it on him!" Mabel cries, breaking down in tears.
Stan lowers the gun and immediately regrets his actions, guilt showing up all over his face.
"Come on, man! She's hurt, she's been through a lot!" Wendy says angrily, knowing about all she's been through of late, though Stan is still in the dark about most of it.
"I...I'm sorry, Mabel. I...didn't mean to get aggravated," Stan sighs, rubbing his forehead. "I just...wanted to know, so I could maybe let the doctors in on some info that could help them help him, if Dipper did get hurt because of it, y'know?"
Stan gently places his hand on her shoulder, and Mabel shakily wipes her tears away.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry," Mabel chokes out. "I'm n-not mad at y-you,"
"No? Thank goodness," Stan says, slightly grinning. "I couldn't live with myself if I made my favorite great-niece mad at me,"
Mabel smiles, looking up at him.
She hugs him, and Stan smiles, patting her back.
"Augh!" she yells suddenly, startling Stan and laying back down. " injuries for a second there,"
"Heh, so did I! Sorry," Stan laughs, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "So...we're good?"
"Crystal good!" Mabel smiles, winking.
Stan laughs.
"Hey, get some sleep, 'kay?" he says, standing up.
"I'll try," Mabel smiles, closing her eyes.
She almost instantly starts snoring.
"Wow, that was quick," Stan states.
Stan grabs the memory gun which he had set down, and walks out into the hall beside Soos and Wendy.
"Hey. Sorry for snappin' at you, Stan!" Wendy admits, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Hey, it's no big deal, we're all dealin' with some crazy emotions right now!" Stan sighs.
But as they settle back down onto one of the waiting room couches, one thing Mabel said keeps repeating in his head.
No, I didn't! I didn't use it on him!
Stan pauses to think back on their conversation, when the thought hits him.
I never asked her if she used it on him.

(Note: 'Ey, guys!! Finally, I finished!!😄👏🏻😄Let me tell you, it's been crazy trying to work on this baby

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(Note: 'Ey, guys!! Finally, I finished!!😄👏🏻😄
Let me tell you, it's been crazy trying to work on this baby.
Literally, I'd work on it for five minutes, and then have to do something, and then an hour later work on it again for five minutes, get the gist.
But alas, it's finally here! And it won't stop here, trust me! I'll try to work on the next one ASAP before the next wave of crazy-time-consuming-life-issues hits me!
Thanks soooooo much for your amazing patience and continuous support!!
Hope you guys enjoyed the feels! I sure did!
Have a Dipper Dapper...night! Dream of Ford dabbing tonight!

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