Chapter Six- Dipper's Theory

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It's the next day, and Dipper is meeting up with Pacifica again, only this time, it's at the arcade.
"Hey, Dipper!" Pacifica smiles, walking in.
"Hey, Miss Northwest!" Dipper grins.
"So, I'm waiting to hear what makes a dark and stuffy place filled with video games fun," Pacifica grins.
"Well, apparently, people who wanna waste their lives come here for hours of mindless entertainment," Dipper states, matter-of-factly.
Pacifica smiles.
"Let's do it!" she laughs.
     Dipper and Pacifica goof off at the arcade for around 45 minutes, when Dipper's head starts hurting again.
"Haha! Got you!" Pacifica laughs, shooting Dipper's video game character with her's.
She stops to look when Dipper doesn't reply.
"Agh...!" Dipper groans, rubbing his head.
"Hey, you okay?" Pacifica frowns, patting his back.
"I...augh!" Dipper moans again.
"What's happening? Are you sick or something?" Pacifica asks, concerned.
Once the images stop flashing through his mind, he opens his eyes and sits up.
He looks frantically from left to right; he's switched again.
"Am an arcade...?" Dipper asks. "Whatever. Quick, Dipper, quick. Find Mabel," Dipper says to himself, starting to walk out.
"Uh, what was that?" Pacifica asks, following him.
Dipper finally looks and notices Pacifica is there.
"Oh, uh, hey Pacifica," Dipper starts. "Sorry, I gotta go find Mabel,"
"What? Why? I thought you said you had nothing going on...!" Pacifica says, unable to hide her disappointment.
"Did I?" Dipper asks, then shakes his head. "Right...the whole different-mind-set thing,"
"Dipper, you're doing your weird nerd talk again!" Pacifica says, trying to sort things out. "Speak English, please. You had a headache, and now you need to find Mabel?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess," Dipper replies, speed-walking back to the Shack, not paying much attention to her.
Pacifica sighs, and looks at the ground.
"Okay, if you don't wanna tell me why, fine," Pacifica says. "Mom and dad probably want me to do stuff for them right now anyway,"
"Right...have fun with that," Dipper subconsciously replies, distracted.
Pacifica frowns, frustrated.
"I'm sure I will," Pacifica replies sarcastically. "See you sometime your not busy, I guess,"
"Yeah...see you," Dipper says, entering the shack and not looking back.
"Was it...something I said?" Pacifica sighs, turning and walking away.
     Dipper bursts into the shack, and runs upstairs.
"Mabel!" Dipper yells, peering in.
No Mabel is to be seen in their room.
Dipper runs back down the stairs, but then collides with someone, falling backwards onto the floor.
He rubs his head, looking up.
"Hey, you okay?" Wendy asks, helping him up.
Dipper widens his eyes, and can't help but smile.
It's just...been so long. I didn't realize how much I'd missed Wendy, too, Dipper thinks.
"Uh, Dipper...?" Wendy asks, not knowing if it's clueless-stuttery Dipper or know-it-all-Dipper that's staring at her.
"Wendy...!" Dipper chokes out.
No, Dipper, no time for reuniting! Find Mabel, Dipper scolds himself inside his head.
"Right. Do you know where Mabel is?" Dipper asks.
"Yeah, she's hangin' out with Waddles outside somewhere," Wendy says. "I think he ran out or something,"
"Okay...thanks," Dipper smiles, staring at her for a few more seconds.
"Uh, no problem," Wendy says, raising an eyebrow.
Dipper smiles, and finally, turns to run out the door.
Wendy pauses, noticing something was different.
Something about the gleam in his eyes, the way he spoke, his mannerisms...was familiar, and brought a feeling of relief to her.
Wendy widens her eyes and her jaw drops, but it's too late.
"Was that...normal Dipper...?" Wendy breathes.
She looks at the door he ran out of, but Dipper is long gone.
"Mabel! Mabel!" Dipper yells, running towards her.
Mabel is playing with Waddles near the forest, laughing.
Mabel turns, and smiles.
"Sup, bro?" she asks. "I thought you were hanging out with Pacifica again,"
"'s me!" Dipper pleads, looking into her eyes.
Her mouth hangs open as she stares into his eyes a bit, and then smiles, hugging him.
Dipper smiles, and hugs her back.
"Did you...get my note?" Dipper asks, stepping back.
"Yep!" Mabel sighs, hardly able to contain her happiness. "You don't even know how much I needed that!"
"Good, good!" Dipper smiles, rubbing the back of his head. "So listen. I think I have a theory,"
Dipper puts his hands on her shoulders, suddenly serious, as he explains.
"Okay. So, basically, my mind is split, metaphorically speaking, into three mental states, or parts," Dipper says, making motions with his hands. "My brain...doesn't know which one to choose. Which one is real,"
Mabel nods, listening, but looking a tad confused.
"So, to break it down simply, somehow we need to...let my brain know that this is my true state," Dipper goes on. "So...the only way to do that is to eliminate the other two conflicting parts,"
Mabel frowns, letting it sink in.
" don't mean...?" Mabel mumbles.
"Yes," Dipper sighs. "The memory gun,"
"No, Dipper! I already thought of that, and!" Mabel states, sadly. "I can't risk losing this little part of you I have left. What if you turn into McGucket? Or, in your case, McDipgucket?"
"Mabel, I'm not gonna turn into McDipgucket!" Dipper comforts her, sighing. "'s the only way I can come back for good,"
"Can't you just...decide?" Mabel pleads. "Like, it's your own brain!"
"I wish it were that simple, Mabel," Dipper replies. "Believe me, I've tried. I've almost made it a couple times,,"
"I don't understand all this nerdy stuff! Why can't it just be simple...!?" Mabel cries, frustrated.
Dipper sighs, frowning.
"I...guess I'm just not strong enough to eliminate my two opponents," Dipper sighs sadly, pulling his cap down, and casting a shadow over his eyes.
"Oh, Dipper...don't be sad, we'll...we'll figure this out," Mabel sniffs. "We...we always do!"
Dipper glances up, and hugs her again.
She hugs him back, not wanting to let go and lose him.
Dipper backs off, rubbing one of his temples.
"So...Mabel, I trust you to...I trust...agh...," Dipper mumbles, rubbing his head again. "Wait...what...was I talking about...?"
"Wait, Dipper...this is the longest you've stayed with me! Come on!" Mabel pleads, helping him stay standing.
"I...will miss..." Dipper starts, but doesn't finish.
"Dipper? Dipper, you'll miss what?" Mabel urges him to continue.
Dipper glances up sleepily.
"Huh...? M-Mabel...? Why are you h-holding me up?" Dipper stutters.
Mabel face palms, sighing.
"Because this sucks!" she yells, tears streaming down her face as she runs back into the Shack, disheartened.
"Okay...?" Dipper mumbles, slinking back in behind her, Waddles trailing behind him, oinking with worry.
Mabel handles the memory gun, and stares at it for a long while, wondering what she should do.
"Oh, Mabel," Mabel sniffs to herself, sighing. "Please don't make a stupid decision,"

(Note: by the way, your welcome for that amazingly cute pic of Dipper all the way up there

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(Note: by the way, your welcome for that amazingly cute pic of Dipper all the way up there. Isn't it adorable?
I hope it brought sunshine to your day like it did mine. And this last pic is pretty darn cute, too. Anyway!
Hope you loved it! It's getting closer to the next SHABAM!
Vote, and comment your thoughts! Have a Dipper Dapper day!!❤️🐷❤️)

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