Chapter Thirtythree- Stupid Dipwad

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Should I try to tell Mabel about my plan to leave, or should I do it in secret? Dipper thinks, frowning. If this is an alternate reality, then wouldn't the real Dipper from this reality just reappear once I've left or something?
Dipper sighs, rubbing his head and thinking too hard.
No, I don't think that will happen. I've probably rewritten so much timey wimey stuff that I've taken the other Dipper's place!
"Hey there, Dip-Dip," Wendy smiles, sitting beside him on the couch in the living room. "Thinkin' too hard again?"
"Haha, yup, a-as usual," Dipper laughs, blushing.
He's trying to act as casual as he can considering Wendy is apparently his girlfriend now.
"Well, stop. You'll probably worsen your concussion," Wendy grins. "So, speaking of your much exactly do you remember--?"
But Dipper cuts Wendy off by groaning in pain, closing his eyes.
He suddenly receives memories about how Tilla led him to Stan's secret lab and sliced his hand, forcing him into the portal.
" head..." Dipper mumbles through clenched teeth.
Oh, no...if those memories are real...I've gotta get back to Mabel and Stan fast! Dipper thinks desperately. Who knows how time is flying there while I'm here?
"Dipper, you should seriously get a recheck from a doctor," Wendy sighs, worried. "She said it was just a small concussion, but...something tells me it's not,"
"No, no...I'm fine now," Dipper says, opening his eyes and wiping his forehead. "Just a...quick episode,"
Wendy sighs.
"Dipper, listen...sometimes you don't worry about yourself enough," Wendy spits out, almost like it's against her reckless and rebellious will. "I love going on adventures and doing risky stuff too, but...I...I don't wanna lose you, 'kay?"
Dipper looks up at her and sees genuine care in her eyes.
It almost looks like the same look she had on her face when he came back from the dead.
"Hey, d-don't worry about me. I'll be alright," Dipper laughs, trying to ease her conscience. "I always make it out alright, remember? It's me, the adventurous, brave--"
"Stupid Dipwad!" Wendy laughs, putting her arm around him.
She sighs, resting her head on his shoulder.
Dipper gulps, tensing up, already beginning to sweat.
He takes a deep breath and puts his arm around her. She accepts it.
A deep, warm feeling overwhelms Dipper; he can't help but smile and want to live in this moment forever.
It won't hurt to forget about the whole portal thing for a second, Dipper concludes, closing his eyes.
     Dipper, Robbie, Lee, and Mabel all coincidentally end up at Greasy's at the same time, so they decide to eat lunch together.
"So I, like, totally taught that guy a lesson," Robbie states coolly, confidently leaning back. "You want a guitar lesson from me? You better take it seriously!"
"Uh-huh," Lee grins, elbowing Robbie. "Let me guess. You didn't want to teach him because he liked a girl that you liked, right?"
"What!? No! News flash, I've grown up since I was twelve. That whole thing where I was mad at Dipper for liking Wendy is so three years ago," Robbie says casually, motioning to Dipper. "As you can see, since Dipper here is, like, my best friend now. So there,"
Dipper laughs, smiling.
I didn't think being best friends with Robbie and Lee would be, Dipper thinks happily.
"Oh, and I'm not your best friend?" Lee jokes, making a sad face.
"Not now, jerk-face!" Robbie laughs, holding Lee in a headlock.
Mabel sits by Dipper across from Robbie.
"So, this is what having more than one friend feels like!" Mabel whispers to Dipper as the other two roughhouse.
"Yep! You like it?" Dipper whispers back.
"Yeah. It's weird, but fun!" Mabel whispers back, happily.
"Hey, so, Mabel, are you, like, interested in guitars?" Robbie says, taking a sip of his drink after he finally lets Lee go.
"U-Um...well, I've always been kinda interested, but I've never had a chance to learn," Mabel stutters shyly, rubbing her arm.
", you need a...teacher or somethin'?" Robbie mutters, leaning his head up against his hand, avoiding eye contact.
"I guess so. I mean, yeah, that'd be cool," Mabel grins, blushing.
Lee looks at Robbie, then at Mabel, then back at Robbie, and then back at Mabel. Then he looks at Dipper.
"Bro...I think your sis is in L.O.V.E. with R.O.B.B.I.E.!" Lee whispers secretly across the table to Dipper, smiling.
"What!?" Dipper says a bit too loud, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Um, somethin' wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," Robbie casually remarks.
Dipper can't reply, just looks at what's happening between Robbie and his sister.
"Uh, dude, look, dessert!" Lee distracts them, pointing to the dessert menu.
The two of them examine the options as Dipper stares into space; Lee tries slapping him and blowing spit balls through straws at him to get him out of it, but for quite some time, it doesn't work.
Dipper and Mabel are hanging out upstairs in Mabel's room.
"So...did you have fun at lunch today?" Dipper asks.
"Yeah, it was super fun," Mabel smiles, buzzing. "And...that friend of yours named Robbie...he's pretty cute! And he wants to teach me guitar! Tomorrow!"
Now Dipper can't escape the truth.
"A-Are you sure about this? I mean, he's a great guy, but you two, together?" Dipper stutters, not knowing what to say. "The emo with the butterfly? And the butterfly happens to be my sister? And the emo happens to be one of my best friends?"
"Awe, c'mon, Dipper! It's not like that. It's just guitar lessons!" Mabel smiles, waving the thought off with her hand casually.
"Right, 'cause anything more would be crazy! Ha. Ha," Dipper laughs uncomfortably. "Ha,"
"I mean, it's not like we' or anything! Yet," Mabel laughs, whispering the last part.
"What was that last part?" Dipper states, quickly narrowing his eyes at her.
"Nothin'! Oh, it's 2 o'clock! Time for some Mabel Juice!" Mabel chirps, skipping out of the room and down the stairs.
Dipper sighs, laughing, and shakes his head.
His phone vibrates; it's a text from Wendy.

Wendy: Hey, we haven't had a set date in a while! Wanna get dinner tomorrow at some dumb fancy restaurant or something? :)

Dipper laughs as he replies.

Dipper: Sure! Just pick the time and the place and I'll

Dipper stops typing.
He deletes the sentence he was beginning to type and sighs, resting his head in both of his hands.
"What am I doing...?" Dipper sighs aloud. "I'm...I'm...getting attached to this place,"
Dipper's eyes widen and he facepalms when he realizes he said that out loud.
"I'm so stupid. I'm getting attached to this place while Tilla could be wreaking havoc back in my real reality," Dipper sighs, shaking his head gloomily. "I need to sneak down to the lab and get the portal working,"
And suddenly, before Dipper can stop the thought, it flashes across his mind.
What if you stayed here?
Dipper scolds himself for even thinking about that and stands up, walking downstairs toward the lab.

(Note: Even I am starting to like this adorable new reality! And I finally have an excuse to use some Wendip fanart! 😜😁 I usually do chapters filled with action, adventure, and feels, so I thought I'd do a more chill, laid-back, romance-y chapte...

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(Note: Even I am starting to like this adorable new reality! And I finally have an excuse to use some Wendip fanart! 😜😁 I usually do chapters filled with action, adventure, and feels, so I thought I'd do a more chill, laid-back, romance-y chapter today.
Before the ginormous feelsy chapter that lies ahead *cough cough*.
Anyway, tell me how ya liked the chapter in the comments, and feel free to ask questions! Thank you all sooooooo much for your undying support! 😃💞 Love yas, friends! 🤗

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