Chapter Ten- Reuniting

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It's been another day.
It's 6 A.M., and Wendy tries to check on Dipper again before receiving the "okay", while Soos and Stan are asleep in their chairs.
She walks up to the door and knocks; no one replies, so she peeks in.
Dipper is resting peacefully in the bed, all patched up, but definitely not ready to leave his bed yet.
Wendy walks in and gently shuts the door, tiptoeing over to the side of his bed.
Dipper is sleeping, and breathes in and out in short breaths, struggling to get a full breath in. But Wendy is just happy he's breathing at all.
She smiles, and places her hand on his chest, just checking for a heartbeat.
Dipper twitches in his sleep and rolls to face her, eyes still clenched closed.
Wendy holds her breath, pulling back her hand, trying not to wake him.
A few seconds later, Dipper slowly blinks open his eyes, and painstakingly yawns, flinching at the twinge of pain in his chest as he does so.
"W...Wendy...?" Dipper mumbles, trying to sit up a bit.
"Heh, hey dude," Wendy smiles. "Sorry,"
Dipper pauses, and rubs his head.
"'s fine," Dipper smiles. "But...could you ask me a question about something that happened earlier this summer?" Dipper asks vaguely.
"What?" Wendy asks.
"Just please...ask me anything," Dipper pleads, looking up at her.
"Okay, did you the Dusk 2 Dawn store, when we snuck in that one night?" Wendy asks, shrugging.
"The...the lamby lamby dance," Dipper replies, mumbling.
He widens his eyes and looks up.
"Bill Cipher," he says aloud.
Wendy pauses, surprised, and looks from left to right.
"What? Is Bill here?" Wendy asks.
"Bill Cipher? Journal 3? My big battle with Dark Mage!?" Dipper asks aloud, his tone getting more excited as he talks, and waits.
Wendy stands there, perplexed, until she realizes what he's doing. She grins.
"'re--" Wendy starts.
"I'm back...!" Dipper finishes for her with a big smile. "My memories are back! Nothing is triggering my other mindsets! I'm...back!"
"Dipper, that's...that's amazing, dude!" Wendy celebrates with him, giving him a high-five.
"Yeah!" Dipper laughs.
A look of realization appears on his face.
"I gotta tell Mabel," he mumbles.
He sits up, groaning as he does so, but doesn't lay back down and succumb to the pain.
"Whoa, Dipper, slow down! You're not ready to try and--" Wendy starts, making her way over to help him lay back down.
But Dipper slides off of the bed before she can react, and stifles a yell from the pain, but that doesn't stop him.
Narrowing his newly bright eyes in determination, he sprints as fast as he possibly can in his state, out the door.
"Dipper, I can just tell her later! Wait!" Wendy calls, running after him.
"No," Dipper replies back through clenched teeth. "I...have to be to do it. Then she'll...she'll know it's really me,"
As he's running, a spasm of pain occurs in his shoulder and chest area.
He screams, collapsing to the ground.
Wendy stops beside him and starts to pick him up, when he shoves her off.
"Dipper...I'm pretty sure this is called over exertion," Wendy says. "And if I was paying any attention to what my teacher was saying at the time, I'm pretty sure he explained that it's not a good thing to have when you're injured,"
"Hey...I...I got this! I just...I'm almost there, I can sense her near," Dipper gasps, using a light spell in his mind to search for her room.
Wendy bites her lip, and knows she can't stop him from this.
Dipper limps a few more steps, and finally, he reaches her room.
He just takes the doorknob when the doctors burst into the hallway.
"Stop! Stop right there!" one of them yells. "We heard you scream, you're not well enough to go out yet. And certainly not well enough to mess with our other patients!"
"Hey, wait, man! He just wants to tell his sister he's okay, alright!?" Wendy defends him, but notices Dipper breathing deeply, and looking sort of pale, like he could pass out at any second, as he glares at the incoming doctors, his hand on the doorknob.
Wendy frowns.
Reluctantly, she steps aside.
The doctors rush over to pick up Dipper and carry him back to his room, Dipper struggling the whole way.
They lay him on his bed and eventually, he gives in with a sigh, and they check on his wound, which is starting to bleed again.
They plug a tube back into his arm, and press a button, shooting medicine into his veins.
Dipper sighs sadly, losing consciousness as the medication slowly takes him away, and the doctors work on his wound yet again.
Mabel...please be okay, Dipper thinks, just before his vision goes black.
     About 5 days later, after continuous care, Dipper is finally released.
Stan, Soos, and Wendy wait expectantly in the waiting room.
Dipper, smiling brightly, walks out into the room to face them.
"Dipper!" they all yell, running towards him.
"Careful, guys! Or else they'll restrain me again," Dipper laughs, rolling his eyes. "That was the worst,"
"Probably wouldn't have been so bad if you wouldn't have tried to escape a bazillion times!" Stan winks at him, rubbing his head roughly.
"I guess once qualifies as a bazillion times now," Dipper laughs sarcastically.
"Pterodactyl Bro!" Soos yells happily, hugging him.
Dipper feels the pressure on his wound instantly.
" chest," Dipper breathes, tapping his back, and laughing.
"Oh, sorry dude," Soos smiles, letting him go, and rubbing the back of his neck. "Forgot about your injury for a sec there,"
"Hey, I've needed a good ol' hug from my Pterodactyl Bro for a while now," Dipper grins, and Soos smiles back.
"Good thing Soos took the fall, I was about to make the same mistake!" Wendy laughs, playfully punching his arm.
"Haha, ow!" Dipper laughs, jokingly pretending to rub his arm in pain.
"It's good to have ya back," Stan says. "But just a warning, there...are gonna be some changes,"
Dipper's smile fades, when he notices the stern look on his Grunkle's face.
"Dipper!" he hears from behind him.
Dipper's eyes widen, and he immediately smiles once again, spinning to face the person behind the voice.
"Mabel!" he yells, running towards her.
They reunite in a big hug, laughing through the pain that follows.
After a bit, they finally step back, both holding back their hurt.
"Dipper, you're okay...!" Mabel gasps, happily.
" too!" Dipper laughs, rubbing the back of his neck.
Mabel pauses, and looks like she's thinking of something.
"You have light powers and are obsessed with finding the author of journal 3," Mabel spits out, cautiously eyeing him.
Dipper smiles, and sighs in relief.
"Heh, all true!" Dipper laughs, holding his arms out. "Mabel...I'm back. No more sudden switches,"
Tears of joy threaten to spill as Mabel let's it sink in, smiling.
Dipper hugs her again, and she hugs back.
"Uh, is there somethin' I missed?" Stan asks, confused at their conversation.
Dipper and Mabel separate again, laughing.
"Not really," Dipper replies, grinning.
"Not at all! Everything is back to normal," Mabel laughs.
Dark Mage is dead, Dipper is back...everything is finally worked out! Mabel thinks.
"Alright, you kids enjoy this little reunion, but when we get home, I gotta talk to you kids about somethin', alright?" Stan sighs, leading them out of the hospital.
Dipper and Mabel share a slightly worried glance as they follow him out into the unknown.

(Note: Yay!!! I thought this chapter was really cute! And now everything is back to normal

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(Note: Yay!!! I thought this chapter was really cute! And now everything is back to normal...or as normal as their life in Gravity Falls can be!
What do you think, readers? Shall we give our twins a break, or instantly throw them into another feelsy plot line? Leave your thoughts in the comments! Love you guys!!!
~Keep Calm and Waddles On!🐷❤️~)

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