Chapter Twentyfour- Sleepless in Gravity Falls

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White Mage picks up Dipper's limp, pale body and transports back to her room.
The Sev'ral Timez-Dipper-puppet awaits her there.
"Alright, let's do this!" Dipper says, floating closer. "So...what needs to be done?"
" it is, page 1,606: The rising spell: use on lifeless being you desire to rejuvenate," White Mage states. "Dipper, put down the puppet and stay near your body,"
"Gladly," Dipper grunts, throwing off the puppet. " what?"
"Then...then here it goes," White Mage sighs, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. "...IRHV!  Gzpv yzxp blfi ulihzpvm hlfoh! IRHV!"
Light magic pulses from White Mage and spreads all around the room.
In the mindscape, a beam of light blasts directly onto Dipper, who shouts in surprise at how powerful the force is; then, the light blasts right onto his body, which begins to heal it.
The hole in the Dipper's head heals up, and as soon as the last piece of injured skin is patched up, Dipper's soul is thrown straight into the body at high speed.
Dipper, finally back in his rightful body, sits up, gasping for breath.
For a split second, he breathes a sigh of relief. Then that second passes.
Suddenly, Dipper yells, cringing and twitching, collapsing backward onto the floor.
His head is throbbing, ten times more than it even did back when he had to switch from mindset to mindset.
The injury in his head is gone, but it still feels sensitive and sore; and the rest of his body feels like it has no circulation, the cold paleness ever present, color not yet growing back.
The pain from the intense spell feels like several sharpened knives stabbing into his body in all areas at once.
"D...Dipper? You okay there, buddy?" White Mage asks, kneeling down beside him.
But Dipper can't reply; he can only moan in response.
"Can't say I didn't warn ya!" White Mage laughs nervously, scratching the back of her head. "But...seriously. You okay? You need water or something? I'll be right back!"
White Mage transports out of the room in a hurry to fetch Dipper some water.
Tears trickle down Dipper's cheeks as he tries to just make it through the nonstop pain.
Mabel tosses and turns in her bed, unable to get to sleep.
I just...feel so empty inside. Like half of me is missing, Mabel thinks, depressingly.
Then Mabel glances over at Dipper's empty bed.
"H-How am I ever gonna get used to...?" Mabel starts to whisper, but then bursts out crying.
She rolls over and shoves her face into her pillow.
Waddles tries to lay down next to her, but even that doesn't cheer her up in the slightest.
Stan has stayed in his room most of the time as well, unable to sleep.
Unable to accept it, he's been constantly looking up ways he could bring him back, but in the end, comes up with nothing.
And then a thought hits him; he's going to have to tell Shermie.
Soos has also been grieving at home, but has made frequent visits to the Corduroy's house to check up on Wendy, and bring her things like jars of fresh, hot, chicken noodle soup, and pots of warm chamomile tea.
Meanwhile, the rest of Gravity Falls is in chaos; Tilla is turning people into shadows who don't bow down fast enough, and has even made some citizens her slaves already.
"Ah, this is too much power!" Tilla laughs. She then feels something in her pocket which she forgot about. She pulls it out; it's Mabel's explosive remote.
"Oh yeah, forgot to disable it," she mutters. Then she grins.
"Oh, well, maybe one day I'll accidentally sit on the red button, just to start a panic, y'know...who knows!" Tilla laughs evilly.
Alyssa peeks out from a doorway, concerned.
I knew she was crazy. She wanted to take over the world, and I said I'd do it with her, Alyssa thinks. But I...I guess I didn't realize how many casualties would be involved...and what it would do to Till.
Meanwhile, Jim blankly stares out at all the chaos, chewing bubblegum.
White Mage sighs, sitting down across from Dipper, waiting for his pain to subside.
Dipper has gone from screaming to moaning, and from spasms to twitching, until finally, around an hour after White Mage first casted the spell on him, Dipper is almost completely still, almost completely silent, his eyes closed shut.
"Um...Dipper?" White Mage mumbles, tapping him with her foot.
Dipper's body has a small spasm once she does this, but it wakes Dipper up, at least.
"Aha...oops," White Mage giggles. " okay?"
Dipper shakily sits himself up.
He breathes short, interrupted breaths, though he's trying to breathe in and out as slowly as possible.
"I-I...a-am...f-f-fine now," Dipper stutters through clenched teeth, sweating. "You'd think by now...I'd be pain,"
"Oh, trust me! Pain always feels new," White Mage smiles positively, standing up. "Are ya ready to take down an evil ruler who is currently residing in the Northwest Manor!?"
Dipper rolls his eyes at her.
"Y'know, you're the all powerful Mage here!" Dipper grumbles negatively.
"Honey, if I get turned into a shadow, then that's it for me; my soul and body will dissipate into dark nothingness forever," White Mage states plainly. " got this! You the man!"
"Uh-huh," Dipper sighs. "Alright...I'm gonna have to stand up and move sometime, so...h-here goes nothing,"
Dipper forces himself to stand up, cringing and squeezing his eyes shut as he does.
But he does it, nonetheless, and without a spasm.
"A-Alright...I'm going," Dipper sighs.
"Here," she says, casting a spell which pulses light energy into his body. "That was a light energy spell to keep you light on your feet during your journey,"
"Thanks, White Mage," Dipper grins, thankfully.
"You know what? Call me...Kotomi," White Mage smiles brightly. "That's...that's my real name,"
"Oh...thanks, Kotomi!" Dipper says. "See you later...hopefully,"
And with that, Dipper musters enough light energy to transport to the Northwest Mansion.
Tilla sits in her headquarters, her purple eyes swirling with a hunger for power.
In one hand she's twirling the vile of shadows, and in another she's holding the remote, hovering her thumb over the red button.
Dipper transports into the middle one of their numerous hallways.
"Just great," Dipper mumbles, wiping his forehead. "Thanks, Northwests, for making your home so needlessly complicated!"
Dipper quietly walks down the halls; he cannot be caught by someone else before he gets to Tilla.
Dipper turns left into another hallway, when someone bumps into him, falling on top of him.
He once again finds himself staring into a pair of blue eyes.
Dipper scoots back, already starting to panic.
"Please, Alyssa, you don't understand! I need to stop Tilla, because--!" Dipper instantly pleads.
"Wait!" Alyssa says, holding her hands up. "Wait...listen,"
Dipper stops, and listens.
"I...I know Tilla needs to be stopped," Alyssa sighs. "Her plan was to rule Gravity Falls together, as a team. We did make a pact that if we had to sacrifice people to get here, we would...but she promised we wouldn't have to sacrifice our own. So when she did...that's when I knew she had been blinded by darkness,"
Dipper widens his eyes in surprise, standing up.
"'ll...let me stop her...?" Dipper cautiously asks.
Alyssa sighs.
"Y...Yes," she hesitantly admits. "But...just promise me you won't kill her. She's like a sister to me. Or...or she was,"
"I promise," Dipper nods. He holds out his hand, and they shake on it.
", go, before you run into Jim. He really won't hesitate to kill you," Alyssa informs him. "It's down this hall, through that door, and then to the right,"
"Thank you, so much!" Dipper smiles. "I really owe you one,"
And with that, he runs off.
Alyssa shakes her head, sighing, and bites her lip.
"I hope I've made the right choice," she whispers.

(Note: Thank you all for reading!! And thank you so much for commenting your thoughts; they always give me a boost of energy to write more! I've got another chapter almost ready to be published already

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(Note: Thank you all for reading!! And thank you so much for commenting your thoughts; they always give me a boost of energy to write more! I've got another chapter almost ready to be published already. Keep your eyes peeled for chapter twentyfive tomorrow!😁😄💞 Night, Fallers!!

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