Chapter Fourteen- There is no Us

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"So...yeah, I should probably fill you guys in on what I saw, shouldn't I!" Gray says, as they make their way through the gates. "I saw Mabel chained up. I saw the kidnapper's silhouette, but I didn't see who it was. Then I saw them holding up needles towards her, and that's when I freaked out and knew they were planning something terrible for her!"
"Oh, no...Mabel's barely healed up from her last injuries!" Dipper stutters, worried.
"Hey, it's alright! We're going to get her before she gets hurt," Pacifica smiles, trying to calm both her and Dipper down.
Gray sighs and nods, and Dipper gulps nervously.
They open the doors that are barely hinged and walk in.

     "So, you said that they were holding up needles towards her. So...that means there is more than one kidnapper?" Dipper asks, as they walk down an extremely dark hallway.
"Yeah, there must be," Gray says.
"Ow!" Pacifica screams. "Guys, something just, like, cut me! I can't see a thing!"
Dipper is about to use his light powers, but remembers she doesn't know about them.
Would it hurt for her to know? Although, she'd probably get mad at me for saying it's a long story again, Dipper thinks negatively.
Dipper mumbles, shakes his head, and snaps his fingers.
A glow of light emits from his finger, and he moves it around, looking for Pacifica.
"Move the flashlight here, I'm right behind y--!" Pacifica starts, but her words get stuck in her throat when she realizes it's not a flashlight.
Dipper sighs, and before she can even ask anything, says, "It's a long story,"
"Wow, that is a good gash right there!" Gray smiles, looking down on her wound, not helping whatsoever.
"Looks like you cut it on whatever was poking out of that wall over there," Dipper observes, helping her stand up. "It's not too deep,"
"Compared to what?" Pacifica asks. "I'm sure you've gotten way worse than this, but I've never had worse than bruises my whole life!"
Dipper rolls his eyes and shines the light brighter so he can figure out what to do, when he notices something is still in her leg.
"Oooh...okay, that's a bit of a problem," Dipper sighs. "Just...hold still,"
"What? What is it...!?" she starts panicking. "I'm going to pass out if there's still something in there,"
"Hey, trust me! I promise I'll catch you if you fall, got it?" Dipper says, trying to comfort her.
Pacifica stares into his eyes; she feels that same feeling she felt when Dipper and her hung out at the ice rink, and knows she can trust him.
She nods, and holds still.
"OUCH!" Pacifica yells as Dipper yanks it out.
"Okay, maybe that's a bigger shard of rusted metal than I thought it was," he mumbles nervously, widening his eyes.
Before Pacifica passes out, Gray says, "No problem!", and snaps, magically stitching up her wound.
"Dipper, I knew you were weird, but I didn't know you were into the whole magic-weird stuff," Pacifica huffs, feelings of annoyance coming back towards Dipper.
"'s kind of a--" Dipper starts.
"Long story? Yeah, I know," Pacifica grunts, walking past them, aggravated.
Dipper and Gray glance at one another and shrug before following her, Dipper casting light in front of them as they go.
     "Mabel! Oh, Mabel!" the kidnapper whispers.
Mabel slowly blinks open her eyes to see she's in a capsule, a few tubes connecting to her body.
"What the...?" Mabel croaks, eyes widening.
"I took off the mouth-fold for ya. It was just so boring having one-way conversations!" the kidnapper sighs, stepping into Mabel's view.
Standing before her is a young adult. She's a female and has blonde hair, and bangs that are tipped black. She has piercing, almost illuminating purple eyes, and a black and red dress, slightly tattered.
She has the biggest smile Mabel has ever seen.
"Well, are you impressed!?" she asks, doing jazz hands. "I mean, were ya expecting any of this!?"
"Who...are you...?" Mabel asks, sweat building up on her forehead, trying to ignore the tubes running into her arms. "Where's Dipper...!?"
"Oh, trust me, I don't have any use of your petty brother!" the lady says, waving the thought off with her hand nonchalantly. "He's one of the light...bleh!"
The girl sticks out her tongue like just saying the word "light" disgusts her.
"Okay, lady...listen up!" Mabel yells, adrenaline and fear catching up with her. "I have been through way too much garbage lately, missy! You need to step back and evaluate just who you're messing with!"
"Oh, trust me, I've evaluated for a while!" the woman smiles. "I've been stalking you for a loooooong time now!"
"Then you probably know about...this!" Mabel yells, summoning a ball of darkness and launching it at her.
But the ball dissipates once it hits the glass door of the capsule she's in.
"Precisely!" the girl laughs. "Which is the reason why you're here, actually! I crave your dark power, so...y'know, I'm gonna get it! To achieve my evil dreams!"
Mabel growls, trying to launch more and more dark attacks, but the glass cage she's in won't budge.
"Ya done?" the woman laughs. "Oh, and by the way, the name's Tilla. But you can call me...Cataclysm!"
     Dipper, Pacifica, and Gray are contemplating whether to go left or right, having reached the end of that hallway.
"I've tried using my light powers to sense where she's at, but...somethings disrupting the signal," Dipper mumbles. "Got anything new, Gray Mage?"
Gray's pupils turn gray again, and she tries to see.
"Hmm...all I see is...Mabel's awake now, and she's in a capsule instead of chains! She looks like she's yelling at someone," Gray says quickly, saying it as she sees it. Then her pupils return to normal.
"That's all I've got for now," Gray states.
Suddenly, a figure darts into the hallway they're emerging from, and collapses with Dipper.
"Oof!" they both yell simultaneously, falling backward.
Dipper opens his eyes to awkwardly find himself looking into a another pair of ones.
The person frantically stands up, frazzled, and backs away.
"P-Please, stay b-back!" she yells, scared, holding out her fists at the small group as Dipper gets up and recollects himself.
It is a girl with wavy, black hair which comes down to the middle of her back, who wears a tan crocheted beanie.
"What are you talking about? You throw yourself into Dipper and tell us to back off!?" Pacifica huffs angrily, placing her hands on her hips.
"Clearly she's confused," Dipper sighs, calming Pacifica down. "Listen. Who are you, and why are you so scared?"
" aren't with the gang...?" the girl asks.
"No, we just got here. Is this gang you're talking about by chance holding someone captive right now? And if so, could you lead us to them?" Dipper asks inquisitively.
"I...I don't know," the girl says, suspiciously.
"Just come with us...we're here to help," Dipper says.
The girl widens her eyes.
"That's what they said!" the girl yells, dashing down another hallway.
"Wait!" Dipper shouts, scrambling after her, the others trailing behind him.
     "We're not...apart...of the...gang!"
Dipper pants, surprised the girl can run that fast for that long.
"You aren't tricking me again...! I will not be shoved into a capsule again!" the girl cries, not letting up.
"Wait...wait! My sister has been kidnapped and put into a capsule by these people, that's why we're here!" Dipper yells quickly.
But the girl has turned into a hallway and can't hear them.
"Augh," Dipper groans. "That was our chance, and we missed it!"
"Eh, I don't think we need her. Seemed like a bumbling idiot to me," Pacifica grumbles sourly.
"She was a bumbling idiot that probably knew where Mabel was!" Dipper sighs.
"Guys, I caught us a lady!" Dipper and Pacifica hear someone behind them call. They look to see Gray carrying the girl, who's kicking and screaming.
"I just used my powers to transport myself right by her," Gray smiles.
"You couldn't have mentioned that earlier...?" Dipper groans, still tired from the chase. "I thought you could only transport to somewhere you've been, or to places you've seen before!"
"Yeah, I've been here before, a long time ago," Gray states, putting the girl down. "Anyway...lady, you know where my best friend is. So spit it out before I turn you inside-out!"
"Please, don't put me back into that horrible place...!" the lady cries, too scared to see reason.
"We. Are. Not. The. Bad guys!" Pacifica yells, exasperated.
"My sister has been kidnapped and placed in a capsule just like yours. We want to save her, so...please, just work with us here!" Dipper says.
"I can't...!" the lady sniffs.
"And why not!?" Dipper asks.
"Because...there is no us," the girl replies.
"Huh...?" Dipper mumbles, and realizes Pacifica and Gray are gone.
"And soon, there isn't going to be a you either," she finishes, standing up.
Before Dipper can react, he feels four arms wrap around him and drag him away into the darkness.

(Note: New villains, new motives, new adventures, and new feels await you on a platter of suspense

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(Note: New villains, new motives, new adventures, and new feels await you on a platter of suspense. I hope you're enjoying this turn of events, and can't wait to write about what happens next!! 😁👏🏻 Love you guys, thanks again for your awesomeness!!😄❤️‼️
Comment your thoughts, and rate the intensity level!

😯=ok this is cool
😳=wasn't expecting that

Thanks for your feedback, I always appreciate it!!! Baiiiiiii, and, as always, have a Dipper Dapper day!😝😄👋🏻💕🐷

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