Chapter One- Funtimes Waterpark: not Safe, not fun

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Dipper yawns, just waking up.
His eyelids feel like they way 10 pounds; he had a terrible sleep last night.
He rolls over to see Mabel laying on her back in her own bed, snoring. She has some icecream on her sweater.
Dipper grins.
"See, Dipper? I'm sure you would've just made it worse had you gone on that dangerous quest or...whatever...with her," Dipper yawns aloud, sitting up.
He walks over and pokes her.
"Ungh...Dipper, you're...back..." Mabel mumbles in her sleep. "I thought...I,"
Dipper frowns and pokes her again.
Mabel sits up quickly, and for a second she looks at him with joy, but then bites her lip. She sighs and yawns.
"What do you want...?" she grumbles, sleepily.
"'s 10 in the morning," Dipper says. "I think I heard Stan call us down. I guess we over slept...?"
"10 in the morning...?" Mabel yawns again. "I got home a half-hour ago,"
"Really? What were you doing?" Dipper asks. "Besides that magical quest or whatever,"
"Well, it was that, and Gray and I stayed late afterward and ate a buncha icecream," Mabel smiles. "Good times,"
"I can tell," Dipper grins. "So I guess I'll let you slee--"
"Kids, come down, now!" Stan yells.
"Um," Dipper says. "Or maybe not..."
Mabel groans and slides out of bed. They both make their way down the steps.
"Kids! Number one, it's time for breakfast! Number two--Mabel, weren't you supposed to be spending the night at Candy's?" Stan asks when they arrive.
"Uh...yeah! I came back in the middle of the night because...I got homesick," Mabel covers.
"Well, ya must've come back after I checked on Dipper last night, then, at 3 A.M., because you weren't there when I did," Stan inquires.
"Yep, yep I did!" Mabel smiles.
"Huh. Okay, anyway. Number two, we're goin' swimming today, kids!" Stan announces. "We did laser tag a while ago, so I thought it was time for another fun day!"
"Sweet!" Mabel squeals. "Let's go!"
"Ah-ah-ah! This is different!" Stan says. "We aren't goin' to the community pool that weirdo Mr. Poolcheck owns, we're going to...a waterpark!"
"A waterpark!?" Mabel gasps, overly excited. "I didn't know Gravity Falls had a waterpark!"
"It doesn't. It's in another town, about an hour away. So hurry up and pack for the trip!" Stan says, smiling at Mabel's happy expression. "And then eat your breakfast. It's microwave cinnamon rolls,"
"Tiredness, gone!" Mabel exclaims, turning to Stan. "Permission to dress Waddles in a bathing suit?"
"Whatever your weird little mind wants to dress him in, Pumpkin!" Stan laughs, messing up her hair.
"Yes! You're the best, Stan!" Mabel yells, running up the stairs.
"Wait, uh, M-Mabel!" Dipper says, running after her.
Once he catches up with her, Mabel is already trying to fit Waddles into a bathing suit.
"What is a water park!?" Dipper asks. "And...have you already prepared for this kind of occasion?"
Dipper points to a little swimsuit Mabel had already sewn up for Waddles.
"Oh, yeah! I mean, I didn't know we were going to a waterpark, but I had to make Waddles an adorable swimsuit just in case, right!?" Mabel laughs. "And a water park is a big place filled with water and water-themed rides! You'll see. You'll love it!"
"Uh...if you say so," Dipper stutters, uncertain.
"You'll need to put on this!" Mabel yells, throwing him his swim trunks.
"Why on earth do I--?" Dipper starts.
"Just do it!" Mabel says.
Dipper sighs and walks into the bathroom to change.
"Here we are, kids! The home of fun times, delicious food, and annoying kids!" Stan proclaims, throwing his arms up. They are standing in front of the gates, with a sign nearby that reads, Funtimes Waterpark: safe and fun!
They walk inside, and Dipper looks in awe.
"Whoa! What is all this!?" Dipper asks, eyes widening.
"Uh, ya haven't been to a waterpark, kid?" Stan asks, raising his eyebrows. "Eh, Shermie doesn't really care for waterparks, so I guess it makes sense,"
"Shermie...? Who's--" Dipper starts.
"Whoa, everybody stop what they're doing and look at THAT!" Mabel yells quickly, covering for Dipper.
"What? Where?" Stan asks, looking around.
"I thought I saw a dollar bill blowing around over there!" Mabel yells, pointing.
"Money!? Be right back!" Stan yells, running in the direction Mabel was pointing.
"Haha, nailed it!" Mabel smiles. "Now let's hit the pool!"
"Why would we hit--?" Dipper starts.
"Not literally hit it, just--never mind! Let's go!" Mabel smiles, pulling him towards the pool.
     "So, I just...jump right in the water...?" Dipper hesitates.
"Yep! C'mon, it's super easy!" Mabel says. "Watch this!"
Mabel stands at the edge of the deep end of the pool, next to Dipper.
She front flips into the water.
"Whoa!" Dipper exclaims. "That was...pretty cool,"
"Right!? Now your turn!" Mabel smiles, emerging from the water.
"No thanks, I'm good up here for now," Dipper says.
"Awe...are you sure?" Mabel frowns.
But then, a muscular boy with shaggy blonde hair steps beside Dipper and flexes.
Then, with a glance at Mabel, he dives in.
"...So my love story begins," Mabel whispers, eyes glistening. She eagerly swims towards the boy.
Dipper rolls his eyes and grins.
He decides to walk around the edge of the pool.
"This place is pretty sweet," Dipper smiles, looking around.
As he's walking, a vivid image of Bill flashes into his mind, and as soon as it comes, it goes.
Dipper widens his eyes and gasps, stopping for a second.
"Wha...what was...!?" Dipper breathes.
A few seconds later, he starts walking again, shaking his head to try and clear the image.
He spots a boy with yellow swim shorts, with a black triangle design on them.
Suddenly, the triangle forms one eye, which blinks at Dipper.
Dipper gasps again, but when he blinks, it disappears.
Dipper bites his lip and starts to shiver in fear.
He tries to walk again, but only takes a few steps, when suddenly, his vision gets blurry, and all he can see is Bill. And all he can hear is Bill whispering to him.
Shermie is your dad. You have parents. You have a home somewhere else. Mabel is hiding your journal. The author is Stan's brother.
Stan is lying.
Mabel is lying.
Wendy is lying.
You are a lie.
Those are the only words Dipper can hear as he falls.
     Mabel is splashing and flirting with the boy, when she hears Dipper scream.
She turns just in time to see Dipper, staring into space, with small, scared pupils.
His body goes limp, his eyelids drooping shut, and he collapses by his own will.
He falls into the water, helpless, sinking to the bottom.

(Note: thank you all for reading!! I can't wait to publish chapter two for you guys!!😄‼️❤️ Leave your thoughts on the first chapter in the comments! Have a fallerful day!!!)

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(Note: thank you all for reading!! I can't wait to publish chapter two for you guys!!😄‼️❤️ Leave your thoughts on the first chapter in the comments! Have a fallerful day!!!)

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