Chapter Eighteen- Twenty Dollars

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The mysterious person spins his chair to face Dipper, but spun too hard, so he ends up facing the right of Dipper.
He then awkwardly scoots his chair to face Dipper head on.
"There! Now...where have you and Mabel been all day!?" Stan asks.
"Oh...Stan," Dipper breathes in relief.
But soon, sweat begins to build up on Dipper's forehead, knowing he's going to have to give Stan an explanation.
Ugh...I'm too weak to think of excuses... Dipper thinks negatively.
"Come on, kid, spill! If you're gonna sneak out, you gotta tell me why!" Stan presses on, standing up and flicking on the light.
Dipper quickly hides his bleeding wrists and bites his lip as he knows Stan probably notices his beat-up body.
"Uh...Mabel and I...saw a 20 dollar bill floating in the yard and we took off after it for, for the shack!" Dipper stammers. "It was a crazy adventure, but it was worth it!"
"Is that so? Show me the money!" Stan grunts, holding out his hand.
Dipper laughs nervously as he digs around in his pockets, already thinking of excuses he could use as to where the money went. But then he feels a wrinkled, paper rectangle, and he remember's Gray's gift.
Dipper holds it up, handing the twenty dollars to Stan.
"Such...such courage," Stan says, nodding his head and rubbing his chin seriously. "I'm so proud to have a niece and nephew like you two!"
Dipper widens his eyes in surprise and smiles, but quickly shoves his hands back in his pockets to hide his wrists.
"Now get to bed before I shed tears of happiness!" Stan says, pointing to the stairs.
Dipper laughs, and runs up.
"Night, Stan!" he calls as he does.
Stan sighs, and sits back down in his chair.
"No matter how much I limit them and restrain them, they're gonna get into trouble," Stan sighs. "Wendy was right. I need to let 'em figure it out themselves. I just gotta be there for 'em through whatever happens,"
     Dipper wakes up with a yawn, to see Mabel still asleep.
Dipper sighs and slides out of bed.
"Mabel? Mabel, wake up...time for breakfast," Dipper says, poking her.
Mabel rolls over.
"I wanna sleep forever," Mabel grumbles.
Dipper's eyes light up, and he smiles, relieved.
"Come on, sleepy head. It's, like, 11:30 in the morning," Dipper laughs.
"What...? Why are you...waking me" Mabel yawns, eyes still closed. Finally, she snaps open her eyes and sits up suddenly.
"Oh my gosh, I forgot about yesterday! What happened!?" Mabel asks curiously.
"Oh, nothing really, you started to get drained of your dark energy, and I just, y'know, emitted a giant light blast while simultaneously creating forcefields for you, Pacifica, and Gray," Dipper says smugly, stretching.
"What!? How!? You're only a level 3, right?" Mabel asks excitedly.
"Yep," Dipper laughs. "I just knew your life possibly depended on it, so...I did what I had to,"
"My bro bro is awesome!" Mabel laughs, hugging him.
"Okay, okay! Enough praise, it's weird!" Dipper laughs. "Call me a dum-dum or something,"
"Okay, dum-dum-or-something!" Mabel laughs, sliding out of bed. "Let's get some breakfast!"
     Dipper and Mabel sit at the table finishing up breakfast.
"So, wanna go to the pool or something?" Dipper suggests.
"Remember Stan's new rule?" Mabel says, giving him a thumbs down. "Not gonna happen unless he comes with us. Which isn't happening because he has people to con at the shop today,"
"Awe man, almost forgot," Dipper sighs, but then remembers his conversation with Stan he had last night. Coincidentally, Stan walks in, scratching his back.
"Speak of the devil!" Mabel says.
"What'd I do now!?" Stan asks.
"You mean besides making us a breakfast that is probably not safe for human consumption?" Dipper says.
"Stan, can you please let us go to the pool without freaking out and being paranoid? Please?" Mabel asks.
"Eh, why not?" Stan states casually, grabbing a Pitt Cola.
"Wait...what?" Mabel and Dipper both simultaneously ask.
"I said get outta here, summer doesn't last forever! Now go have some fun!" Stan yells.
"Yes! We love you, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel laughs excitedly.
The twins jump up from their seats and give him a big hug.
Then they race upstairs to get ready.
Mabel grabs her pool bag and says, "Race ya to the pool!"
"Hey, wait up! Unlike you, I don't have my pool stuff pre-packed into a bag!" Dipper says, trying to find his swim trunks. But Mabel has already dashed out of the room.
Dipper laughs and shakes his head.
     Three days pass, the twins' lives finally back to normal, when Mabel realizes she hasn't tried to use her powers since the incident; so she tries.
Dipper and Mabel are hanging out in their room at around noon.
"Hey, Dipper," Mabel frowns. "My powers...they're...weaker!"
"What do you mean?" Dipper asks.
Mabel summons a dark spear, but the spear glitches and disappears quickly.
"Huh...I bet Cataclysm took most of your dark energy. I was hoping once the capsules were destroyed there might be some sort of reversion...that the dark energy might absorb back into you. But I guess not," Dipper sighs.
"What...!? Will I have to go through that whole training process all over again!?" Mabel moans negatively.
"Look at the bright side; who knows...maybe in a few days they'll recover and you'll be good as new," Dipper smiles reassuringly, patting her back.
"They better be!" Mabel huffs, standing up. "I'm making myself some Mabel juice to lighten my mood!"
With that, she stomps out, shutting the door behind her.
Dipper sighs and smiles, then stands up and stretches.
Then he turns around to find himself staring right into a pair of illuminating purple eyes.

 Then he turns around to find himself staring right into a pair of illuminating purple eyes

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(Note: Hello, my magnificent readers!
・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・
I hope you were entertained by these past couple chapters I've worked so hard on! Something big's about to go down! Yay!!!
But first, what do you think, readers? Should we give the good ol' twins a little break, or should we throw 'em right into another feelsy plot line?
Comment your thoughts! Baiiiii! 😄❤️👋🏻🐷‼️💕😍😝😎🤗

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