we'll be okay

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I thought I'd remember something, but nothing happened. When I opened my eyes I was greeted to the familiar heart monitor beeping, and the white tile ceiling.
"James?" I croaked out, cringing at my voice. Someone stood up and sleepily walked over to me in the hospital bed. If I remember correctly, that's my boyfriend, Danny. He sat down, and let out a deep sigh. His hair was a dirty-blond, and was swooped over to the side. He leaned over the bed and rested his face in his hands.

 He leaned over the bed and rested his face in his hands

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"I miss you." He whispers grabbing my hand.
"What are you talking about? I'm right here!" I wave my hands in the air, but they don't move. It's like I'm not in my body. I started to panic, and tried to swan dive back into my body.
"This is too weird!" I yelled frustrated. Suddenly, a guy with medium black hair that ended at his ears came in. He wore a hospital gown like mine.
"OOBE too?" He asked. Damn, his voice is sexy.
"OOBE?" I asked
"Out of body experience."
"I guess, I'm not sure." After a long pause he walked over and sat next to 'ghost' me on the side off the bed. I could barely touch the floor, so I swung my legs.
"Are you scared?" He asks looking down at his own feet.
"Kind of."
"So, what's your name?"
"I'm Denis."
"Nice to meet you, Denis."
"This is a strange way to meet." He chuckled
"Agreed." I laughed.
"You know, we could mess with some people like this." I jumped up and grabbed Denis' hand, and then we ran around the hospital. We went into people's rooms, and turned their TV's off, and lowered the bed, just fun stuff. After awhile I was tired to we went back to Denis' room. I stood over his real body, and took in all his features. Ghost or not, he was handsome. He looked so peaceful...
"Is there anyone here to visit you?" I asked looking around.
"Nope.." He sighed standing next to me.
"We'll be okay." I whispered
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeep....beeeep...beep.
I looked over at Denis who was slowly fading away, I started to panic.
"Fight it, Denis!" I yelled holding on to his arm.
"I'm trying!" He yelled back. Doctors and nurses ran in, and tried to revive him. After awhile they gave up, and ghost Denis was gone. As I looked at his body his light brown eyes fluttered open, and then the nurses looked relived. I just sat there next to him, waiting till the day I could go back.

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