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It's been two weeks, and the guys left last night. As I wondered around the house aimlessly I found myself back in my room with a bag of chips and an Arizona green tea. I sat at my computer watching YouTube when I got a notification. I clicked on it and let the video play in the background.
Convicted murderer Lesly Jess has escaped prison, everyone must lock there doors and stay inside. He is extremely dangerous! Awhile back Lesly kidnaped many women, children, and men. He ended up killing them, but two people miraculously survived. Lesly was to be sent to the electric chair tomorrow, but he killed multiple guards and found a way out through the prisons toilet system.
My eyes went wide with shock as I scanned the article. I grabbed my phone and called Denis while I locked every window, door, etc.
"Hey bab-"
"Denis! Lesly escaped!!" I whispered into the phone closing the curtains.
"Wha-are you okay?"
"Yeah, I've locked everything..I've closed the curtains."
"Okay, um...hold on."
I sighed and ran up to my room with Moon, and locked my door. I barracked the door with my dresser, which was pretty light. Soon Denis came back on the phone and told me he didn't know what to do.
"I don't know either, I just wanted to tell you." I breathed out closing my curtains. After a couple minutes we said our goodbyes and then I laid down on my bed in silence. Moon stared at the door, and stared to whine. I shushed him, but he then started to bark. I pressed my ear up to the door to hear a man shouting.
"Miss. Cassells please come out, it's the police." I pushed my dresser back, and left Moon in my room as I ran downstairs. I didn't open the door, I just shouted through it.
"What do you want?" I asked starting to shake. I pulled out my phone and texted Denis that the 'police' where at the door but I refused to open it.
"Please let us in, Miss. Cassells. We aren't here to hurt you!" Another man announced.
"I refuse! How do I know you don't work for him?" I shouted back.
"We just want to make sure you'll be okay, the chief wanted to make sure you don't go through another traumatic experience."
"I'm fine, I'm not gonna leave this house till he is found. You can leave now."
"Miss. Cassells!"
I then went back upstairs, and laid down. I didn't want to sleep, I just wanted to drift away. Hours later there was another knock on the door, so I went downstairs.
"I told you I'm fine, you can go away!" I shout
"Are you sure about that Elizabeth?"
The cruel low growl of a voice I thought I could escape was on the other side of the door. I started to panic so I texted Denis, and started to barracked the door.
"You can't get away from me! Don't you remember? You were the one who got them to come to my house!"
"You forced me! Go away!"
I screamed panicking. As soon as I started to call the police the door bursted open, and he emerged from outside. I sprinted upstairs into my bedroom, and moved everything I could over the door. As the phone rang the door was slowly getting busted down.
"911, what's your emergency?" A lady on the other end of the line asked.
"He's in my house! Help!" I screamed putting Moon in the closet, and opening the window to stage me escaping. I then hung up so he couldn't hear the noises, and waiting in the closet. I heard the door break open, and then feet shuffling around. The door to the closet opened and then my vision went black.
denis' pov:
As the crowd roared during the encore a security women ran up to me. She whispered in my ear, and all the music stopped.
"I must apologize something has happened." I said into the microphone running off stage with James following behind me. We got on the next flight to New Yorkshire, and waited. The anticipation was killing me, I wanted to know if she was okay. All I know is that the police reported the house was broke into and that she was nowhere, but Moon was whining at the door when they found him. He took her, and it was my goal to get her back. Once we got to the house we saw the damage, it was obvious that there was a struggle. Things were thrown onto the floor, glass was smashed, and some spots of blood. A female officer came in and pushed up her glasses.
"Good news, the blood isn't Elizabeth's. Bad news, based on his state of mind if he has her she won't be alive for very long." The women stated shaking her head. I looked up at James who was furious.
"You love my sister, right?" He growled
"Yes." I stated
"Then lets go get her back."
"He's most likely at his house, it's the most obvious that's why no one would check it."
James nodded and we ran to his car, and sped of to Lesly's house. When we arrived I kicked down the door and showed James the way to the basement. However, it was empty. Every single torture device he used on us was gone. The basement's familiar cold unsettling feeling crept up on me.
elizabeth's pov
My eyes opened and I looked down to see I was tied to a pole. I groaned at the pain in my head, and then pulled on the restraints. It was worth a try. The room was pitch black, and the floor was concrete and freezing. Luckily, I still had on all of my clothes.
"Hello?" I said loud enough for someone if they where there to hear me. After awhile there was no response, but soon a small beam of light shinned through the room. Lesly walked in, and smirked.
"Ah, it's nice having you back." He growled, I didn't respond.
"Talk, bitch."
"No thanks, I'm good."
He growled at me once again, and pulled out a horrific memory. The whip with blades on it..he then hit my legs with it causing me to scream out in pain. I looked down to see blood gushing down my leg, and my leggings ripped.
"I just bought those." I whined
He just scoffed and grabbed my arm and hit my wrist with the whip causing me to scream. Tears started to flow out of my eyes, and my eyes sight turned black.

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