kids in love

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Today I arrived at New Yorkshire airport, and got a taxi home. Once I opened the door I saw the emptiness of the house. No one was home, no one but me. I felt like being a bratty child about it, but jet lag got the best of me and I fell asleep in my bed. It smelled like Denis, which made a single tear roll down my cheek. I felt something wet on my face so I woke up startled. In front of me was a jack rustle terroir puppy licking my face. I smiled wide and looked behind the dog to see Denis. He moved the puppy off my chest, and gave me a big kiss.
"So, he's my 'sorry for being an asshole' present." Denis said looking worried. I smiled and picked the puppy up.
"Apology excepted, I'm sorry that I was a bitch."
"You had every right to be."
"What's his name?"
"I wanted you to name him."
I looked the puppy in his big brown eyes, and waited for a name to pop up in my head.
He had white fur, and two big black spots on his back. His ears and around his eyes were also white. I thought through my head of names, and tried to find one to stick out.
"I'm not sure..." I said looking up at Denis.
"Ghost?" Denis asked.
"How about Moon?" I asked as the puppy laid down on Denis' lap.
"I like it."
I petted Moon's head and then smiled.
"Hi Moon, I'm your mommy." Moon looked up at me and his ears perked up. He then licked my hand.
"Denis?" I asked
"Can I quit my job? It was fun at first, and I hate to think I have to rely off of you and's just so stressful." Once I said this Denis got up and sat down next to me, and hugged me.
"Of course baby." Moon ran over to us from the other side of the bed, and put his two paws on my chest and licked my cheek. I giggled, and kissed his head. Denis pouted causing me to smile and then kiss him. We talked for hours until I couldn't keep my eyes open. Denis and I cuddled up to each other, and Moon laid next to my stomach. When I woke up Denis and Moon were gone, so I got into the shower. It felt nice, like I was washing the stress off of me. Sliding on tights and a baggy shirt of Denis' I went downstairs to be greeted by Moon and Denis walking into the door.
"Damn, I love it when you wear my clothes." Denis said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my close. I smiled and looked down at Moon.
"Watch your language, our child is in the room." I said getting out of his grip and walking into the kitchen. I heard him let out a grumble, which made me smile. He walked into the kitchen and picked me up bridal style, and started to walk out of the room.
"But I'm hungry!!!" I protested snuggling up into his chest.
"I'll get you food in a minute."
He set me down on the couch in the living room and then left. Moon jumped up, and sat on my chest tiredly.
"Did daddy take you for a walk?" I asked in a baby voice as I petted his head. He wagged his tail.
"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled down at the sleepy puppy. Denis walked in minutes later with my favorite bag of chips, and turned on Netflix. We watched horror movies all day, and cuddled. Moon slept on my chest, and when ever I would jump he would sleepily bark. We ended up going into my room and listening to my records. Denis put on my Mayday Parade album, and laid down next to me. Moon slept in my chair. I rolled over to look at Denis to find him already looking at me, I smiled at him and blushed.
"I love you so much, you don't even know it." Denis said putting his hand on my cheek.
"I love you more." I replied placing my hand on his.
"That's impossible."
"Not really."
He chuckled at me, and then planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I'm sorry I was being a bitch while I was gone..."
"Baby, it's okay."
"I don't ever want to be like that to you..."
Denis nodded and pulled me into his embrace. I smiled as I breathed in his sent, and then I closed my eyes. Slowly sleep consumed me, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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