it's been awhile

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After awhile the memories faded out and I was sat in the dark. I felt tired, so I laid down and closed my eyes. The darkness surrounding me, like a blanket. A blanket full of sorrow and depression, it wasn't warm like a normal blanket, it was cold. Not just cold, freezing cold. It was the familiar feeling of sleeping on a freezing cold concrete floor, with the sounds of sobs from the other corner of the room.
"Shut up." I growled. The sobs got louder, and I just let out a sigh. I felt a hand in mine, carefully rubbing their thumb over the top of my hand. I tried opening my eyes, but they felt glued shut. I struggled with it, and than just gave up.
I don't know how long it's been, but slowly it's becoming easier to try and get my eyes open. I think today, I'll be able to open them. After minutes of struggling to open them, they flutter open. The familiar hospital setting.
"James?" I cleared my throat. James ran over, and smiled at me.
"Hey sis, how are you feeling?"
"I think..I remember!"
We both break out into huge smiles, and then hug. James gets a nurse and they do tests on me to make sure my brain isn't damaged. Which, it isn't. James had to go visit his girlfriend so I was left alone. I wondered around till I found a room with the words 'Denis Stroganoff' on the door. I knocked and heard a muffled 'come in.' When I walked in he seemed surprised I was there. I quickly walked over to his bed, and sat down. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Welcome." He said causing my to lightly giggle.
"It's great to be back."
"You missed me?"
"It was pretty boring being alone."
I sighed, and he just nodded. We talked for awhile, and exchanged numbers. He doesn't remember me, I know that for sure. So, I'll keep it a secret from him.
What he doesn't know can't hurt him.
"You on okay there?" Denis asked.
"Oh yeah, sorry I spaced out." I gave a small chuckle, and sat in the chair next to his bed. I had to go back to my room, so we ended up texting till I 'fell asleep'.
He doesn't remember being in the basement, and all the horrible things I was forced to do. That's good, because he won't think I'm a monster. He doesn't know anything about me, but I'm in love with him. I always was. He was the only hope I had down in that hell hole.
He doesn't remember it, but we were in love.
Love. Strange...
*Five Days later*
Today Denis and I were getting out of this place. I'm sick of the nasty hospital food, I want something that actually tastes good. James brought me an outfit to wear, and I gave him a hug. Recently, all the guys came and we talked. It was nice to remember things. I threw on the outfit and chuckled.

After I brushed my hair I left the bathroom, and sat down on the hospital bed

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After I brushed my hair I left the bathroom, and sat down on the hospital bed.
"You need to get a fashion sense." I laugh looking down at the outfit.
"You look great!" James exclaimed
"I look like I just got out of prison and this is what they gave me."
He just rolled his eyes and we waited for the nurse to discharge me. As soon as she let us go we drove to the nearest fast food place, and I stuffed my face.
"Wow, you normally don't eat that much." James laughed at the two bags full of fast food.
"If you ate that hospital food you'd be stuffing your face too." I remarked
Three hours later I got a text from Denis asking me if I wanted to go get coffee.
Me:are you asking me on a date Mr. Stoff?
Denis:only if you want it it be Ms. Cassells
Me:pick me up in 20 minutes.

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