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Denis walked into our bedroom with a tray of food for me. I weakly smiled at him, and set my phone down. Once the tray was in my lap I focused my attention to the show on tv. I sighed and took a bite of the toast.
"Hey, life could be worse." Denis said trying to get me to smile.
"There are at least 17 ways life could be better, I'm counting them now." I said counting on my fingers.
"Babe, it'll be ok. Today's surgery and then next week's surgery and then hopefully the cancer would be gone." Denis said kissing my cheek.
"How's Daisy? I wish she didn't have to have this life...I had it and it f*cked me up." I sighed
"She's okay, she thinks the man in your head is making you sick so she's trying to find a way to make him stop."
"T-That's my b-baby." I said starting to sob.
"I wish I could take this all away. I hate to see you cry, it hurts I know. Just try and think positive. I'll be here and so will Daisy, okay baby?"
"Okay." I sighed wiping tears away. Five minutes later I was in the car sitting next to Daisy.
"Where are we going mommy?" Daisy asked looking out the window.
"We are going to go see the magic man that makes me feel better." I said smiling at her.
She laid her head into my lap and I played with her hair. She slowly started to become sleepy, and then she smiled.
"Mommy, can you sing for me? I know you said that you don't like to sing in front of people, but I think it'll make you feel better." Daisy requested looking up at me with her sapphire eyes.
"Sure baby, what song?" I asked blushing a little.
"Brendon!" Daisy shouted giggling. I smiled and started to sing Northern Downpour to her. I looked up and saw Denis smiling through the rearview mirror, and I smiled back at him.
"Northern downpour sends it's love."
She was asleep as we arrived at the hospital. Denis carried her into the hospital room and sat her down on the small couch. The nurse came in and gave me the anesthesia, as I was being pulled away I waved bye to Denis who blew me a kiss.
"You have a very sweet husband." The nurse said giving me a soft smile.
"Thank you." I said smiling. As we entered the surgery room I began to feel a wave of sleepiness come over me.
When I opened my eyes I looked around to see Denis holding Daisy as they watched cartoons. When Denis looked over at me he smiled.
"You're awake!" He smiled
"How long have I been out?" I asked
"A day, after the surgery you fell asleep again."
"Have the results came back yet?" I yawned
"Yeah, it's gone!"
Daisy clapped her hands.
"I saved mommy!" She squealed
I smiled at her and nodded at Daisy. Three weeks later I buckled Daisy in her seat and started to drive to the store. I put on twenty one pilots for Daisy, and tapped my steering wheel as I pulled out of the driveway. As I drove to the store I was stopped at a red light. I glanced back at her and smiled as she sang along happily.
"Get up Johnny boy!" Daisy sang.
When I looked back the light was green, and as I was driving someone smashed into me. All I could hear was ringing, and then screams. My vision was black, and then I was in the hospital. Denis was sitting next to the bed sobbing.
"D-Denis?" I said clearing my throat.
"Daisy is......gone."
"CLEAR!" I heard and a shock filled through my body. Then again, and again. When my eyes opened I was laying in my room with nurses around me. They cheered and then left the room. Denis ran over to me, and pulled me into a hug. I was alive, and so was Daisy.
"We're gonna go home, and once we get the results saying it's gone we're gonna have another baby. I'm gonna treat you like a princess and our children. I'm never leaving you." Denis whispered into my ear. I smiled and closed my eyes.
"You promise?" I ask smiling.
"I promise." Denis said placing a soft kiss of my lips. The man I loved with all my heart has more faith in me than myself. He's everything I could want, and he was mine. I was as sure as hell I wasn't gonna give him up, not to cancer. Not today.

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