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Okay everyone! So, I just wanted to say that this story is mostly going to be writen from Tobias's POV I think so far. I, for some reason, find it easier to write from. I feel like he didn't have must of a voice in the Divergent trilogy so I want to give that to him now. I hope you're all liking this story so far.
    Now getting down to down to business...ASCENDANT MOVIE NEWS. or should I say TV series news. I'm very upset about this. If the movie wasn't doing good as a movie...WHY ARE YOU GONNA DO SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE DOESN'T WANT!!! Some people aren't even in the same country and be a fan of the movie and books, but won't be able to watch it.
    What makes them think that a TV series is going to change. And is Veronica okay with all this??? The cast also signed a FOUR YEAR CONTRACT!!! This just plain out sucks.
    I loved the cast that theu had and now its mostly all gone. So far nothing has been said from Miles Teller or others like Zoe.
    Oh, and this is causing people to leave the fandom. Fandom=Family. The loyal and REAL DIVERGENT FANS are staying. This just goes to show how many unloyals there are. I'm a fan of the books, and I resepct Veronica so I'm staying. I WILL NOT BE WATCHING THE SHOW!
    I'm sorry for the rant but this all just needed to be said. Be brave 🔪🔪🔪

 Be brave 🔪🔪🔪

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One And Only (Book four in the Angel With a Shotgun series)Where stories live. Discover now