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     Tobias's POV (again)
   Tris is asleep in my arms when I wake up. Last night was definitely amazing. Her phone starts to vibrate and wakes her up. I hand it to her and she goes pale as she answers. She puts it on speaker.
    "Hey, Trissy," A male voice says that barely even deep says. And deep voices are a turn on for her!! What was she thinking. I make a girlly voice in a whisper, making Tris laugh.
    "Hi," She says.
    "What are you doing tonight?" He says in a seductive voice. Hell no. Just no. Thats my wife...or whatever he's talking too.
    "Spending time with my daughter like I was last night and the night before and so on and so forth," she says.
    "Thats not all you were doing last night," I mumble. She grabs me there ( au: 👀👀) I moan.
    "What was that?" He asks. Tris smirks. I'm still moaning.
    "Me. I fell." She smirks at me.
    "Anyways, can't you ask your friend or something to watch her for the night?" Tris rolls her eyes.
    "No. I like being with my daughter," she says in an annoyed voice. He sighs.
    "Okay. Bye.  Love you," he says. My blood runs cold when he said love you. She hangs up without saying it back thank God.
    "Why- moan- are you- ahhhh-doing this-fuuck!!" She kisses me and takes her hand back.
    "It was the only way to get you to shut the hell up," She says. I laughs and kiss her back. --
     Walking down the hall a tall man looks at Tris, Thana, and I and glares. "Ughhh," Thana says. I sqeeze Tris's hand. Aje smiles at me.
    "Who the hell is he?" He demands. Ohh this is Marcos. Not even as buff as me.
    "I'm her husband," I say. He glares and take a step towards me.
    "Your divorced," he says. Thana pushed his leg out of her face, but when that doesn't work she stomps on his foot. "Fuck you kid," he groans in pain. I step towards him.
    "What the hell did you Just say to my daughter?" I say. Thana smiles up at me.
   "Kill him dad," She says.
     "Kid, your dumn to think that he cou-" I knee him in the stomach. Talking shit about me is one thing, but my three year old daughter is another thing.
    "Don't talk like that to my daughter you Pansycake!" I say the punch him with all my strangth.
    "I TOLD YOU IT WOULD CATCH ON!!!" Uriah yells from down the hall. I turn around and make sure that Thana isn't scared. She smiles and gives me a fist to 'pound it'. I do and give Tris a paper and pen to write down "I'm breaking up with you," on and set it next to him. We start to walk away but she turns around and walks back to him. She kicks him where it counts.
     "I love you so much," I tell her. As we're walking a girl with shortish blond hair and blue eyes runs over to us. She's Zeke and Uriah's younger by one year cousin Myra.
    "Nice to see you too," I say. She runs away and we walk into the dining hall hand in hand.

One And Only (Book four in the Angel With a Shotgun series)Where stories live. Discover now