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         Tobias's POV
   I might not have my memory the right way but I do know what she wanted. She wanted sex, but I don't think that its right to do that when I don't have any memories of us together. That should be done between two people who love everything about each other, not saying that I don't love everything about her because I do, but this is different. I close my eyes and fall asleep. --
    When I wake up I immediately remember that I have to train initiate. I enjoy instructing them, but this year it's harder due to my growing feelings for Tris. She's my initiate and it would be wrong for us to be anything else.
    I realize that my arma are around someone. I prop myself up on my elbow and see that my arm is around a blonds waist. Looks like Tris's hair. I don't remember being drunk last night and how could I bring some random girl home. Hopefully we didn't have sex because that would have been my first time and I'd like to have some memeory of that.
    I take my arm off ger waist but she pulls it back. "Tobias, we don't have work today. Go back to slero please, Baby," The girl says. She has the same voice as Tris. I spot a ring on her ring finger. She's married!?! I brought a married woman home???
    She turns around, her eyes wide open. I'm to shocked to move out of bed. "Tris?" I ask. She raises a brow. "How do you know my real name? How are here? And your married!?!" She groans.
    "And for a second I thought that you actually had your memory back," she says. Her voice is even attractive. She gets out of bed as I do.
    I can't help but stare at her legs. She's in my shirt which only goes past her butt. She's mesmerizing. "To answer your questions, you told me your real name almost four years ago before we had our first kiss. I'm here because we live together, and we've been married for two years." I exhale a deep breath. I can't find it in myself to smile though. "And now your back to your okd heartless, cold self," she says. She sounds sad when saying that and tears rim her eyes.
   "Am I ever any different?" I ask in a harsh, cold voice. She jumps at the sound of that and a tear escapes.
    "Please don't talk in that voice. It scares me," She tells me. I feel bad now. I look down at my hand and see that I have a black and grey wedding band. She fell in love with me. Someone so broken and damaged. So mean and cruel. She seen something deeper and softer. We fell in love.
    I pull her against my chest and kiss her. It feels amazing. I know this really isn't our real first kiss, but it feels like it is to me. "I want you," she moans, kissing my jaw. We do that with each other!?! Oken then.
    I pick her up and lay her on the bed, getting on top of her and kissing her neck, sucking on her skin so it'll leave a mark. She moans and grabs my back. It feels good.
    Soob we're out of our clothes and are laying in bed with her below me I stare into her eyes. "Do you want me to go slow? I'm not sure how use to this your body really is to this yet and I don't want to hurt you," I say. She trails her hands down the tattoo on my back.
    "I love you so much. Go slow if you want," she says. She loves me. I enter her slowly, making us both moan at the feelings. I kiss her. "This is what it's really like ti make love to Four?" She asks with a smile. I chuckle and kiss her again. I can't help but feel like I'm making love with my initiate. I don't care though. I already feel the love I feel for her.

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