Memories and Demons

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              Tris's POV
I think my mom misses having kids. She's always taking Thana. I'm okay with it, but it's still slightly odd.
    Tobias grabs my hand and leads me to a place thats very familiar, but we haven't been here for a while. The casm(I can't spell if thats wrong). Tobias leads us to the rock we were on when we had our first kiss. I rest my head on his chest.
     "Where it all started," Tobias says. I kiss him. I missed him even though it was only three months. I need him in my life.
    "The beginning of so many good things."
   "And bad things," he finishes. "We need to fix this whole divorce thing. Whether you like it or not you're an Eaton," he tells me. I smile.
     "I'm okay with that. We do need to fix it," I reply. He pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me.
   "Do you still want more kids?" He asks. I look into his eyes and think before I answer. He should know the whole truth.
     "Tobias, I actually went back to the doctor a month or so after I miscarried and they told me that that possibility for me to have a child ever again is very very low and if it were to happen the chance of me getting pregnant I would lose it, or I would die on the delivery table," I say. "I want more kids for sure but thats out of question."
     He has tears in his eyes and he said countless times he doesn't want more kids. "Never mind about what I was going to say then." I draw in my brows in confusion.
    "What were you going to say?" I ask. He closes his eyes and a tear escapes. Seeing him cry breaks me.
    "I was going to say that we should try and have another kid. Seeing Thana again made me realize how much I love being a father and we should for another one, but nevermind about that," he says.---
    We get home, and when I say home I mean home. We moved back in together earlier today. It feels right.
    "I'm sorry," I say. "Now I'm the one making it so that its not possible." He takes me into his arms. I feel so safe with him.
    "I love you no matter what, Beatrice Amy Eaton."

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