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    Tobias's POV
"What?" I say in shock. She's with someone else. I close my eyes and take that in. She's with someone else thats not me.
    "His name is Marcos," She says. I nod and take my hand off her. She grabs it and puts it back. "Its sure as hell isn't going to work out now," she says. "It never was going to." I open my eyes.
    "What do you mean?" She steps closer so we're pressed against each other. I stare into her eyes.
    "I'm only supposed to be with one man and thats you. I can't stay away from you for much longer. Plus, Thana hates him. Your my person and I love you as so much more than a friend," She tells me. I crash our lips together, making her moan. She's mine. I lead her against a wall. She jumps at the feel of it, not aloy of good memories against a wall now. She looks at me against and pulls me to her, our lips dancing together. I can't help but let out a deep moan (😏😏).
     "Please Tobias," she says. I know what she means but I'm scared I'll hurt her again.
    "What if I hurt you?" I ask in a deep voice, the love, lust, and want showing in my voice...and other places.
    "I'll tell you. I promise. I just really need you right now," She says moving her hips against mine. I capture her mouth to mine and hold her face in my hands. Her jumps up so hef legs around my waist.
   That night might had been my favorite time we've even made love.
"Tobias?" I hear her say. I look over at her. Even though we're in a different bed we still know who's side is who's. Right sides mine Bitch!! 
"You don't regret that do you?" I kiss her forehead.
   "Not at all. I'm sorry I got a little rough back there," I say. She smiles, her eyes sparkling. "Your gonna break things off with Marcos right? I want you back in our apartment. In our bed," I say.
    "Yes I am. Your my Angel with a shotgun and I can't leave you behind." She's never not going to call me that.
    "And you my everyday love," and then things happened again.

One And Only (Book four in the Angel With a Shotgun series)Where stories live. Discover now