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           Tobias's POV
   "Daddy!!" Thana yells when I enter Tris's apartment. I bend down and pick her up. Tris closes the door and walks over. She's beautiful. I guess not seeing her at all for three months made me nearly forget how breath taking she is. I'm amazed now because she's gotten even more beautiful. Wow I sound like a Amity.
     "I'll get dinner out," she says. I watch her as she walks into the kitchen.
    "Are you and mommy together?" Thana asks. I'm shocked. She's too smart. I can't lie to even though I'm not Candor. She should know.
    "No baby. We're not together," I say. Thana looks down at her hands as her bottom lip wobbles. "That doesn't mean that I don't love  mommy. I do love her so much. We just- somethinh happened and it's hard to be together. I will always love mommy and won't ever be with anyone else unless its her," I say. I look over at Tris and she's next to us with tears in her eyes that she blinks away.
    "Do you wove daddy?" Thana asks Tris. Tris smiles at our daughter then just looks at me.
    "I still do and won't ever stop living him. He's part of you and that makes me love him. He's my friend and I love him as a friend," she says. Friend. That hurt. --
    "Happy birthday to you," we sing to Thana. She giggles as she looks at the cake Tori designed. She's three now. Getting too old. She looks like the perfect mix of Tris and I still; no one would think twice about her being mine. Seems like just yesterday that I had to choose between Tris living or Thana. Then getting Thana back and making myself fall on the ground in her nursary so that I couldn't get up and I could be with her while she slept safely.
    "Cake!!" Thana says. Its dauntless cake of course so Tris save a peice for Uriah. "Do you still love me daddy?" I take her in my arms and set her on my lap.
    "Of course I do," I say. She smiles then frowns.
   "Then why did you leave me?" I close my eyes.
    "That wasn't you dads fault. That mine," Tris says. I know why she's doing this. So Thana won't have anything against me and I would be mad at myself. "Your daddy and I aren't together so I decided that I would take care of you. But, you can see him anytime now. You need him in your life," she says.
      "I tired," she says. Tris standa up and leads me to her room. I lay Thana down in ber bed and she's out like a light. I go back out to the living area with Tris.
     "That was nice To- Four," She says. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that," she says. She's scarred now. I take steps toward her and touch her waist. She jumps but looks into my eyes.
   "I was drugged when I acted like that and told you not to call me Tobias. I love my name coming from you. Just no one else. I love you still," I say. She grins.
    "Tobias, I'm seeing someone..."

I'm really not feeling good so I'll update as much as I can today. Please comment!!! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪

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