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         Tris's POV
   Everyone leaves soon after I say that. Tobias lays Thana down in bed and says he's gonna take a shower. After he's done he takes me into his arms and leads me to the bed. I can't helo but let everything out; I cry.
     "I'm sorry. The birth conrol failed. I was still feeling sick after I took the test, so I went to the doctor. The test was wrong," I tell him. He lifts my head up and kisses my forehead.
     "We'll get through this, together," he says. --                        (Three months later)
Tobias and I went on a date for our fourth year anniversary. We get home and the place looks the same, but it doesn't at the same time.
     "Shut the hell up. They'll hear us you dumnass," a female voice says. Tobias heard it too because he takes out his gun and walks with it out in front of him.
     "Stay here," he whispers. I nod and watch as he goes into the room. Someone steps in front of me with a black hoodie. The person takes it off. Al.
    "Al, why are you doing this?" I ask
I had managed to somehow forgive him after what he did during initiation, now this. Not forgivable.
   "I wanted you, Tris. I'm in love with you. I HATE Four for taking you from me. There was only one way to get you, and that was to do things outside of the box. Dangerous things. Come on tris, he doesn't love you. At least not as much as I do. Lets go. Lets run off and be together. We could go get Thana and we could be a family," he says. I feel something shark poking me in my stomach. A knife.  The baby. I might be scared about the baby, and I could die from it, but I won't let any harm come to it.
     A loud shot goes off and Al falls to the ground. I look at Tobias who is holding the gun still. I bend down and pick up the knife Al had and hold it in case.
     I start looking around and someone sneak out form behind me, choking me with their arm. "Nita, let her go!" Tobias yells. I can barely breath her grip.
   "And why would I do that until she's on the floor dead. Then, you and I can be together," she says in a flirty voice. I roll my eyes.
    "Jusr let her go. Its not worth it," he says. He clicks the next bullett in place. Nita lets out a laugh. Her grip gets harder.
     "I'm the leaders daughter. I have to follow through with this," she say. I jamb the knife into her side, making her let go. Tobias fires the gun and stares at her body in shock.
     "I just killed her. I just killed a girl," he says. I go over and kiss him. This was one of his fears sort of.
    "She wasn't innocent," I tell him. He nods.
    The sound of walking comes from the kitchen. We turn around and see Jeanine. She begins clapping. Is this some sick joke to her?
    "Wow. The love between you two us very strong. Divergent love. Your daughter is Divergent. I was the leader. I wanted all Divergents dead, then I only wanted Tris dead," she says. Tobias pushes me behind him. "The only way to do that though, was to get people who also equally hate you. Peter, Eric, Molly, and Marcus were my first choices but then that became too obvious. I got Nita and Al. Who both wanted one of you, couldn't have you, but would do anything too. It worked for awhile."
    "So this is all about your hate for Divergents?" I ask. She gives me a evil smike.
    "What else do you think?" She asks. She throws something at me and it skims down my arm. Blood gushes. It was a razer knife. Tobias shoots.
    He drops down next to me, then runs to get the first-aid kit.
   Later that night we got everyone to clear the bodies. We're clear if any charges due to it all being self-defense. We're safe now. We're free.

One And Only (Book four in the Angel With a Shotgun series)Where stories live. Discover now