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        Tobias's POV
    After Tris and I had our play time I went and dropped Thana off with Myra who baby sits her and walked Tris to work. I have work today but lets just hope it gets over with soon. --
     And it did. It went bt fast due to shit not happening and Zeke singing Always Be My Baby.
    I'm getting a new tattoo on my arm of a clock with roses. The clock will have Thana's birth date on it with her name accoss.
    As I'm almost to the parlor someone yells my name. I turn around and see Santos. He was in the same imitation class as me and came out in fifth place. Ever since he's been helping his sick dad back in Amity. My guess that something happened to him and he's back now. With that said, before he left he was friends with Zeke, Shauna,Lynn. and I. He still looks the same.
      "Man, you look, damn," he says. Is he gay? "Not be weird. But the last time I seen you, you were very scrawny. Now you look like you could hurt someone just by hugging them too tight," he says. I chuckle. "Anyways, where you heading?"
    "Get a tattoo," I reply. We end up going together to catch up. When I get there Tris is just going into the back. She's beautiful.
    "Ready for this?" Tori asks me. She's the one who came up with the idea and I was all for it. I sit down in the chair. "Welcome back, Santos," she says. He nods once.
    You have to take your shirt off. I'm gonna back it fade into your other one on your chest," she says. I take my shirt off and rest my arm.
     Half way through, Tris comes out. She see's me, stops and tries taking a look at the picture beside Tori. Tori covers it up.
      "Uh uh uh, Tris. You'll see it later I'm sure," Tiru says.
    "Whatever. See you later," Tris says. She looks at the scratch marks on my shoulders and smirks. When she's gone Santos whistles.
     "Who the hell was that?" He says. Don't kiss him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him.
    "Her names Tris. She's married," Tori says forcefully. I smile.
    At the and the tattoo looks amazing and I got a call saying that we're cooking at our place with the guys since Tris and I have the biggest place. --
    When I enter the house with Santos behind me. Everyone is here. Thana, Clary, and Mario (Zeke and Shauna's adopted son) are in the corner talking.
     Tris us cooking while talking to the girls and the guys are drinking. Tris turns around and see's me. I go over and hug her from behind.
    "How was your day?" I ask her. She leans up and kisses me instead of answering. Either it was horrible or She jusr wanted a kiss. I'm just gonna hope it was the kiss.
     I go back and Santos is looking at Tris still. "Where's hwr husband?" he asks. He'll probably still try and hit it anyways. Zeke starts laughing. Mario comes over and pulls on Zekes pants. He leans down and listens to what his son says. When he leans back up up he picks up is beer glass and gets a fork, tapping them together to get everyones attention.
    "My son has an announcement," he says. Santos makes a surprised face to find out that he's a father. He's gonna be stunned when he finds out I'm a father and Tris's husband.
    Mario gets down on one knee in front of Thana and takes out a ring pop. Hell no! I don't give a fuck how old they are and that its a candy ring. Its not gonna happen.
     "How cute," Santos says
      "Will you marry me?" He asks her. Before she can ask and I go over and pick her up from behind. I turn around. I whisper in her ear what to say and she looks down at him.
    "I can't marry you. I only love my daddy," she says, then kisses my cheek. I look down at Mario.
     "Don't ever make a move on my daughter again you bastard," I say.
     "Four! Language. Virgin ears," she says.
    "Sorry, Luv," I say.
    "So, your ears," Christina says. We all look at Tris.
      "She's far from that," Zeke says. "Uggghhh Tobias!! Fuck! Don't stop Tob-i-iaaass!!!" He says. I can't help but laugh. "Then fours like, YOU LIKE THAT? Uggghhh Tris!! THAT FEELS SO GOOD!! FUUUCCKKK!!!" He yells. Now Tris laughs.
     "So you two are married and have a daughter?" Santos asks. I nod. We high five.   
     "And and have one more on the way," Tris says. I snap my head to Tris. She fakes a smile and I go pale.
    "You're pregnant?" I ask.
     "Yes," she says, touching her stomach.

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