The Same but Different

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            Tobias's POV
   As Tris and I get dressed there's a knock on the door. "Dear Lord," is all Tris says and looks at me. Its so weird to think that we're married but I don't remember ever being so. She opens the door and a little girl runs into my arms.
    "Who's child is this?" I ask looking at her. I get a good glance and its clear thats she's ours. She has my eyes but Tris's nose. She's beautiful.
    "Yours," Tris answers though I've already come to that conclusion. We're that involved in our relationship. Wow.
    "You don't remember me daddy?" She asks. I smile at her voice.
    "No. Sadly, I don't. Hopefully I will soon though,-" I don't know her name. Do I just make one put? Sure. She's wearing a dress. "Princessa," I say. She smiles and so does Tris.
    "Even when you don't remember you still call her that. It's cute," She says when I set her down and let whateverhernameis run off to the living room.
    "I call her that regularly?" She nods with a grin. "And you're the queen so that makes me the king. Who's the dragon I had to slay in order to have you?" Tris giggles and touches my chest, staring up at me.
    "My father," she says in a serious voice. Her father didn't like me? Of course he wouldn't. Does he now.
    We should get going so that Thana can play and you can see the others." By others I think she means our friends.
    "Who came up with her name? Thana?"
    "You," she answers. Again...shocked. "I wanted Athena, but you wanted Thana. So we just came to the agreement that if we ever had another kid and it was a girl, them we'd name her Athena," she says. She gets sad at the last part. I don't know why, but I do too. --
    On the way to the net, Tris explains everything that has happened over the years the best she can. "Yo, do you have your memory back ot nah?" Uriah yells. Everybody turns.
    "Relatively, Pendrad." He turns to Tris.
    "What year is he suck in right now? He used to call me that before our initiation," he says to her.
    "Yeah. He woke uo thinking that he brought his initiate to bed," she tells him with a chuckle. I grab her hand and squeeze it for some reason. She smiles.--
     Tris and I sit on a large rock in the chasm. She said this is where we had our first kiss. I'm just surprised I brought someone down here with me. Thank God I did. "Can you do something for me?" I ask. She turns her.
    "Of course," she says.
    "Kiss me," I say. She smiles and takes my face between her hands and kisses me.
    Kissing her for the first time. Moving in together. Our first fight. Asking her to marry me. Tris getting kidnapped. Having her help her heal and getting married. Having Thana and having to make that awful choice. Finding out Thana was alive and well. Making myself Fucking fall on the ground of Thana's room the night be broght her home because I didn't want to leave her alone. All the bad that has happened with certain people. Everything comes back.
     "Are you okay?" She asks. I smile and pull her mouth back to mine. "You remember?" She says in a hopeful voice. I nod.
    "Everything. I remember everything."

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