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        Tobias's POV
  I guess that being away from each other really made Tris want certain...things. "Have I told you how great you are at that?" She asks. I laugh. And turn so I'm on top of her again. She bites her bottom lip at the contact.
    "That you have," I chuckle. "We need to still figure out who drugged the water," I say. She wraps her arm's around my neck and runs her fingers through my short hair. I lean down and kiss her ravens. She lets out a moan.
    "Baby," She sighs. I laugh.
    "Someone's feeling some type of way today of you know what I mean," I say. She grinds her hips to mine and grabs me...there.
    "Tris," I moan as I close my eyes. "Fuck," I groan.
    "What the hell!?!" A female voice says. I turn around and see my mother, Edgar...and-and Amar? I hurry and cover Tris, stand up as fast as I can and throw my boxers on.
    "Amar?" He starts laughing so hard he's crying. Yep, thats Amar. He must of been with the Factionless.
    "Fuck!!! Trisss!!!" He yells. I punch him and put my jeans on. Tris is still covered by the sheet and looks around awkwardly.
    "We're moving to Dauntless. We got premission somehow," My mother says. I look at Edgar. He's biting his bottom lip and is looking at Tris like she's gonna be his next prey.
  "Naked under there baby girl?" He asks her. Too far boy. I grab his collar.
     "I beat your ass once for touching her. I'll do it again," I say. He laughs.
    "Beat me like you did Tris and like you will your daughter one day?" I ask. I drop him to his knees, take my gun out of my pocket and knock him with the butt of it. He falls to the floor.
   "Not to be rude. But could I talk to my husband alone for a second?" I go pale.
    "Husband!?!" Amar yells. Tris knows all about him so isn't all that surprised by his Pendrad like personality.
    "Husband and father of a beautiful little three year old," I tell him with a smile of pride.
     "I was always wondering how you turned out. But now I know that you did great. And I'll leave so you can talk to your beloved," He says. He pushes my mother out of the room.
    "What Edgar said didn't bother you too much right?" I kiss her.
     "I promise," I say. She kisses me again. "I'll go talk to them and take his body out of here so you can get dressed," I say. She nods. I love her so much and won't ever take a chance at loosing her again.

One And Only (Book four in the Angel With a Shotgun series)Where stories live. Discover now