Next Morning

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      Tobias's POV
   I wake up with my arms wrapped around Tris, but remember everything that happened. I know someone injected me when I felt that prick and that led me to sleeping with Nita. I'm telling Tris because I can't keep this from jer and risk something happening where she finds out.
     She turns over and looks at my neck. Her little grin fades and tears come to her eyes. She presses her fingers to the side of my neck.
    "Am I not enough for you?" She asks. I stare into her eyes. I stand up and go to the mirror. I have a hickey on my jaw line, neck, shoulder. "And your back," she says. I turn around and see scratches. I close my eyes. "Am I not? I try to be Tobias. I try and show you I love you. Am I somehow not making that obvious? You have to go and sleep with someone el-"
    I cut her off my kissing hers. She doesn't kiss back but doesn't pull away either. "I was going to tell you. I'm making excuses. This is the truth 100%. I was walking down thr hall to come home. I felt a prick on the back of my neck, but didn't think anything of it. Nita came up and I started hitting on her one thing led to another and we were in her bed. I swear when I find out who injected me they're dead," I tell her.
      Tris's POV
  I can tell by the way he's talking that its the truth. I pull him to me and see the pain in my eyes. "I love you," I say.
    "Not many women would say that when they just slept with someone else."
    "Its not your fault. And plus, not many girls would stay with a someone that they've seen kill somwone but here I am," I say. He kisses my forehead. 
    "And your always going to be enough for me, never think other wise," he tells me. I kiss him again.
     Tobias's POV
  She kisses me again. My hands go to her waist. "Can I replace her scratches?" she asks. Her hands go to my back.
   "That would mean you'd lose this no sex thing," I tell her. She pushes me back onto the bed.
   "Screw that," She says. --
    Lets just say we're a mess right now. I know I'm sweating and she's still the same beautiful Tris, but just moaning my name a million times.
     "Fuck, Tobiass. Don't, STOP!" She moans. Her nails go down my back. I open my eyes and she has hers closed with her mouth grapped open. I kiss her agian.
   "Damn Tris!! I'm gonna-" But am cut off. She aches her back into me letting me know shes good now. I don't pull out though.
    "Who's better?" Tris asks. I move her hair out of her face.
     "Hands down. You."

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