No Troubles For Once

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       Tris's POV
   This whole composition thing is completely stupid. Tobias will not last a day once we start. "Tris, baby, I was thinking about something," he says as we sit on the couch later that next afternoon. I look up at him for him to tell me. "Can you take a test now? I woke up before you this morning and went to the store and got a test. I know it scares you, but I think it'll help you relax if you knew for sure," he says. He's right. 
     I begin to nod. He gets up and gets the test. I take it from him and go to the bathroom. I now realize how many times I've actually been having to take a test to see if I'm pregnant. This maybe the sixth time. I finish the test and start to think about if I am pregnant. I will die. Tobias, I know he's serious and this whole you die, I die thing. He would kill himself. But where would that leave Thana. I open the door and go out to him with the test in hand. I smile at him as I sit down.
    "The results aren't ready yet so I just wanted to talk to you about something. If I am pregnant, the chances of me dying are high, I don't want got killing yourself if that happens," I say. He grabs my hands.
    "You die, I die, Tris."
    "Tobias, I love you for meaning those words, but what about Thana. She'd not only grow up without a mother, but would now without a father. She'll need you to rely on," I say. He shakes his head
    "That's why she has God parents. Tori and Bud. It would hurt to leave her, but I can't imagine living on without you," He says. I lean in and kiss him. His tongue dances across my bottom lip for entrance. I pull back and look at the test. I let out a relieved sigh and hold it out to him. He takes it and examines it.
     "What does this mean?" I smile. Never would I think I'd smile because of this.
    "I'm not pregnant, Tobias," I tell him. He grins.
            Tobias's POV
    I'm happy she's gonna be okay. Maybe, one day her and I could just adopt. I smile at the thought of that.
     "So, I don't have to be gentle anymore with you in bed?" I ask. She blushes. She's still not that comfortable when it comes to the topic of sex.
    "I mean, not too rough. I like it when you take your time though. Why don't we just test it out?" She says the last part in my ear in a seductive whispers that makes me go hard (au: GETTING A LITTLE DESCRIPTIVE) immediately. I pull her on my lap and stand up.
    I toss her on the bed, making her laugh. "Tobias or Four?" I ask as a joke. She smirks and pulls me down to her.
     "Four," she says. I'm surprised. I guess she wants it rough. Wahaha.
   I start kissing her passionately with all the love and admiration I feel for her. Her hands snake around to the back of my head and plays with the ends of my hair. I start trailing my kisses down to her ravens. She's now added two new ones for Thana and I. I suck on the skin, making her moan. I look up at her. I love that I can make her do that.
    "Sorry," she says.
    "Don't apologize. It lets me now what I'm doing is making you feel good." She wraps her legs around my waist and turns us so she's ontop of me. I kiss her deeply, my hands falling into her hair as she grinds our hips together. We sit up and take out shirts off. I'm still amazing by her beauty every time I see her. I kiss the valleybof her breast. She pushes me back down and kisses the hollow of my collar bone, causing me to be the one to give out a loud moan.
      Tris's POV
   That sound coming from him makes me smile to myself. I begin kissing, nipping, and sucking down his chest until I meet his V-line. I mean, I would, but I just want to get to that part already. He pulls me back up and turns up.
     Sitting up in me, I have a full view of how muscular and handsome he truely his. Not an inch of him doesn't have muscle; arms, shoulders, chest, ab's, collar bones, everything about him in perfect and I still don't see why he's with me.
     He takes off his pants and boxer then my pants and underwear so we're completely exposed to each other. His eyes are so dark with lust they're almost black even though the light is on.
     "No longer gonna be Tobiaa for right now. I'm four," he says. I bite my bottom lip. He leans down and crashes his lips to mine hard. I groan as he enters.
     "Tobias," I end up moaning. He bites down on my neck in a painful way that also feels good somehow.
     "Who's that?" He asks in a sexy voice. Everyone of his thrusts I meet with my own. My face must be red. His already has small beeda of sweat on it as will as his chest.
     "Ahhh Four!!" I scream. He burries his face in my neck. I scratch down his back. I flip us so I'm on top, never stopping the motions between us. I feels his fingers scratch down my shoulder blades. My guess is he wanta to be the damn dominate one and turns us back over. 
     "I'm in control, baby girl," he says. I moan at his words. His movesments become faster. Soon we both reach it.
    "Wait, Tris, I didn't use protection," he says.
    "Birth control. I've been on it for awhile. I just thought it failed but we're good." He pulls out and lays beside me as I try and regulate my breathing.
     "I'm starting to really love four," I say. He laughs. Soon we fall sleep.

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