Set Back

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    Tris's POV
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. OUCH
Every time I wince, I cover is up with a moan. His grip is so tight that my eyes are watery and threatening to spill from the pain.
    When everything is...situated? His grip somehow gets even worse. This man needs to stop working out.
    I bite down on his shoulder from crying out in pain but it doesn't work. I let out a sob, the tears of pain spillinh from my eyes. He looks at me, pulls out and gets up.
    Tobias's POV
  I'm hurting her. She starts crying out of pain. I pull out, get my boxers on and look at her. She's holding the side I was griping in pain. I close my eyes. She looks at me.
    "Tobias, it's okay. I'm okay," she says. She takes her off of her side and rests it on her name on mu chest. I place my hand on the forming bruis. Perfect fit.
    I stand up and go to the living area to clear my head. I go back in minutes later to see her asleep on my pillow. I sigh and go to the kitchen. I need to take my mind off whats happened.
    I open the fridge and take out a beer. Just one. Just one and I'll still be sane. Just one. Thats all...

AU: Something is about to happen and you'll need tissues. Thats all I can say. Please comment your thoughts and ideas for later chapters. Be brave 🔪🔪🔪

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