.1 Sold

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(How Kia looks. Pic up top.)

   Kia p.o.v

It was quite inside the carriage. Only sounds were the horses hooves or sighs from mother. The curtains were drawn closed keeping it dark inside. I could hear the sound of drunken men singing. I shifted in my spot getting uncomfortable.

Mother and father were with me but haven't said a word to me in two days. It's nothing new but today I felt even more wary of that. Father would've hit me by now and mother would've yelled at me for shifting. They set silent in the dark carriage. The want to see their faces growing as the noises outside got louder.

I wanted someone to say something. I was growing scared by the second. Why are they so still and quiet? Should I stay silent even longer too? That sounds like the best choice. Whenever I do speak it doesn't end well for me. I learned the hard way to speak when spoken to. The scar on my leg a reminder for life.

The carriage coming to a sudden stop shook me from my head. I blinked as the world was alive around me. I could hear the giggling women, drunk men laughing and cursing, and dogs barking. All around me there was a noise. Nothing like our quiet farm.

The carriage shook a little as the driver stepped down to open the door for my mother. When the sun rays didn't make me shield my eyes I realised it was dark. It had to be around 1am. Why were we out this late? I have to get up early to feed the pigs.

Father cleared his throat at me when I still sat in place. I moved quickly as I exited. The hard stone ground felt new to my feet through my thin slippers.

My eyes started to wander around me. I've never been to town before. I was never allowed to go this far. The smells of soup and spices were strong. Looking to my left I could see a tavern and hear the men clearer. My eyes then looked ahead. They trailed up the five floor structure sending a bad feeling to my gut. Mother gripped my arm tightly as she led us up to the doors.

Father trailed behind us not saying a word. I shrunk under all the eyes that fell on me when we entered. I casted my eyes down at all the half naked females walking around or sitting on men. So this was a whore house. Why am I here?

I glanced up to catch eyes with a little girl no older than six summers. She was serving refreshments. She smiled at me before going back to her bidding. She had bright green eyes and short shoulder length red hair. I've never seen such a color as hair. It was like pure blood ran down her body. It was amazing.

I casted my eyes down once more when I was pulled down a hall. Noises of moans and groans filled my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly trying to block it all out.

The sound of a door opening then slamming shut caught my attention causing me to jump a bit. All the other noise was cut off as we entered a new room. It was a dark room lit by only a few candle and moonlight. I swallowed at the sight of the man across the room. He was sitting on a mat as a women with no top rubbed his bare back.

His image was fat and stubby. He had a head full of black hair that was starting to grey out. He had a hard face on that made me frown. His presence was relaxing which was surprising.

"This is him?" his voice was rusty, likely from a pipe.

Father stepped forward a bit causing me to swallow. When he nodded I knew I was in trouble. I started to pull from my mother's grip. Panic was blooming inside me. Mother dug her nails into my arm making me whimper and still.

"Bring him closer so I can see." the man waved me forward.

Everything in me screamed to run away but I was pulled by father. When mother grip left me I wanted it back. I didn't want to be any closer to this man. I was pushed to my knees a few feet from him. I was shaking as my tears came through. I could never hold them back and father hated that.

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