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I was pretty sure its been a few days since I was taken. I don't know where I am or how far they've taken me from Ryker. All I do know is that we must be close to the snow still since the water being thrown on me is always freezing. I have been refusing their meals since I didn't trust them. I tried speaking to the guy who's been made to baby sit me but I was starting to think he was deaf.

Or he's an expert at ignoring cries for help.

As the new day passes slowly I could feel my body growing weak from not eating. I hadn't seen the huge man from before since I first came but that was going to change.

The heavy foot steps that started to come down the stairs again caused me to look up. He moved fast, appearing before me and slapping me harshly. "Wake up!"

My cheek throbbed as I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't want to speak to him and he knew it. His large hand found its way into my hair and he jerked my head back to make me look at him. The position causing my tied arms to throb and me to whimper loudly in pain.

"You haven't been eating. Let me ask you....do you think you starving to death will change anything? You'll only hurt Ryker more when he finds you here skin and bones." He glared down at me and I swallowed thickly.

My mask slipped for a moment but he saw it. I was worried for Ryker and Anna.

The man smirked as he let my hair go from the tight hold. Instead he started to lightly touch the dark locks. I frowned as he leaned closer. "I meant to come and tell you before that my experiment was successful. That beast has half of this state locked down and looking for you. Such power....such love....he has no idea how good this is for me. How much I want to hurt you even more....just so it will hurt him."

I looked down at my lap as I tried to push back my growing tears. It was too much, too much for me Ryker. Why do you always have to go above for something so worthless.

"Did I not chose you?"

My thoughts were cut off as I felt the pressure around my hands and arms go away. I realized he had freed me. My arm was taken by him as he pulled me to stand up next to him.

"You can call me J. Hunter. Or one of the two." He smirked down at me as I took in our size difference. He was bigger then even Ryker.

Being pushed forward suddenly caused my weak legs to give out. I fell to the floor and huffed in embarrassment. Hunter helped me stand back up with an annoyed sigh. He pulled me with him up the stairs, letting me use him for support.

"This is why you eat. Being weak does no harm to anyone but yourself." He spoke as if I was a child.

I ignored him as we reached the top of the stairs. The bright light I always saw was a large lamp sitting in front of an open window. The sun's light glared through it and lit up the entrance. I looked around quickly and took where I was. It was another cabin.

It looked almost identical to the one I was at before. The furniture was different and the air here was cold and stale. Hunter pulled me with him to the bathroom and pushed me inside. It had no window and that had my hopes for escaping vanished.

"Bathe." Was all he said before he closed the door and locked it from outside.

I looked around for any type of weapon but the bathroom was cleared out. Not even a mirror I could break was here. Deciding I did need a bath after 3 days I looked over at the tub of heated water. Slowly I undressed and made my way inside it to soak for a bit. I didn't like being here and I was feeling worse everyday. I wanted Ryker and Anna. I wanted to go home.

After washing up and feeling fresh I got out the tub and dried off. Walking to the door with the towel wrapped around me I tried turning the knob. It wouldn't budge. I knocked on it repeatedly until it was opened and Hunter stood glaring at me.

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