.19 Heal

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I held back my smile as Zele was lecturing Ryker in the corner of my room. He wasn't too found that our first intimate time was right after I woke up and was healing. Well our first three intimate times. Ryker would only nod at the older man and I could tell how Zele lasted so long here. They were like father and son in a way. 

I gave my attention to the doctor as he looked at my bandaged. A few had came undone. The thought made me blush as I watched him carefully wrap my arm again. "I'm sorry..." 

The doctor looked up at me before laughing softly. "It's no problem. You both may have been filled with adrenaline and happiness so it was bound to happen. Dose your back hurt?" 

My face heated up more at his words. It was a sincere question and I nodded lightly. He smiled at me before pulling out a small bottle of white cream and spoke lowly. "You can apply this a bit at a time throughout the next two days where it hurts and you should be fine."

He set the cream on my nightstand and I nodded in thanks to him. I was just happy he didn't offer to help me further in that department. The weight on the bed beside me caused me to look over. My lips were covered in heat as Ryker suddenly kissed me deeply. 

His expression showed he had no remorse or regrets when he leaned back. "I love you."

My heart skipped over itself as I tried my hardest not to melt in front of so many men. "I love you too."

He watched me closely before he stood back up and looked at the doctor. They spoke lightly before Ryker left my room with Zele. I wonder what's going through that man's head sometimes.


Ryker p.o.v

As I left Kia's room and closed the door gently I looked at Zele. He watched me before bowing at me lightly. Turning away from him I started walking my way down the long stairs towards the basement of my home, hearing him following. A few servants bowed at me and moved aside as I passed. It was silent everywhere I went in this home now and I could imagine why. 

Before I could reach the basement door I noticed a herd of my servants were following me. I stopped in my movements and looked over my shoulder at them. Seeing as they weren't going to move I turned around to face them directly. 

Zele was standing beside me, watching over his underlings as he started speaking. Even Anna was in this crowd. "Show yourself."

In one motioned all together they parted and let Anna walk forward. I raised a brow as she bowed before me. "I have no excuse for failing my only mission duties. Protecting the master and his lover. I will take my punishments." 

I watched her before glancing at Zele. He nodded his head and Anna was grabbed by the rest of the servants. I watched as she was thrown to the floor and beaten. She bit back her cries of pain as she was trained to do. Zele didn't interfere and her beating only lasted a small moment before she was given mercy. The other servants moved away from her and Zele moved forward to help her stand up before me properly. 

Even in her hurt state she bowed at me with effort. "Thank you master for allowing me to continuing serving you and Mr. Kia." 

I turned around from them and opened the basement door. "Do not let Kia see you in such a way." After her reply I started my way down the stairs with Zele following. 

The other servants quickly went back to their other duties and left me to my personal business. At the back of my basement chained up against the wall was Jacob Hunter. He had already been beaten and tortured for each day Kia was away from me or sleeping. He was in no good shape and I was impressed he was still alive. 

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