.17 Truth

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Another day had passed and I was right back in this sick cat and mouse game with Hunter. He only brought me up to make sure I eat and then to beat me and chase me. Today was slightly different, he seemed more angry and stressed. He wasn't liking it when I slipped from his grasp like before.

I panted heavily as I watched his moments, with one good eye. My other hand swelled closed as I slept. The living room couch was between us and I was keeping it that way for as long as possible.

Hunter hit the couch hard causing me to jump. "I said...come here."

I shook my head as I got ready to move again if he came this way. Hunter watched me before he cursed and turned to look another way. "You're both pissing me off...."

I was confused on that he meant but he kept talking to himself. Or me. I wasn't sure.

"That damn beast....closing down all the roads....boxing me in...I have the upper hand. I have the fucking deal breaker. I swear before he even thinks he has me corned I'll ruin him." He balled his fist up before looking over at me again. "Come here!"

I quickly shook my head as my heart pounded in my chest. He was angry and that had to be worse than the playful version of him. He would kill me.

Hunter gave a very heavy and hate filled sigh before he turned around. "I don't have time for this." He walked away and out of my sight.

I waited for a bit before sagging to the floor in relief. Tears swelled in my eyes as I tried to ignore the pain in my ribs. It was a moment of peace I needed to think about Ryker's warm gaze before it was snatched from me.

Hunter returned with two other men from the front. He lifted his hand showing me the thick brown rope. "Get him."


Anna p.o.v

It was messy.

Everything was turning out how it was before.

I hate it. Master is in so much pain because of this. Again. He was hurting again.

No one can just leave him alone. That's why we protect him. Zele knows how bad this can get. He warns all of us when we start how bad things can turn. Now I know how serious this was.

My poor Master. He was killing so many people and staining his hands again. He hired us so he wouldn't have to. I failed him.

Running deeper into the winter filled forest I took in the scents and sounds around me. It was getting quiet and the wild life was staying further back. Slowly down and taking in new air I lowered myself down to the ground and listened closely.


I perked up and hurried to get closer. I was thankful of this dress not restricting my legs. As I got closer to the voiced I frowned seeing a good dozen or more men circling a cabin. My heart throbbed as a loud scream filled the air. It came from the cabin. I wanted to go forward. I knew it had to be Kia. I locked my body in place as I took a moment to think.

"I'm sorry....just a bit longer." I felt my eyes water in frustration as I turned back around and hurried to head back towards the town to find Master.

I couldn't get inside on my own. I needed help. I needed real weapons. This is all my responsibility. Zele trusted me to be able to handle this trip alone. 

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Kia p.o.v

My arm was throbbing and I was sure my shoulder was dislocated. The ropes burned my skin each time I moved. I was doing my best to keep silent but I could tell Hunter was growing bored with me. The old mattress I was laying on made me miss the one back home in my room. I wanted to go back. I wanted to see Ryker again. 

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